Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services
Lorton Senior Center
for Active Adults
7722 Gunston Plaza Lorton, Virginia 22079
Operating Hours: Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.– 4 p.m.
Senior Center Phone: 703-550-7195, TTY 711 Fax 703-541-2092
Senior Center Staff: Anne Miller, Director
Brigitte Bombardier, Assistant Director
Senior Plus+ Program Phone: 703-550-7193, 703-550-7190, TTY 711
Senior Plus+ Staff: Sydney Myers, Recreation Therapist, CTRS
Pam Harms, Mental Health Therapist, MSW
Becca Sergi, Registered Nurse, BSN
September, October, November 2011
Holiday Closings: September 5, October 10, November 11, 24, 25
Senior Centers for Active Adultsoffer opportunities to make new friends, stay on the move, and learn new things. Adults age 55 and over may join any of the 13 senior centers sponsored by the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services. Senior centers offer fitness classes, arts classes, health and wellness programs, computer and Internet access, trips and tours, and opportunities to socialize with others and stay connected to the community. There is an annual membership fee for attending the senior centers. Lunch and Transportation may be available, please see staff for additional information.
Fairfax County is committed to nondiscrimination in all county programs, services and activities. To request reasonable accommodations or to receive this information in an alternate format, call 703-324-4600, TTY 711
Lorton Senior Center Announcements
Senior Center Annual Membership Dues - When your yearly membership renewal is due, please see staff for new forms. http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/rec/senior_ctr/regfee.htm
All participants must be enrolled and pay dues annually to participate in any activity, program, trip or function of a senior center. In lieu of annual membership you may purchase a daily pass for each day you attend. Memberships are non-transferrable. For more information, please contact Rhonda Dumont at 703-324-5510 or by email at . See center staff for forms and more details.
Congregate Meal Program
Fees: A Fairfax County Registered Participant, who is over 60 and registered with the center’s congregate meal program, will pay a suggested donation based on income. The sliding fee scale is $2- $6. Otherwise the fee for meals is $8.50.
Program Reminders
All trips and social events, luncheons, and classes require a reservation several days in advance.
All trips are from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. with a $1 bus fee, unless otherwise noted. Lunch fees are additional. Program dates and times are subject to change; please call the center for daily updates.
Advance reservations are required for all trips. If minimum attendance is not met, trip will be cancelled. Once you sign up, please call ahead if you need to cancel to give others a chance to go. If there is a wait list and you are not here 15 minutes prior to trip departure, your seat will be given to someone on the wait list. Most trips are from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. with a $1 bus fee unless otherwise noted. Lunch is on your own.
Volunteer! We have many opportunities for volunteering; please let staff know if you are interested. There are many different ways to be actively involved in your senior center.
Meals on Wheels always need more drivers!
Our Lorton website has been developed and maintained by Manny Bartolotta and many of our participants. Thank you Manny and company! We need volunteers to assist with updates and announcements. On this site, www.lortonseniorcenter.org, you will find the center calendar, highlights, information and resources.
Senior + News
Senior+ staff is here for any questions or concerns. If you are interested in having your blood pressure taken please see Rebecca Sergi, our Senior+ nurse and she will gladly assist you on the days that she is here. Please see the Senior+ calendar for list of activities and staff schedule. For any information regarding the Senior+ program please inquire to the Senior+ staff.
