Anatomy & Physiology
Contact Information
· E-Mail:
· Telephone Number: 337.2281 Ext 238
· I will be available before and after school by appointment. Please give 24 hr. notice if you will be coming by to see me so that I can be available to help you.
· Composition Book
· Three-Ring Binder
· Pencil, Black or Blue Pen, Colored Pencils
· Highlighter
· Anatomy and Physiology 7th Ed. By Saladin et. Al.
The advanced biology course will provide students with a knowledge and understanding of:
How the progression of structural levels (atoms, molecules, compounds, cells, tissues, organs, and systems) contributes to the body's order and stability.
1. The precise and logical descriptive word roots, prefixes, & suffixes used to identify body parts and directional terms.
2. The structure, function and reproduction of cells.
3. The essentials of body chemistry.
4. How all parts of the human body contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis.
5. How the integumentary system, skeletal system and muscular system each function in protection, support and movement.
6. How the cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system and immune system each function in the distribution of materials and contribute to the maintenance of homeostasis
7. How the nervous system (central, peripheral & autonomic), organs of sensation and endocrine system each contribute to the regulatory control, integrative communication and systemic coordination within the human body.
8. How the reproductive system, genetics, and aging process each contribute to the reproduction, growth and development of a human body.
9. Basic Health Concepts regarding: drugs & alcohol, HIV infection and other transmittable diseases.
Course Content
Quarter 1 / Quarter 2 / Quarter 3 / Quarter 4Introduction
• Review topics from
Biology 1
Integumentary System
• Covers the anatomy
and physiology of
skin, hair, nails, and glands
Skeletal System
• Deals with the
anatomy and
physiology of the
bones, ligaments and
tendons / Muscular System
• Learn muscle anatomy
and physiology
Nervous System and Somatic
• Covers the central
nervous system and the
peripheral nervous
system anatomy and
• Covers the anatomy and
physiology of the
somatic senses
Endocrine System
• Covers the anatomy and
physiology of the glands
and the hormones they
produce / Cardiovascular System
• Covers the anatomy and
physiology of the heart
and blood vessels
Lymphatic System
• Deals with the immune
system and the bodies 2
lines of defense
Respiratory System
• Covers the anatomy and
physiology of the
respiratory tract / Digestive System
• Deals with the anatomy
and physiology of the
gastrointestinal tract
Urinary System
• Covers the anatomy
and physiology of the
male and female
urinary tract
Reproductive System
• Covers the anatomy
and physiology of the
male and female
reproductive systems
· Makeup Work- if you are absent it is your responsibility to obtain any assignments you missed while you were gone.
· Approved absences – you have one day for each excused absence to make up your work. This includes daily grades and test.
o Missed exams must be taken before or after school within the time allowed.
o If you are absent during a lab you must make special arrangements to come in before or after school to make up the lab or get and alternative assignment.
· Cheating/ Plagiarism- Cheating on a test or assignment will result in a grade of zero for all involved.
· Data for lab reports must be taken during lab. Copying of lab data after lab is not allowed. Each student is responsible for individual lab reports unless specifically stated by teacher.
Classroom Expectations
· Although I understand that occasionally circumstances may arise that cause you to be late to class, I expect that you will be seated, with necessary materials, ready to begin working when the bell rings.
· Materials (textbook, pencil, paper, and notebook) must be brought to class each day. If you do not bring needed materials to class you will be sent to your locker to get them and will also receive a tardy if you are not in the room when the bell rings.
· The laboratory or room must be clean at the end of the period before leaving.
· Treat everyone with respect.
· Follow the instructions gives by teacher or lesson.
· All school rules will be followed as stated in the student handbook.
· If a student gets a second detention from me, he/she will be sent to the principal.
Keys for Success in Biology
· Have a positive attitude!
· I am here to help you succeed, so feel free to ask me for help. I am available before and after school in my room
· Ask lots of questions. If you are unclear about something from the textbook, lab, or from discussion, ask.
· Make sure that you understand how the lecture, homework, and labs interrelate. Labs and homework are designed to reinforce significant ideas from the text. Make sure that you see these connections.
· Start studying for tests early. By studying and reviewing each night you are not only helping to prepare for the test more effectively, you are also more prepared for class each day and any quizzes that may be given.
1. Grades for this course will be weighted as follows:
· Homework & Daily Assignments 20%
· Warm Ups 10%
· Labs & Projects 30%
· Quizzes/Chapter Tests 40%
2. Grading Scale
A=100-91% B=81-90% C=71-79% D=-60-70% F=below 60%