of the Scientific and Methodological Center of the English Language and World Literature Studies Quality Control


Due to the orientation of Ukraine towards international relation expansion, aspirations to enter the European Union and the civilized world, there exists a need to raise the quality of English language and literature studies by the Ukrainian secondary school and university students. The expansion of academic mobility of youth and university lecturers, introduction of democratic values in education demands deep knowledge and high practical skills in the English language, knowledge of literature and culture of English-speaking countries and nations. Those factors determine the necessity of creation of the Scientific and Methodological Center of English Language and Literature Studies Quality Control (the SMC).

Status of theScientificandMethodologicalCenterofEnglishLanguageandLiteratureStudiesQualityControl

TheSMCfunctionsasavoluntaryunionofthelecturersofthePhilologyandJournalismDepartment of Poltava V.G.Korolenko National Pedagogical University.

The SMC founders are the chair of English and German Philology, the chair of World Literature. The decision about SMC founding has been approved by the faculty of the above-mentioned chairs (the partial records are also attached as appendices to this report) and sanctioned by PNPU Academic Council (the partial record is attached). The SMC is the open union, which can be joined by other chairs of PNPU.


TheSMCpartnersaretheDepartmentoftheGeneralSecondaryandPre-SchoolEducationoftheMinistryofEducationandScienceofUkraine, methodologyunions, secondary education establishments of Poltava and the Poltava region, teachers of English and World Literature.

The Information partners of the SMC are all-Ukrainian scientific and methodology journals World Literature in the Modern School, Foreign Literature in Schools of Ukraine, World Literature, World Literature in Schools of Ukraine, Gramota Publishing House (Kyiv).

According to the existing legislation, public and international organizations interested in the language and literary education quality increase in Ukraine can become partners of the SMC.


ThemainaimoftheSMCistheincreaseofthequalityofEnglishlanguageandliteraturestudies for pupils and studens of Ukraine..


  • Monitoring of the quality level of English language and literature studies of local pupils and students;
  • Developmentofprospective techniques and methods of English language and literature teaching for the Ukrainian youth;
  • Creationofnewsyllabi, textbooks, manuals, multimedia products for the benefit of English language and literature teaching for students and pupils;
  • Englishlanguageandliteratureteachingskillsharingbetweeneducationalestablishments

Directions of Activities

Monitoring activities:



Generalizationandsystemizingoftheobtainedresultsforcorrectionofsyllabi, techniques, andmethodsofteachingEnglishlanguageandliterature.

Information and resource activities:

Amassing, systemizing, and distributing modern information on teaching Englishg language and literature for pupils and students;

Exchange of experience between educational establishments, teachers, students, pupils;

creation of the SMC Internet information platform.

Scientific activities:


Developmentofprospectivetechniques, practices, andmethodsofEnglishlanguageandliteratureteachingforstudentsandpupils;

Holdingscientificconferences, workshops, webinars, roundtablediscussionsonthetopicalissuesoflanguageandliteratureeducationinUkraine;

Publication of scientific monographs, articles on thetopicalissuesoflanguageandliteratureeducation(English language and literature).

Methodology activites:

Creating new syllabi for raising the quality level of the English language and literature teaching in the region and in Ukraine;

DevelopmentofthenewgenerationofEnglishlanguageandliteraturetextbooks, manuals, multimediaproducts, andtheirintroductiontotheeducationalestablishmentsofUkraine;


Cultural, Educational, andProfessional Guidance activities:

Organization of cultural events for promoting English language and literature learning in the region;


Professional guidance for students and pupils willing to choose a profession demanding knowledge of English;

CreationofTVandradioprograms, podcasts, webcastsonEnglishlanguageandliteraturelearning.


The faculty staff of the Philology and Journalism Department volunteers in providing center teaching services. The Master students, post graduates, the teachers of the English language, the teachers of the World literature, the foreign languages experts are welcome to contribute to the center

The management of the SMC is carried out by the SMC Board, which consists of seven members – lecturers of the English and German Philology Chair (4), the World literature chair (3). The Board of the center provides general management of the SMC, develops and offers to the members an annual plan, monitors its implementation, prepares an annual report to the Academic Board of the Philology and Journalism Department.The SMC director is the head of the Centre, who is chosen by the board and provides overall management. The Vice President is chosen among the students and the postgraduate students of the university. The President and the Vice President represent the interests of the center before the administration of the university, Student’s council and other departments of the university. All the SMC-related decisions are approved collectively during the chair meetings.

Long-Time Perspectives

The center may apply for the status of Cambridge University authorized center in order to prepare the students and teachers of Poltava and Poltava region to pass the levels of English Proficiency Certification after 3 years of successful work.


TheSMCcanattractfundsofphysicalandjuridicalpersons, publicorganizations, internationalorganizationsaccordingtotheexisting legislation of Ukraine. A funding verifier is a rector of Poltava V.G.Korolenko National Pedagogical University or a deputy person.