TEXT:Concepts of Physical Fitness- Active Lifestyles for Wellness,

14th Edition, Corbin, Welk and Lindsey


This course is designed to increase knowledge on the many different areas that encompass health and wellness. I hope to encourage you as young adults to apply this knowledge in making every day decisions. You will explore and retain different ways to build and maintain an active and healthier lifestyle as well as make more knowledgeable life decisions based on your beliefs and values. You will also be certified in First Aid, CPR, and AED. You will also complete the state required course ADAP as well as the Prime for Life curriculum.


Responsibility, you are responsible for knowing our daily schedule and preparing accordingly. This includes classroom materials, gym materials and mental preparedness. This includes using the restroom before or after class and being on time. In the event of an open book quiz or test, if you choose to not bring your book, you will not be allowed to share with a classmate.

Consideration, be considerate of your classmates as well as their opinions. Often times there will be no “right” answer in our discussions, we must all agree to disagree at times. Raise your hand during class discussions. Consideration of others should become a lifelong habit, if you don’t have it now, begin working on it.

We will meet in the SpartanCenter on fitness days, fitness days will be arranged with your input. Come to class/school prepared for activity, this way we can maximize our class time. You will be released in plenty of time to be to your next class on time. Fitness concepts will be practiced through individual as well as team activities.

If you have any special concerns or requests, please let me know.

MAKE-UP WORK: It will be your responsibility to make up any missed work due to a class absence. It is also your responsibility to find out what you have missed. You should always check our website for a weeklyview of assignments, labs, tests, etc. The only time that studentswill be allowed to turn in make-up work is if they have an excused absence or a special circumstance; that will be decided byme.

LATE HOMEWORK: I will not accept any late homework. Hand in work when it is due, and you will be fine. If you are aware of an upcomingabsence, it is your responsibility to complete and turn in the assignment before your absence. I will consider unusual circumstances on an individual basis.


Your grade will be based on total points, the breakdown is as follows:

30% = daily grade and consists of class discussions,journals, movie reviews and reflections.

30% = fitness participation and self assessment

10% = quizzes and tests, these questions will be taken directly from your textConcepts of Physical Fitness.

15% = notebook material and organization

15% = What about ME? project

90-100% = A

80-89% = B

70-79% = C

60-69% = D

All in all, give this class, as well as all of your others, your very best effort. It is important to demonstrate a constructive and positive attitude. This class provides a great opportunity to discuss and discover important truths that will affect all aspects of your life.