Senior - Music (Term 1) “Australian Music”
Wk / Topics / Resources / Learning Outcomes/Goals / Criterion1 / What is Art Music / In Tune with Music bk 1, Aussie Rock and Pop text / Solo Piano, Listening examples from text
- reading and notating chord symbols, bass riffs etc.
- exploring a variety of Australian rock/pop styles and musical elements
- composing songs in contemporary pop/rock idiom
- performing rock and pop styles
2 / Art Modes and transitions in modern Australian music. / In Tune with Music bk 1, Aussie Rock and Pop text / Mix- dorian modes and scales- SIBELIUS activity
- reading and notating chord symbols, bass riffs etc.
- exploring a variety of Australian rock/pop styles and musical elements
- Performance of songs in contemporary pop/rock idiom
- performing rock and pop styles
3 / Computer based Research
Aim to attend concert this Term either locally or in Brisbane. / In Tune with Music bk 1, Aussie Rock and Pop text /
- Folk research task against pop music Exploring innovative music-making techniques
- Determining how mood and character is achieved through use of musical elements
- performing rock and pop styles
- exploring computer notational software
- Attending concerts, viewing videos
- Performing and singing at sight
4 / Chamber Music- Set Assessment / In Tune with Music bk 1, Aussie Rock and Pop text /
- Theory- Quartets, alto clef, notations, score reading. Orchestral Music.
- Prac- Creating and notation rhythms, melodies and harmonies
- Creating music for a variety of sound sources
- Interpreting notation within context, style and genre
5-7 / Choral Music- Performance Set / In Tune with Music bk 1, Aussie Rock and Pop text / Listening examples, and performance set / Analysing Music, Performance and Composing
6-9 / Popular Music / In Tune with Music bk 1, Aussie Rock and Pop text /
- Rock, pop, Dance and their characteristics, performing rock and pop styles
- Performing and singing at sight reading and notating chord symbols, bass riffs etc.
- exploring a variety of Australian rock/pop styles and musical elements
- Creating and notation rhythms, melodies and harmonies
- Creating music for a variety of sound sources
10 / ASSESSMENT WEEK / In Tune with Music bk 1, Aussie Rock and Pop text / Assessment
/ Characteristics and score reading.See Framework / Revision Questions from Text and instrumental practice
Year 11/12- Music (Term 2) “Maestro of Movies”Topic: Music Lessons: 7 per fortnight
Unit Overview: study of how composers have portrayed heroes or a related mood (eg triumphant) in a variety of musical works. Genres and styles could include pop music, music for film and television, dance music, opera, musicals, selected orchestral works, war cries and sporting anthems.Possible repertoirecould include: Willams ‘Schlinder’s List’ & ‘Indiana Jones’, Starwars, James Bond Theme, Handel “Hallelujah Chorus”, Queen ‘We are the Champions’, Beethoven ‘Eroica Symphony, John Mayer ‘Daughters’, Webber, Jesus Christ Superstar, Chad Kroeger ‘Hero’, excerpts from the Mozart ‘Marriage of Figaro, Sweeny Todd, film music, Verdi ‘Rigoletto, music from television, ‘ Twilight, X files,. Other repertoire could include musical villains such as Sex Pistols, Marilyn Manson. Music from movies Dark knight, spiderman series, X- men scenes of Good vs Evil.
Wk / Topics / Resources / Learning Outcomes/Suggested Activities (Lesson Breakdown) / Criterion
1 / Introduction to Unit
What is Film Music?
Main title- setting a scene / Laptop, speakers and cd player. Projector
Music lets do it / Meet and greet students. Introduction and small survey, looking at what music means to us. Discuss this Year’s Program.
Who are you task? / Who are you task?
