Application for Recognition of Prior Learning

Application Deadline: 24 FEBRUARY 2017

Student Name:Student ID:

Student Email Address:Student Phone No:

Address StateCircle:On CampusOff Campus

Enrolled in:(CIRCLE ONE) Monash BSWMonash MSW (Q)

Step 1:

Learning Objectives Self-Assessment:

Please complete the following table outlining clear examples from your practice and assessing your competence for each learning area.

Examples from your practice experience provide evidence and support the rating for each area.

If a learning area is outside your experience, please use the N/A or U/A rating and explain why.

Please refer to the Learning Objectives outlined on page 3 of the accompanying RPL information document and refer to the seven Learning Areas as outlined by the AASW. These are outlined in the Monash Learning Agreement and Assessment report which can be downloaded from the Field Education web site:

Self-Assessment Rating Guide:

N/A / Not applicable to this application
U/A / Unable to assess
1 / Not achieved
2 / Beginning competence demonstrated
3 / Competent – adequate for Pass grade
4 / Above-average competence demonstrated
5 / Outstanding competence demonstrated

Complete the following sections. Please expand the sections to provide additional the additional space you will require:

No. / Learning Area and description / Rating: / Provide an example from your practice & discuss the theory that informs your practice example:
1 / Values, ethics and professional practice: Awareness of contextually relevant ethics in accordance with the AASW Code of Ethics.
2 / Organisational context: An understanding of the organizational, legal and political contexts of human service processes.
3 / Use of knowledge in practice: An understanding of theories and methodologies relevant to practice and ability to reflect critically upon their use and application to work with individuals, families and communities.
4. / Processes, skills and relationships: An ability to form constructive relationships with individuals, groups and communities including user groups, colleagues, professionals and people in other significant roles/positions.
5. / Self-learning and professional development: The ability to take responsibility for one’s own learning and development, and to perform at a level of competence appropriate to a beginning social work practitioner, including the skills to manage one’s future career and the transition from university to professional practice.
6. / Research: Recognition of research as an integral part of social work practice; demonstrating knowledge and understanding of all types and stages of social research.
7. / Social Policy: An understanding of the legislative and social policies which influence the different fields of practice including knowledge of relevant legislative and policy frameworks.

Step 2:

Relevant work experience:

Attach a summary of your practice experience in support of this application. Include the job title, employer name and location, dates of employment and principal duties of the role. Attach relevant job descriptions if available.

Step 3:

Name of Social Work supervisor:


Please provide the name and contact details of an AASW eligible supervisor or supervisors who has/have supervised your work for at least two years. The supervisor should be your current or most recent supervisor if possible. Your supervisor/s must complete the same assessment as you do above on a separate report which you must attach to your application. See accompanying Supervisor Report document.

All sections must be completed in order for your application to be considered.

Retain a copy for your records and submit your completed application and Supervisor Assessment by 24February 2017 to:

Field Education Office

Department of Social Work, Monash University

PO Box 197



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Updated: 14 October 2016

AASW Education and Accreditation Standards 2012