Board of Trustees of John Wood Community College
Counties of Adams, Pike, Hancock, Calhoun,
Schuyler, Brown, Morgan, Scott, Cass
And State of Illinois
February 15, 2017
Date: 02.15.17RE: Regular Meeting Minutes
Location: Board Room, Student Administrative Center, 1301 south 48th Street, Quincy Il 62305
1. Call to Order/Appointment of Assistant Secretary
The 02.15.17 Board of Trustees meeting was called to order in the Board Room at the Student Administrative Center at 7:00 p.m. by Mr. James Gay, Board Chair. Mr. Gay appointed Ms. Benz assistant secretary.
2. Roll Call
Ms. Benz called roll:
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
Attendees: Mr. Michael Elbe, Mr. James Rapp, Mr. Josh Welker, Mr. Cody Baggett, Dr. Laurel Klinklenberg, Ms. Leah Benz, Ms. Tracy Orne, Mr. Steve Eighner, Ms. Barb Casady, Ms. Kathleen Rodgers, Mr. Dave Hetzler, Mr. William Stuflick and Mr. Randall Egdorf.
3. Introductions - None
4. Special Report - CTHE Status Report/ Internships – by William Stuflick, Kathleen Rodgers. Mr. Stuflick and Ms. Rodgers presented a report on all CTHE programs. The reports included a credit hour history, recent academic program modifications, newly launched / proposed academic programs, advisory committees, and internship updates. Programs which were recently modified included welding, C.N.A., IMT, TDT, Nursing, and OFT- Medical Office. Two programs have been newly launched; Health Care Assistant and Diesel Technology. Currently, there are a total of 19 active academic committees. All of them were engaged in Fall of 2016 and faculty are working to schedule meetings for Spring of 2017.
5. Consideration of Items from the Floor - None
6. Public and/or Employee Comment - None
7. President and Committee Reports
7.1 ICCTA/West Central Region Report - Mr. Reginald Coleman, ICCTA representative, Mr. Jerry Hagmeier, alternate. On Monday, February 6, 2017, Mr. Elbe, Mr. Gay, Mr. Hagmeier, and Mr. Coleman attended the West Central Regional Trustees Association meeting at Black Hawk Community College. The topic of discussion was lack of state funding and preparing for FY18 budget. Mr. Elbe noted he would provide additional details in his Administration report.
7.2 Board Executive Committee Report - Mr. James Gay, Mr. Larry Fischer, Mr. Jerry Hagmeier. The Executive Committee met on Thursday, February 9, 2017 at John Wood Community College in the office of the President, at 9:00 a.m. Present were: Mr. James Gay, Mr. Jerry Hagmeier and Mr. Larry Fischer (via phone) trustees; Mr. Mike Elbe, president and Ms. Leah Benz, note taker.
The committee discussed state funding, enrollment, and expenses for FY18 budget. At this time Administration is projecting a $500,000 - $700,000 deficit in the FY18 budget.
The committee heard about the Tri-State Manufacturing Conference to be held in the Mary Ellen Orr Auditorium on March 15. A dinner will be held the night prior for trustees, speakers, and community leaders.
An update was given on the interior progress at the Southeast Education Center. A target completion date for the interior work is anticipated by the end of March. The campaign currently received $170,000 in donations of the $200,000 goal which was set.
Board retreat agenda topics were discussed. The topics on the agenda were collected from the December board self-evaluation.
Other discussion included the February board agenda items and presidential evaluation.
Mr. Gay reported he had reviewed the Board self-evaluation and categorize the responses. They were category A - To be decided; category B - Board Education; category C- discussion topics. Items in category A will be decided at the March meeting. (this includes i-pads; board dinners, and assessment of the self-evaluation. Category B would be developed over time and with some assistance from legal counsel, Mr. Rapp, to be in compliance with a new senate bill 2157. Category C will be discussed at the Board retreat. If time does not allow for all topics at the retreat the top items will be put on the agenda.
7.3 Board Curriculum Committee Report - Mr. Don Hess, Mr. Reginald Coleman. No meeting.
7.4 Board Finance & Audit Committee Report - Mr. Randy Sims, Mr. Diane Ary. The Finance and Audit Committee met on February 13, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. Present were Mr. Randy Sims, and Ms. Diane Ary, trustees, Ms. Susan Fifer, Director of Fiscal Services, Mr. Josh Welker, Dean of Business Services and Institutional Effectiveness, Mr. Mike Elbe; president and Ms. Jenny Venvertloh; note taker.
Bills for payment, financials, and investments were reviewed and recommended for approval. Two new CD proposals will be sent out March 1.
The Finance Committee reviewed February Board items. Finance will recommend to accept the proposal submitted by WIPFLi CPA’s and Consultants for a 3-year contract with an option of a 2-year extension and the (4) PHS project completion reports. These PHS projects were completed and need Board approval prior to submitting to the ICCB.
The committee discussed the Kinscherff Center.
