Compton Curriculum Committee Minutes
January 5, 2018
Location: SSC 108
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Present: Judith Crozier; Roza Ekimyan; Hassan Elfarissi; Jennifer Hill; Charles Hobbs; SevanaKhodagholian; Maya Medina; Hoa Pham; Kendahl Radcliffe; Holly Schumacher; Gerson Valle; Dean AbiodunOsanyipeju; Stephanie Atkinson-Alston, Vice President, Academic Affairs
Guest: Lori Suekawa, Articulation Officer, El Camino College
Call To Order: 9:10am
Roza Ekimyan, Curriculum Committee Chair
Check- In and Welcomes (Updates)
- Lori Suekawa, Articulation Officer at El Camino College presented a Power Point on Articulation Overview.
- Topics covered included review of articulation versus transferable courses, CSU Transferable courses (CSU EO 1067) and UC Transferable Agreements.
- Overview of how to utilize the Articulation System Stimulating Interinstiutional Student Transfer ( For example to see which courses meet major prep, to see agreements with other colleges, to run reports to view which courses are articulated.
- Use Articulation System Stimulating Interinstiutional Student Transfer (ASSIST) to see what course meets major prep.
- Reports will tell you if no courses are articulated; can see agreements with other colleges.
- C-ID: Course Identification Numbering System was reviewed.The C-ID is a supra numbering system that was developed in 2009 and mandated in 2013. The website includes course descriptors for reference. The C-ID is a CSU concept for transfer and articulation. The numbers are needed for degrees. No C-IDs, no AD-Ts.
- Community colleges do not need to follow the C-ID course numbers. Colleges can use their own numbering system.
- Top challenges for community colleges: not being 100% compliant with course descriptor; old textbooks; out of compliance with prerequisites; losing articulation with UCs if content changes too much.
- Benefit/Pro to C-IDs: Students can finish AD-Ts in 60 units minus remedial course for transfer to CSU to complete undergraduate degree in 120 units.
- A “transferable” course isn’t necessarily articulated for major or GE.
- R. Ekimyan introduced and welcomed Dr. Stephanie Atkinson-Alston, the new Vice President of Academic Affairs to Compton College.
- Curriculum Committee Bylaws- R. Ekimyan- The committee reviewed the College Curriculum Committee bylaws distributed at the meeting. Maya Medina will correct the typos from track changes and distribute the document to the committee via email for review and recommendations. Thecommittee will vote at the next scheduled meeting.
- Curriculum Handbook- R. Ekimyan requested the committee members continue to review and revise the curriculum handbook as assigned and send her the revisions.
- Meeting Times- The regularly scheduled College Curriculum Committee meeting time will be from 2:30-4:00pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday. Meetings were originally scheduled to begin at 2pm, however there was schedule conflict. Meeting locations have yet to be determined.