Land Use Codes


For Determination of Differential Rating Categorisation


LAND USE CODES Effective from: 1st July 2016


For the purposes of interpretation, the definitions of terms shown bold & italicised in this document will be those as defined in the Council’s annual ‘Resolution of Rates and Charges’ for the financial year commencing from the date of effect of these land use codes as shown above.

The land use code is part of the Council's property record held in the core land database and indicates the predominant use for which the property is utilised or adapted to be utilised by virtue of its structure, fixtures and fittings or particular improvements and is an indicator of the property's specific rating criteria.

The primary land use code identifies the predominant use for which the property is utilised and is an indicator of the property’s specific rating category, while the secondary land use code applied where a lesser use is also engaged on the property.

The specific rating criteria are used to identify into which Differential Rating Category a property will be placed in accordance with the annual Resolution of Rates and Charges.

In determining the predominant use, consideration will be given but not limited to the Visual, Spatial and Economic aspects of the land. Area is not the principal basis for determining the predominant use. The predominant use may be determined and applied during the construction phase of a structure and will be identified by its ultimate land use code followed by a secondary land use code of 01.


Code / Description / Definition /
01 / Vacant Urban Land / Land in an urban locality upon which no structure is erected and which is being put to no higher use. It does not include land, upon which the construction of an improvement has commenced but may not be completed, or a building or buildings either temporarily or permanently vacant.
01 / Construction site
(Secondary code only) / When used as a secondary code, 01 indicates that the primary use is under construction.. It includes land upon which the construction of an improvement has commenced but may not be completed or a building is undergoing refurbishment and the building/s is/are uninhabitable / derelict.
02 / Single Unit Dwelling
(Dwelling House) / A building or premises, which comprise or are adapted to comprise only self-contained accommodation for the exclusive use of one family, and is the principal place of residence of the owner. The building or property may include self-contained accommodation either detached, semi-detached or integrated, for the care and shelter of an aged or infirm family member of the occupant/s. The gross floor area of any such self-contained accommodation is not to exceed the limitation for a secondary dwelling as set out in the Brisbane City Plan 2014 (Part 9 Development codes, Section 9.3.7 Dwelling house code).
03 / Multiple Dwelling / Premises defined by Council as Multiple Dwelling, that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for two or more self-contained residential dwelling units/flats including groups of units held by single owners in a community title scheme.
This code applies to building units and town houses prior to the registration of a Community Title plan.
The term includes a flatette, attached house, duplex house, community dwelling and detached houses but excludes self-contained accommodation within a single unit dwelling for the care and shelter of an aged or infirm family member of the occupant/s.
04 /
05 /
06 / Outbuilding/Amenity Block / Land with a minor structure (less than 50m2 GFA) not designed or able to be used for human habitation or occupation, provided such structure is not used as or in conjunction with any commercial activity on the land or any other land i.e. sheds, garages, fire damaged or uninhabitable/derelict dwellings etc. Also includes a toilet or toilet block, private swimming pool or private tennis court.
07 / Guest House / Private Hotel /
Hostel / Premises where room only or room and meals are provided and having shared facilities (not a motel). The term includes a guesthouse, boarding house, private hotel, tenement building, flatette, rooming units, backpackers’ hostel and other accommodation buildings such as convents.
This code includes ‘Bed & Breakfast’ or 'Homestay' style accommodation in excess of the activity defined under column 3 in section 15.3 of the Resolution of Rates and Charges for the financial year commencing from the date of effect of these land use codes.
08 / Community Title Scheme / Premises that have been surveyed and registered as a Community Title Scheme.
Note: the secondary use of the parent record should show the number of units; while the secondary use of each community title should refer to the actual use (i.e. residential, commercial etc.) excluding residential where 00 is used instead of 02.
09 /
10 / Combined Multiple Dwelling Shop/s / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used as combined residential flat/s with shop/s but not registered as a Community Title Scheme.
11 / Shop – Single / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used as a shop with or without attached accommodation but not a restaurant.
12 / Shops - Shopping group
(> 6 shops) / Premises having in excess of 6 separate areas, each used or adapted for use as individual shops.
13 / Shops - Shopping group
(2 to 6 shops) / Premises having from 2 to 6 (inclusive) separate areas, each used or adapted for use as individual shops.
14 / Shops - Main Retail / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used as shops and are located within the C.B.D.
15 / Shops – Secondary Retail / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used as shops and are located outside of the C.B.D.
16 / Drive In Shopping Centres / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used as a Drive-In shopping complex with car parking facilities, minimum land area 4,000 m2.
17 / Restaurant / Fast Food Outlet
(non drive-through) / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used to provide -
(a)  meals, whether substantial or otherwise; or
(b)  snacks and light refreshments;
for sale to the public for consumption on site or for take-away with the exclusion of a drive-through facility (see code 73).
18 / Special Tourist Attraction / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for special recreation, historical or other features that attract a large number of people (includes tourist village and properties such as the Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Brisbane Powerhouse and Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre).
19 / Walkway / Ramp / Stratum as walkway/ramp.
20 / Marina / Land that is predominantly used or adapted to be used for a marina, including land based component (boat servicing facilities and storage) but not including harbour industries or structural, mechanical repairs.
21 / Residential Institution / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for -
(a)  a convalescent or nursing home; (non-medical care)