Unit Intro- What is film music, how is used (Incidental and theme)
Incidental on screen action
(watch muted movie scene and guess musical elements before playing clip. (Page 130-133 text) / Theme music- what is theme music, (page 135- 139 text)Identify tv show and movie themes and how they introduce characters. / Main Title-
Last emperor study- pg 12-13
Exploring film music pg 12) Use comparison between
Notebook (ask students to describe the type of movie this would belong to. / Score Reading
Analysing repertoire
2 / Conveying a Character (Hero)
Score analysis
Compound time / Exploring text, laptop and clips saved in film file / Basis behind conveying a character
Page 35-37 of text. (Use score)
Compare James bond with Forrest Gump (Music elements- both heroes) / John Mayer- Daughters (analysis lyrics)
The heart asks pleasure first- Michael Neyman, (Pg46-48 txt), full score analysis and performance of compound time patterns. / Raiders of the lost ark- chord and intervals use for heroic scene / Analysing repertoire
3 / Conveying a Character (Villain) / Exploring text, laptop and clips saved in film file / Scoring for a shark scene- cannot use jaws theme- what music elements will you use handout shark comic strip- (page 134 lets do it) / Music from the Dark Knight
Task one- describe the scene this clip would belong to (use introduce a little anarchy) remember theme/incidental character? / Dark Knight- Film scoring video / Dark Knight- Film scoring / Composing
Analysing repertoire
4 / Creating a mood or atmosphere / Exploring text, laptop and clips saved in film file / Theme from mission impossible pg 101-102 with activities / Theme from batman and parade of charioteers analysis (pag 103) / Introduce assessment- handout and explain criteria- / Assessment item
5 / Creating emotions / Exploring text, laptop and clips saved in film / Pysho movie emotion Pg 127- 129
Schindlers list (pg134-136) / Students select pop song that will portray message. / Using Pop music to create emotions. Use year 10 structure for plot and description / Students select pop song that will portray message.
6 / Soundtrack time music in Film / Soundtrack week / Watch student examples / Watch student examples / Analysing Repertoire
7 / Assessment Help week / Senior wall- aspects for an appropriate composition
Use as knowledge board and use / As a class write a one minute composition from a movie. We will select a scene and use orchestral instruments. / As a class write a one minute composition from a movie. We will select a scene and use orchestral instruments. / As a class write a one minute composition from a movie. We will select a scene and use orchestral instruments.
8 / Movie Review featuring Spiderman and Xmen / ” / Use booklet to review score / Use booklet to review score and plot / Booklet to review score and plot.
9 / Class time for assessment
10 / Assessment finalised
See FrameworkYear 11/12- Music (Term 3) “Musicals”Topic: Music
Unit Overview: Deconstruction of the development of musical theatre styles from foundations in Vaudeville to the modern American musical. This unit has a strong vocal theme. (connects with school musical each Year) Students will be provided with study book which must be completed throughout the term. Study book will contain listening examples, score analysis and key details for final exam. Students will again use senior thinking wall to record thoughts about each era and style.Possible repertoire: could include: Musicals such as Les Miserables, South Pacific, West Side story, Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Evita, Chicago, The Producers, Rent, The Boy from Oz, Shout and Dusty. Purcell: excerpts from Dido and Aeneas; excerpts from Handel: The Messiah; excerpts from Mozart: Marriage of Figaro: excerpts from musicals such as The Sound of Music; My Fair Lady; South Pacific; Fiddler on the Roof;and rock opera e.g. Phantom of the Opera; Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, Moulin Rouge, Grease.
Wk / Topics / Resources / Learning Outcomes/Suggested Activities
(AM= appreciating musicals text IM= In Tune with Music Book 1) / Criterion
1 / What is a musical?
Where to start / Text and Projector / Introduction and start work book with reworded pg 78 IM / Musical Making
AM pg 1-6
Styles and classifications
Can you pick these songs test? / The book (creating a musical)
AM- pg 7- 12
Q- pg 12 / Lyrics
AM- pg 13-18 / Analysing Music
2 / Songs and Score / Text and Projector / Songs
AM- Page 19-25
With listening examples (see below) / The score
Pg 27-32
With listening examples (see below) / Dance
Pg- 33- 38
Q page 38 play music and get entire class to dance to musical mood. / Analysing music
3 / Production and Musical Evolution / Text and Projector / The Production / The 1920’s
With listening examples (see below) / The 1930’s
Wizard of Oz
Worksheet (brief) / Analysing music, Performance
4 / 1940-1950 musicals
Guys and Dolls, West side story and singing in the Rain / Text and Projector / 1940-1950
Pg- 73-89 select key pages / Score Reading from this era.
Song list below / Watch film musical from this era.