The Lorton Senior+ Team 703-550-7193, 703-550-7190
Sydney Myers, CTRS,
Pam Harms, MSW,
Rebecca Sergi, BSN
Senior Center Without Walls
Fairfax County Senior Center Without Walls is an exciting public-private partnership among the residents of Burke, West Springfield, Fairfax Station, local businesses, places of worship and Fairfax County Government and receives endorsement from the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. The goal is to develop the Senior Center Without Walls into a self-sustaining organization that will provide a variety of programs, activities and services to older adults in the Burke/West Springfield/Fairfax Station communities. To learn more, call 703 250 9181 and speak to Ned Barnes, visit http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/rec/senior_ctr/cfw.htm, or e-mail:
Senior Resources Websites
Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning (CSP): CSP provides information, referral, linkage, and advocacy to public and private human services available to Fairfax County residents. Through partnerships with community-based organizations and other Fairfax County agencies, we assist callers with the following services: Basic Needs, Financial Assistance, Health Care Services, Referrals to Resources and Services. 703-222-0880 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dsm/csp/
Resources and websites for Older adults by subject includes: Caregiving, Computers, Consumer Info, Employment, Volunteerism, Fitness, Nutrition, Fun, Learning, Grandparenting, Health, Home & Living Options, Legal Issues, Local Area Resources, Medicare, Money, Retirement Planning, Transportation, Travel and much more…
Information on Aging, Disability and Caregiver Resources: 703-324-7948 TTY 703-449-1186 www.fairfaxcounty.gov/dfs/olderadultservices/
Senior Navigator: Finding resources may be easier than you think. Use www.seniornavigator.org a free service that connects seniors and caregivers with resources in Virginia. Useful for people with disabilities and their families living in Northern Virginia: www.disabilitynavigator.org
Elderlink: Helping older adults and families or caregivers find affordable care management, provides assessments, consultation and case management. 703-324-5374.
Fairfax County’s Caregiver Telephone Support Group for Family Caregivers of Older Adults. Discussions are mediated by a professional county social worker. You must register in advance to join the telephone support group, please call 703-324-5484 or go to their website https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/hscode/EReg/Registration.aspx?groupID=16
Lorton news, events, and deals, delivered straight to you: http://lorton.patch.com/
Lorton Senior Center Participant Birthdays
Center Participant Birthday Recognitions – Please note the date of our monthly birthday celebration parties and come celebrate! Special Recognition to all who are 90+! Let us know when YOU’RE ready to join the 90+ Club!
Lorton Senior Center Advisory Council
The Senior Center Advisory Council Purpose: the objectives of the Council are to represent the interests of registered participants who utilize the facilities and services of the Lorton Senior Center. It functions in an advisory capacity to Lorton Senior Center staff to assist in identifying interests of participants, to recommend and assist in planning, developing, evaluating and conducting programs and activities for the center. The Council also monitors annual Council expenditure, plans and conducts fund raising activities. It may also assist staff in the resolution of grievances of Registered Participants.
Advisory Council Meeting 2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:15 a.m. Open to all participants.
President – Chuck Jones Vice- President – Chuck Voccio
Secretary – Patricia Childers Treasurer – Angelica Cole
Members At-Large – Helen Voccio and Saadia Wenrich
Council Notes: Most council members are active and present at the Senior Center on a daily/weekly basis. If you need to speak with a council member and one is not present, please leave a message with Anne or Brigitte and you will be contacted. Your comments, concerns, suggestions, ideas and participation are welcome and encouraged. You may also use the comments box located on the center’s library book shelves.
Voting Week for New Advisory Council
Advisory Council Election Preliminaries If you are interested in learning about the positions available or to share your views, please attend the center at 11 a.m.-noon Friday, September 9th.
Advisory Council VOTING Week will be Monday, September 26th through Friday, September 30th. We need volunteers willing to be a part of the planning and support team for our senior center. Please let us know if you are willing to be nominated. See job descriptions on the bulletin board.
WE NEED YOU! If you are interested in running for a council office please let one of your council members or center staff know by September 16th. If you will be out of town during the election week, please let Anne know to make arrangements for your early ballot.
Wounded Warrior Project. – Lorton Senior Center has joined forces with Chuck and Helen Voccio of the American Legion # 162 to help support this project in our community. The mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors and their families during the critical time between their initial rehabilitation while on active duty and their eventual transition to civilian life. The Senior Center is also looking for ideas and suggestions for ways to provide additional support through donations and volunteers for the expanding numbers of our injured military who will be moved to Ft Belvoir in the coming months.
Lorton Center Weekly and Monthly Programs and Classes
Program dates & times are subject to change; call the center for confirmation.
Lorton Senior Center Class Registration – Our four seasonal quarters begin in March, June, September, and December. Class Registration for each quarter will begin at 9 a.m. on the third Monday of the month prior to the beginning of the new quarter. (To register for classes you must speak directly to a staff person, please do not leave a message on the phone machine). Registration is on a first-come basis, as space is limited in every class. If you are on a waiting list for a particular quarter, it does not guarantee your registration in the following quarter.
