PRESENT: Philip Chatterton, Mayor
TRUSTEES: Nancy Murphy, Brian Thomas,Chris Singleton
ABSENT: Keith Perry, Maria Alicea, Todd Race
OTHERS: Rick Bisig, DPW Superintendent; James Thomas, Sr. Officer; Brian Berkey, Fire Chief
Mayor Chatterton opened meeting at 7pm.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Introduction of Guest – Taylor Jennings and John Condino, Barton & Loguidice
Trustee Murphy moved to approve the minutes of3/20/17 and 4/10/17as presented, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 4ayes, 3 absent.
Trustee Thomas moved to approve the financial reportsas presented, seconded by Trustee Murphy. Vote: 4ayes,3 absent.
TrusteeSingleton moved to approve the payment of bills for the period ofon abstract#11as presented, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 4 ayes,3absent.
Commission reports:
NoZoningmonthly report. The two properties on Grange Ave. have County auction sale signs on them.
The Fire Deptmonthly report was reviewed by the board as presented. Trustee Murphy moved to approve the list of officers for 2017-2018 as presented, which stayed the same, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 4 ayes, 3 absent. The DANC high speed hub office is being constructed at the fire building at this time.
The DPW monthly report was reviewed by the Board as presented. Water project is going well. The tree limb/brush schedule will begin 5/1/17 and continue on the first Monday of each month. The sweeper will be used as soon as cleanup is caught up.
The Police department monthly report was reviewed by the Board as presented. The LPR and trailer are working well. The LPR on the car warranty is about to expire and Officer Thomas spoke of purchasing the renewal of it for $1720/yr. Trustee Singleton moved to approve this purchase, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 4 ayes, 3 absent.
Trustee Alicea present at 7:10pm.
Youth & Recreation: The summer recreation program will run 7/3/17-8/11/17 Monday – Friday.
Revitalization & Beautification: The next meeting will be 5/1/17 at the Joint Municipal Bldg. at 6:30pm. The clerk was asked to order 4 cases of dog waste bags. The committee is discussing the possibility of hiring a landscaping company to come and plant perennials in the Village gardens instead of annuals and place either mulch or stone around them.
Buildings: Trustee Alicea is still waiting on getting all the quotes for the flooring. The walls downstairs at the old municipal building in the meeting room need to be taken out.
A new air conditioner unit is needed to be purchased for the state police satellite office. The flower boxes under the windows at the old municipal building are rotting and falling off. Someone may ask the Boy Scouts if they would be interested in rebuilding the boxes as a project.
Planning Liaison
The monthly report for Dog Controlwas reviewed by the board as presented.
Old Business:
The committee for the sidewalk grant have a list of all property owners who approved having sidewalks installed on their property and asked to have a special meeting next Monday, 4/24/17 at 7pm to present to the board majority areas where sidewalks could be installed.
The Public Hearing for Local Law #1, 2017 for Tax Cap Override was opened at 7:30pm. The Clerk presented information to the board of the tax cap filing and there is no need to adopt a local law to override the tax cap when NYS will just mandate that you rescind the local law later in the year.
The public hearing was closed at 7:35pm.
Trustee Alicea moved to not adopt the local law to override the tax cap as presented, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 5 ayes, 2 absent.
New Business:
A letter from Bratton Hamblin who is executor of 73 Spring St. was received requesting sewer relief for the water pipes that broke in March. Trustee Alicea moved to approve this relief request as presented, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 5 ayes, 2 absent.
A letter for sewer relief from water pipes that broke at 35 Main St. was received. Trustee Thomas moved to approve the sewer relief request as presented, seconded by Trustee Alicea. Vote: 5 ayes, 2 absent.
Trustee Singleton moved to approve adopting the 2017-2018 budgets as presented, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 5 ayes, 2 absent.
Taylor Jennings presented to the board their recommendation for approval to award the bid for Contract #2 to Global Contracting & Painting in the amount of $223,000 for the water tanks rehabilitation project. Trustee Alicea moved to approve awarding the contract to Global Contracting & Painting for $223,000, seconded by Trustee Thomas. Vote: 5 ayes, 2 absent.
Taylor Jennings also updated the board present of the miscellaneous work expenditures so far for Contract 1A & 1B and are within the working budgeted totals.
Trustee Thomas moved to approve allowing a Correction Investigator use of a room in the Joint Municipal Bldg 1 day a week to meet with people, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 5 ayes, 2 absent.
7:50pm Trustee Thomas moved to go into executive session for discussion of personnel and union contract negotiations, seconded by Trustee Murphy. Vote: 5 ayes, 2 absent.
Present: Mayor, and Trustees, Rick Bisig.
Trustee Thomas moved to close the executive and reconvene the regular meeting, seconded by Trustee Singleton. Vote: 5 ayes, 2 absent. Time: 8:40pm.
Trustee Thomas moved to adjourn, seconded by Trustee Murphy. Vote: 5 ayes,2 absent. Time: 8:40pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Darlene Rexford, Clerk/Treasurer