March 24, 2015
IFO Members in Attendance: Donna Taylor (President), Joanne Des RocheIFO Members Call in:Darlene Heninger (Secretary), Diana Rawn, Larissa Belke, Ruth Riome, Trudy Andrew, Gaylene Knowler, Satinder Singh, Ruksana Kanji (Treasurer), Kasia Gawor, Michelle Chappell, Cheryl Fisher, Dale Frayn, Lisa Pichette, Doreen Smuda
Guests: Brian Bull, Terri Ouellette, University of Lethbridge - Marion Eastman (PCard Administrator), Daryl Schacher (Manger, Materials Management), Helen Wolfe (Manager, Financial Controls/Procedures), Kelsey Rowntree (Accounting Assistant), Craig Churchward (Accounting Assistant, Expenses), Heather MacDermid, Heather MacDermid (Accounting Assistant, Professional Supplement), Judy Headrick (AP Clerk), Val Hill (AP Clerk).
Copies: Kimberly Chatfield (IFO)and Western Canada members not in attendance, potential new members
Item #
/ Introductions and WelcomeThank you to University of Lethbridge for hosting! We appreciate all members and guests attending in person and via conference! / ALL
/ Review of Minutes- Minutes were accepted by Trudy and seconded by Darlene
/ Presentation – Procurement Card Process and Data Recovery – Joanne Des Roche – University of Lethbridge- Great information on volume of transactions, percentage of invoices processed on PCard
- Restricted use of card
- PR & PO must be created before the card can be used by the Buyer
/ Presentation – Dynamic Discount Management – Ruth Riome – Telus- Good follow up presentation from previous go live one
- Goal was to improve efficiencies and capacity not reduce head count
- Vendors like using the portal
- Telus had to manage more day to day issues than they thought they would
- Lag time with Taulia ticket resolution
- Telus was able to reduce paper invoices, increased incremental discounts
/ Round table discussions- Fusion 2015 – Darlene attended- smaller conference, smaller location, great keynote speakers and the sessions she attended were very good. Tries to avoid vendor presented sessions.
- CDN 360 is in Toronto. At this time no one is planning on attending. If there is an interest, please contact Donna prior to registering
- Membership – encourage people to attend our local chapter meetings and join the IFO. Great to have people on the call as guests.
- Upcoming Elections are in Nov. If you are interested in a position contact Donna. Will address at the next meeting and the voting will take place in Nov. This is a good opportunity to build your professional development and earn credits towards your CAPA or CAPP.
/ Treasurer ReportRuksana reported the opening balance as at June 23rd2015 is $332.19.
Donna stated that there is no charge for the lunch as University of Lethbridge has picked up the charges.
Treasurer’s report accepted by Joanne and seconded by Darlene.
See Treasurer’s Report / Ruksana
/ Next Meeting – Sept. 22, 2015 – Hosted by Telus in Edmonton / ALLSTANDING ITEMS
/ Membership/Recruitment Committee – Please note the update to the following committees for 2013/2015.Membership Committee
Darlene Heninger
Donna Taylor
Topics Committee
Gail Diederichs
Cheryl Fisher
Donna Taylor
Web Page
Diana Rawn / ALL
/ 2015 Meeting ScheduleMarch 24th – Calgary – hosted by Nexen
June 23rd– University of Lethbridge – hosted by U of L
September 22nd– Edmonton – hosted by Telus
November 24th – Calgary – hosted by ACAD / ALL
/ 2015 Conference Schedule- Fusion Conference – Orlando, FL – May 11– 14, 2015
/ IFO Certification InformationCAPP and CAPA Certifications Exam Windows are posted on their website.
Please contact the certification department at further information or
visit the IFO website / ALL
/ Hosting & Cost Per MeetingCost per meeting is $5.00 for members, guests are not charged.
Receipts will be issued to those that require them.
Hosting company to invoice Ruksana Kanji(Treasurer) for cost of coffee and food.
Hosting should be kept at a minimum cost; typically coffee & muffins are plenty.
Hosting companies that are invoicing the IFO Local Chapter for lunches or extras should provide advance notice to the President of the Local Chapter (Donna Taylor) to ensure the Local Chapter has enough funds to cover the costs. / ALL
/ Local Chapter WEB pageInformation is posted on a regular basis. We’ll also try posting our agendas and past presentations. Other content enhancements need to be initiated by us! Please bring forward any ideas or improvements you would like to see to:
Our local chapter information can be accessed using the following link;
/ Diana Rawn
/ Who are we?ACAD
- Contact Cathy Fadden
- Contact John Chyzyk
- AP Staff 16 (centralized)
- Annual Invoices = 120,000
- P-Card info – Yes
- AP System = SAP
- Contact Darlene Heninger
- Contact Jane Keller
- Contact Jacqueline Walz
- Contact Juan Carlos Brahim
- Contact Hanif Dhrolia
- Contact Chae Jun
- AP Staff 14 (centralized)
- Annual invoices 145,000
- P-card – just getting started
- AP system = SAP
- Contact – Doreen Smuda
- Contact Lynda Adams
/ Who are we? Continued.City of Calgary
- AP Staff 29 (centralized AP)
- Annual invoices 550,000+ transactions (lines)
- CCC info – BMO MasterCard, software = details online
- AP System = PeopleSoft 9.1
- Contact Gaylene Knowler
- Contact Keith Johnston
- Contact Tekeste Birkie
- Contact Colleen Gaetz
- Contact Gina Leranth
- Contact Arthur Chow
- Contact Melanie Currie
- Contact Pam Hackett
- AP Staff 26 (18 in Calgary, 8 in UK)
- Annual invoices 155,000
- P-Card info – VISA, Scotia Bank using Concur software
- AP System = SAP
- Contact Dale Frayn
/ Who are we? Continued.Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc.
- AP Staff 31 (decentralized)
- Annual invoices 310,000
- AP System = Oracle
- Contact Kristi Baxter
- Contact Barbara Walsh
- Contact Brent Appel
- Contact Brian Bull
- Contact Susan Cheesman
- AP Staff 8 (includes Manager)
- AP staff 55
- Annual Invoices 1,000,000 (235,000 paper), total disbursements $6B
- P-Cards = BMO MasterCard, Software = browser-based SAP
- AP System = SAP
- Contact Diana Rawn
- Contact Lori Krebsbach
- Contact Shaun Siewart
- Contact Lori Krebsbach
/ University of Lethbridge- System = Banner
- AP Staff 3
- Contact Joanne Des Roche
Legend: AI = Action Item, SI = Standing Items, DM = Decision Made, IS = Information Shared
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