(b)  an orphanage or children's home;
(c)  an institution for poor or disadvantaged persons;
(d)  a home for the care of invalid or aged persons and comprising or including one or more residential buildings for the accommodation other than in self-contained dwelling units of more than six persons not able to independently maintain an abode and requiring-
(i)  Medical or nursing care; or
(ii)  Physical assistance or supervision, where that care assistance or supervision is, or is caused to be, provided at that institution or those premises by a person residing thereat.
The term does not include any hospital, reformative institution or registered retirement village. For Retirement Facilities see Code 60.
22 / Car Park / Land predominantly used or adapted to be used for the parking of motor vehicles where-
(a)  that parking is not merely incidental to and necessarily associated with the use of the premises which includes that place for some purpose; and
(b)  that place is not a taxi-cab depot; and
(c)  that place may have a prepared bitumen/cement surface and line marking; and
(d)  fees may be charged.
23 / Retail Warehouse / Means a large showroom predominantly used or adapted to be used for the sale, or the display or offering for sale, by retail of goods including any of the following:-
(a)  floor coverings and wall tiles;
(b)  furniture;
(c)  non-portable domestic appliances being washing machines, dishwashers, clothes dryers, refrigerators, hot water systems, air-conditioning systems and the like, with or without portable domestic appliances;
(d)  domestic fittings;
(e)  building and construction materials with or without hardware.
(e.g. Ikea, Freedom, A-Mart, Officeworks)
24 / Sales Area / Land predominantly used or adapted to be used for the display and/or sale of Boats, Cars, Caravans, Motorcycles, Swimming Pools, Timber etc.
25 / Office (s) / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for the transaction of business, the discharge of professional duties, or the like. Building which contains professional practice(s) (Doctors, Dentists, Solicitors etc), finance, banks, lending agents and brokers which are predominantly offices. This code includes display homes that are being utilised as a sales or site office.
26 / Funeral Parlours / Per description.
27 / Hospitals, Convalescent Homes (Medical Care) (Private) / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for the medical or surgical care or treatment of persons residing thereat, whether or not those premises are also used for the medical or surgical care or treatment of persons not residing thereat. Includes aged peoples home, nursing home, convalescent homes which predominantly supply medical care and day surgery clinics.
28 / Warehouses / Bulk Stores / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for the storage of goods of whatever description. May be used for wholesale purposes but not for retail purposes.
(e.g. Coles or Woolworths distribution centres.)
29 / Transport Terminal / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for the loading, discharging or transferring of passengers or goods of whatever description. Freight and/or passengers.
30 / Service Station / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for fuel retailing. If predominantly for servicing and/or repairs, see Code 36.
31 / Oil Depots / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used as fuel dumps or storage.
32 / Wharves / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used as wharves, jetties and barge landings.
33 / Builders Yard / Contractors Yard / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used as building and or garden material storage centres (not retail or hardware). Fenced area for parking heavy equipment/materials. The use of premises for motor vehicle wrecking, scrap dealers yard etc.
34 / Cold Stores – Iceworks / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for the cold storage or refrigeration of food or other perishable items including the commercial production of ice and associated products..
35 / General Industry / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for medium or high impact industries e.g. motor vehicle assembly plant, structural steelworks etc. Refer to medium and high impact industry in Schedule 1 of the Brisbane City Plan 2014.
36 / Light Industry / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for low impact industry and service industry. Refer to Low impact industry in Schedule 1 of the Brisbane City Plan 2014.
37 / Noxious / Offensive Industry / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for special industry from where a deal of offensive noise, odour, dust etc. emanates, including abattoirs. Refer to Special industry in Schedule 1 of the Brisbane City Plan 2014.
38 / Advertising Hoarding / Land upon which the only significant improvement is an advertising hoarding/s. Land should be assessed under any higher usage if it co-exists.
39 / Harbour Industry / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for harbour associated service industries. Storage industry and processing.
40 / Extractive Industry / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for any industry which extracts material from the ground - e.g. quarry, mining etc. Refer to Schedule 1 of the Brisbane City Plan 2014.
41 / Child Care Centre / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used for;
(a)  a kindergarten, crèche or pre-school centre; or
any other place used or intended for use for the minding or care, but not residence, of children for fee or reward, but does not include within column 3 in section 15.3 of the Resolution of Rates and Charges for the financial year commencing from the date of effect of these land use codes.
42 / Hotel/Tavern / Premises licensed under the Liquor Act by the Licensing Commission and predominantly used or adapted to be used as a Hotel or Tavern for the sale of liquor including a Casino.
43 / Motel / Premises that are predominantly used or adapted to be used as an integrated unit-
(a)  containing a number of separate areas of occupation together with such area as is necessarily incidental thereto; and
(b)  used or intended for use as a place of abode for a number of unrelated persons and in that regard used or intended for use substantially for overnight accommodation of travellers and the vehicles used by them, but does not include an hotel: A use of premises for the purpose of a motel includes-
(i)  the use of any office at those premises in connection with the conduct of the motel; and
(ii)  the residential use of any separate area of occupation comprised in the motel by any person conducting or employed at the motel;
(iii)  the ancillary use of those premises for the provision of meals for consumption by persons seated thereat, whether or not-
(a)  meals are also provided for sale to persons not resident at the motel; and
(b)  the whole or part of that place is, or is part of, premises to which a licence under the Liquor Act applies.