Use analysis sheet
Introduce Assessment- Performance Task / Analysing music, Performance
5 / 1960- and away from Broadway / Text and Projector / 1960’s- Off Broadway / West Side story
See work book Questions
6 / 1980’s / Text and Projector / 1980’s analysis score reading / Musical analysis of Phantom or Les Miserables / Musical analysis of Phantom or Les Miserables
7 / Revision and Class Performance Set / Text and Projector / Term Revision / Organise Groups for Performance / Performance Practice / Performance Practice
8 / Modern Musical for Film / Text and Projector / Moulin Rouge or Chicago? Score Rehearsal / Performance Practice / Performance Practice
9 / Revision and Class Performance Set / Text and Projector / Pop quiz foe exam preparation / Performance week / Performance WEEK / Musical Exam in exam block
Listening examples for each week
West Side Story, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, Moulin Rouge. My Fair Lady, Fiddler on the Roof, The Music Man.
See FrameworkSenior - Music (Term 1) “Get Up Stand Up”
Wk / Topics / Resources / Learning Outcomes/Suggested Activities / Criterion1 / Week One: What is Protest Music / Protest Text book, / Recognizing the characteristics of Protest music and the technical devices through analysis of repertoire.Listening to recordings and reading scores to correlate sounds with notation.
- Deconstruct the social meaning of the song by critically evaluating the social and/or political context of the lyrics.
2 / Week Two : What is Protest Music / Protest bk page 9 / Bob Dylan, Marvin gaye and Don Mclean score analysis
Research groups formed for political movements
- Deconstruct the social meaning of the song by critically evaluating the social and/or political context of the lyrics.
- Recognizing the characteristics of folk music and the technical devices through analysis of repertoire.
3 / Song Analysis
Set assessment this week. / Protest book page 10-22 select relevant questions for each song / Activity 5 and 1960;s civil movements, Aretha –Respect
Vietnam and Imagine John Lennon
Overview of political movements
- Improvise using voice and instruments using genre specific techniques.
- Listening to musical examples and through discussion compare and contrast popular music and the message of repertoire.
- Performing analyzed repertoire
4 / Song Analysis Week 3- Modern Issues / Computer lab / Overview of political movements after 1960’s and songs analysis of unifying songs. / Performance. Analysing Music
5-7 / Class time for assessment / Computer Lab / Reading and researching historical context
Researching and deconstruction of musical elements for suitable repertoire for discussion.
- Creating music for a specific purpose relative to context, genre and style
6-9 / Performances and Draft week 8. / Computer Lab / Reading and researching historical context
Researching and deconstruction of musical elements for suitable repertoire for discussion.
Essay and PerformanceSenior - Music (Term 2-3) “Musical Evolution”
Wk / Topics / Resources / Learning Outcomes/Suggested Activities / AssessableElements
1 / The Baroque Period /, classicalcompoers text, /
- Minor keys and scales, characteristics of Baroque Period, aural activity of scales in minor keys, Score reading and responding, Comparing musical works
- Investigating musical contexts, genres and styles with reference to related historical, social, cultural and philosophical backgrounds
- Determining the style of a composition and evaluating stylistic consistency
- Creating and notating rhythms, melodies and harmonic progressions
- Listening to performances of a variety of instrumental and vocal repertoire and discussing how genres and styles developed as societies and their music progressed.
- Analysing repertoire to discover how composers developed genres and styles through musical elements, compositional devices and evolving compositional techniques.
2 / Classical Music /, classicalcompoers text, /
- Characteristics of Classical Music, composers, definitions and sonata form, intervals, triads, 7 musical elements Comparing musical works
- Investigating musical contexts, genres and styles with reference to related historical, social, cultural and philosophical backgrounds
- Determining the style of a composition and evaluating stylistic consistency
- Creating and notating rhythms, melodies and harmonic progressions
- Listening to performances of a variety of instrumental and vocal repertoire and discussing how genres and styles developed as societies and their music progressed.
- Analysing repertoire to discover how composers developed genres and styles through musical elements, compositional devices and evolving compositional techniques.
- Listening to performances of a variety of instrumental and vocal repertoire and discussing how genres and styles developed as societies and their music progressed.
- Analysing repertoire to discover how composers developed genres and styles through musical elements, compositional devices and evolving compositional techniques.