Let us know your interests! Participant suggestions for trips, events, classes and other activities are included in our calendar. A convenient form is available each quarter for you to include your ideas and suggestions.
Access to Computers and Internet are available to registered participants at no charge, based on room availability; please call for times.
Computer 1-on-1 Class with Helen. One hour individual instruction on basic computer skills and the internet; by appointment only. Thursdays, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Free. Space is limited.
Computer I Class: Beginner with Sam. Become familiar with the main computer applications to include Word Processing, Spreadsheets, e-mail, and web surfing and searches. The class starts with very simple and easy-to-do activities that will let you explore the computer's capabilities while at the same time gaining confidence. Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Space is limited.
Computer II Class: Advanced Beginner with Olinda. Hands-on group instruction on Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and the internet. Internet: Creating email account, email attachments, google search engine, Facebook and more. Practical exercises to re-emphasize features covered.Prerequisite: Must have familiarity with typing, using the computer keyboard or must have taken Computer I Class. Mondays, 12:30-2 p.m. Free. Space is limited.
Computer III Class: Intermediate with Manny - This course will cover more advanced features of computers, the Internet, using search engines, web sites for seniors, email address books, sending photos, photo sites, social networking, Skype, including safety when social networking, shopping online, methods for keeping your computer running efficiently, and more. Pre-requisite:Must have familiarity with typing and using the computer keyboard or previous experience in Computer II. Tuesdays, 12:30-2:30 p.m. $5 per quarter. Space is limited.
Digital Cameras: The Basics and Beyond with Manny. Participants will review the basic skills then focus on more advanced skills. Topics include: improving picture taking, photo editing, creating slideshows, and using online photo services. Prerequisite: Previous experience using a digital camera and a computer. Bring your camera, camera manual, and your usb thumb drive. Tuesdays, 10-12 p.m. $5 per quarter. Space is limited.
Exercise and Dance:
Arthritis Foundation Exercise Class with Robert. Tuesdays, 10:15 a.m. Free
Chair Exercises with Sydney. Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. Free
Chair Jazzercise with certified Jazzercise instructors, Tina or Cary for lively exercises. Fridays, 10:15 a.m. Free.
Game Room open daily from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., includes Billiards, Ping Pong, Exercise Bike, Darts, and Basketball.
Get Fit at South Run ReCenter See staff for details. Fridays, $5 per quarter.
Fitness Class at Gold’s Gym with Personal Trainer. Exercise geared toward flexibility, balance, stability, core conditioning. No machines. Must be a Registered participant with Lorton Senior Center and have a current Senior Center Membership Card. Gold’s Gym will honor your card for a discounted fee of $3 per class payable to Gold’s Gym Tuesdays and Thursdays. Meet at Lorton Senior Center at 10:30 a.m.
Line Dance Beginner Class with Paula. Learn basic steps and have fun! Mondays, 10:45 a.m. Free.
Qigong Class with Ann. Great for all levels. Wednesdays, 10:45 a.m. $5 per quarter.
Tai Chi I Class with Ann. This is a Beginning Movements for Health Class Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. $5 per quarter.
Tai Chi I Class with Ann. This is a Beginning Movements for Health Class Thursdays, 10:20 a.m. $5 per quarter.
Tai Chi II Class with Ann. This is an Intermediate Level Class with a Prerequisite: Completion of Yong Style. Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. $5 per quarter.
Yoga (Hatha) Class with Carole. Must be able to get on the floor. Please bring your own Yoga mat, 2 Yoga blocks, 1 woolen- type blanket and a soft blanket. Tuesdays, 8:45 a.m. $5 per quarter.
Walking Group Bring a friend, walk at your own pace around Gunston Shopping Center. Daily, 11:30 a.m.
Wii Fit Exercise Program is a combination of fitness and fun. By playing you can work toward personal goals of better health and fitness, the Wii Program will monitor your progress. Program includes four training modes: yoga, aerobics, strength training and balance games. Offered most Wednesdays with Robbi, starting at 12:45 p.m. by appointment only. Please see staff if you are interested in this program on another day or time. Free