7.5 Student Trustee Report - Mr. William (LB) Cornwell - Homecoming activities were held on campus the week of February 6 – 10. Some of the activities included the first ever “Mr. John Wood contest”. The winner was Mr. Clayton Thompson, freshman. Other activities included were a ballgame on Saturday and evening dance at the Tangerine bowl. Fifty students attended.
Administration Report - Mr. Elbe stated he held a special College wide meeting on Friday, February 3 where he shared with the college community budget information for FY18. At the recent West Central Trustees Association meeting, five community college presidents were present. They talked about what percentage of state funding allocation each college would be projecting in their FY18 budget. Two of the five community colleges stated they are budgeting zero percent funding allocation from the state for FY18 while one is projecting 25% of the stop-gap funding amount. Mr. Elbe told the trustees that our FY17 would end in a balance budget, but he believed the FY18 budget would be our most difficult to date.
President Elbe indicated he had attended the MRTDL meeting. Seven of nine presidents were in attendance. This grant is scheduled to end March 31. The presidents agreed they want to continue to stay together. The group has $73,000 left in a fund from dues collected. Of that amount $15,000 was approved to be used to hire a consultant to look at new grant opportunities for this consortium. The College will be signing a reaffirmation for the next 3 years.
8. Consent Agenda
8.1 Consent business agenda items approved
8.1.1 Request approval of the 12.14.16 regular meeting minutes
8.1.2 Request approval of bills for December and January payment Finance and Audit Committee
8.1.3 Request approval of monthly financial statements for December and January Finance and Audit Committee
8.1.4 Request approval of trustee and employee travel expenditures for December and January Finance and Audit Committee
MOTION: Approve the consent agenda items
Moved by: Mr. Hagmeier
Seconded by:
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
9. Grant Items
9.1 Request authorization to accept grant funding from the Nuts and Bolts Foundation for the Nuts and Bolts and Thing-a-ma-Jigs Stem Grant RE: $2,500
MOTION: Approve grant item 9.1
Moved by: Mr. Sims
Seconded by:
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
9.2 Request authorization to submit a grant application to Corporation for National and Community Service for a grant titled: Adams, Brown, & Pike County RSVP Program RE: Amount $145,190
9.3 Request authorization to submit a grant application to Illinois Department on Aging for a grant titled IDOA – RSVP Allocation RE: Amount $30,000 - $40,000
9.4 Request authorization to submit a grant application to United Way of Adams County for a grant titled: United Way Grant – RSVP RE: Amount: $16,500
MOTION: Approve grant items 9.2, 9.3, and 9.4
Moved by: Ms. Ary
Seconded by:
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
10. Personnel Items
10.1 MOTION: Request authorization to employ new staff and faculty, accept resignations, retirements, and implement status changes as presented
Moved by: Ms. Ary
Seconded by:
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
11. Business Items
11.1 MOTION: Request authorization to accept WIPFLi Certified Public Accounts and Consultants bid proposal and award them a 3-year Contract with an option of a two-year extension
Moved by: Mr. Hess
Seconded by:
Discussion: Proposals from qualified vendors were solicited to provide independent audit services for the College. Two proposals were received. The total cost of the recommended firm for three years with a two year extension was:
· FY17 - $34,750
· FY18 - $35,225
· FY19 - $35,750
· FY20 - $36,250
· FY21 - $36,850
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
11.2 MOTION: Request approval of four (4) PHS project completion reports to submit to ICCB
Moved by: Mr. Sims
Seconded by:
Discussion: Four protection, health, safety projects were completed and certified by Tony Crane at Architechnics, Inc. Upon board approval the completed reports are to be submitted to ICCB. The four projects were ADA/entrance/exit compliance, interior climate control at the Kinscherff Center, Kinscherff Center exterior repairs, and security upgrades for video and access controls.
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
11.3 MOTION: Request approval to change the meeting date of the April 19, 2017 meeting to April 25, 2017
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Discussion: Due to the election of trustees this year and the requirements of the law to seat these new trustees the Board meeting was changed to accommodate the approval of the election results.
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
12. Discussion items
12.1 Calendar of Events
13. Notices and Communications
14. Other Items
15. Closed Session – No closed session
15.1 A closed session will be necessary to consider the appointment, employment, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees of the public body
Moved by: Mr. Hagmeier
Seconded by:
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay / x
Voice Vote
A short discussion was held on the FY18 budget. At the March meeting the board will be providing direction for Administration on the best options for the budget.
16. Adjournment
16.1 MOTION: Adjourn the February 15, 2017 Board of Trustees regular meeting.
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Time: 10:15 p.m.
Mr. Cornwell / x
Ms. Ary / x
Mr. Hess / x
Mr. Fischer / Via phone advisory
Mr. Hagmeier / x
Mr. Coleman / x
Mr. Sims / x
Mr. Gay
Voice Vote / x
17. Approval:
Approved the 15stday of March, 2017, at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 539, meeting at the Student Administrative Center, in the city Quincy, Illinois at which ______voting members were present, constituting a quorum by a vote of ___ayes and ______nays.
February 15, 2017 Board regular minutes