3 / Romantic Period /, classicalcompoers text, /
- Characteristics of Romantic Period, composers and leitmotifs, arias, 6 musical elements Comparing musical works
- Investigating musical contexts, genres and styles with reference to related historical, social, cultural and philosophical backgrounds
- Determining the style of a composition and evaluating stylistic consistency
- Creating and notating rhythms, melodies and harmonic progressions
4 / 20th Century /, classicalcompoers text, /
- Characteristics of 20th Century, harmony, 5 musical elements, Jazz and Blues Comparing musical works
- Investigating musical contexts, genres and styles with reference to related historical, social, cultural and philosophical backgrounds
- Determining the style of a composition and evaluating stylistic consistency
- Creating and notating rhythms, melodies and harmonic progressions
- Listening to performances of a variety of instrumental and vocal repertoire and discussing how genres and styles developed as societies and their music progressed.
- Analysing repertoire to discover how composers developed genres and styles through musical elements, compositional devices and evolving compositional techniques.
5-7 / Rock and Pop /, classicalcompoers text, /
- Characteristics of Modern pop, 6 musical elements, cross rhythms, definitions, Comparing musical works
- Investigating musical contexts, genres and styles with reference to related historical, social, cultural and philosophical backgrounds
- Determining the style of a composition and evaluating stylistic consistency
- Creating and notating rhythms, melodies and harmonic progressions
- Listening to performances of a variety of instrumental and vocal repertoire and discussing how genres and styles developed as societies and their music progressed.
- Analysing repertoire to discover how composers developed genres and styles through musical elements, compositional devices and evolving compositional techniques.
6-9 / Other Modern Styles
SET ASSESSMENT / 6 musical elements, classifying genres, syncopations, technology, performance media.
Scaffolding assessment.
See FrameworkYear 11/12- Music (Term 1) “Maestro’s of the Movies”Topic: Music
Unit Overview: Deconstruction of what makes film music. Students study some of the most successful film composers and learn composing techniques about how to convey a character, a personality and emotion and settings. They compare scores and establish a connection with award winning films.Possible repertoire: Willams ‘Schlinder’s List’ & ‘Indiana Jones’, Starwars, James Bond Theme, Handel “Hallelujah Chorus,
- Jaws, E.T, JurassicPark, Schindler’s List,
Wk / Topics / Resources / Learning Outcomes/Suggested Activities / Assessable
1 / Film Music Intro / Text and Projector /
- Introduction to Film music and successful composer Identifying and analysing musical elements and their manipulation while analysing repertoire, composing and performing
- Analysing repertoire to discover how composers use music to underscore the action in a film (through the manipulation of musical elements) Psycho
2 / Conveying characters / Text and Projector / Forrest Gump- Composing techniques, the creation of a motif, minor and major themes used in personalities, Displaying emotion with the use of dynamics and Timbre.
- Viewing excerpts from films and analysing each in terms of the role the music plays in the sequence, the relationship between the scene/action and the music and the use of musical elements and compositional devices and their relationship to the music’s role in the film sequence
3 / Establsihing a setting / Text and Projector /
- Forrest Gump- Music to fill a soundtrack, the purpose of time and place. Viewing excerpts from films and analysing each in terms of the role the music plays in the sequence, the relationship between the scene/action and the music and the use of musical elements and compositional devices and their relationship to the music’s role in the film sequence
4 / Instrumentation / Text and Projector /
- Connection with a character, making the right decsions with instrumentation- Examples: Gladiator, Up and spiderman and batman. Viewing excerpts from films and analysing each in terms of the role the music plays in the sequence, the relationship between the scene/action and the music and the use of musical elements and compositional devices and their relationship to the music’s role in the film sequence
5 / Theme music / Text and Projector / Further comparision of composers and certain strengths leading towards certain films
- Performing songs being analysed
- Playing and singing at sight
- Identify and discuss elements of music and compositional devices in a range of genres and styles
- Identify types of sound used in specific film sequences, and ways music is used in selected excerpts from films
6 / Assignment scaffolding / Text and Projector / Assignment scaffolding- What is the assignment asking me to do.
7-10 / Revision and examples of film / Text and Projector / Term Revision / Analysing / Performance Practice / Performance Practice
See FrameworkSenior - Music (Term 4- Year 11 Only) “Jazz”