Sharon Turner:

Mitch haber:


Course Outline Based on Common Core GPS Standards

·  Number System Fluency
·  Rational Explorations: Numbers and Their Opposites
·  Rate, Ratio and Proportional Reasoning Using Equivalent
·  Fractions / ·  Expressions
·  One-Step Equations and Inequalities
·  Area and Volume
·  Statistics

In Grade 6, instructional time will focus on four critical areas: (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number

multiplication and division, and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes

negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing

understanding of statistical thinking. Students in Grade 6 also build on their work with area in elementary school by reasoning about relationships among shapes to determine area, surface area, and volume.

In addition, there are eight Standards for Mathematical Practice that describe varieties of expertise that are stressed throughout the year:

1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others.

4. Model with mathematics.

5. Use appropriate tools strategically.

6. Attend to precision.

7. Look for and make use of structure.

8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.

Math 6 On-Level

By the end of grade six, students will understand the four arithmetic operations as they relate to positive rational numbers; convert between and compute with different forms of rational numbers; understand the concept of ratio and solve problems using proportional reasoning; understand and use line and rotational symmetry; determine the surface area and volume of solid figures; use variables to represent unknown quantities in formulas, algebraic expressions and equations; utilize data to make predictions; and determine the probability of a given event.

Textbook and Required Materials

1. Pearson-Hall Course 1, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2008. ($55.95)

2. Spiral Notebook for the Math Journal

3. Students must bring the following to class EVERYDAY unless otherwise specified:

·  Sharpened #2 pencils and/or several #2 mechanical pencils (all work must be done in pencil)

·  Graph paper (no spiral notebook paper)

·  3 ring binder (either a separate binder for math or a section dedicated to math. Remember: it must fit in your locker!)

·  Pearson-Hall Course 1 textbook – FCBOE policy: all textbooks must be appropriately covered.

Homework/Class Work:

Homework and class work will be assigned daily, sometimes including weekends and will be noted weekly on the My Blog. Please see the attached homework policy.

Although every attempt will be made for the Blog to accurately reflect that day’s assignments, assignments given in class will override assignments listed on Blog.

Make-up Work

FCBOE Policy -Upon returning to school following an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to request make-up work. Make-up work must be completed within the time specified by the teacher. At Taylor Road Middle School, the student will be given the same amount of time to make up the work as the student was absent unless other arrangements are mutually agreed upon. The student will receive the actual grade on the make-up work if the absence was “excused”. Make-up work submitted late will receive partial credit.

·  Students will need to make arrangements to come in before school or after school to make up missed tests or quizzes. Students should make these arrangements on the day they return from being absent.

·  Working lunch may be assigned to students who do not have homework on the day it is due.

·  Working lunch may also be assigned to complete other missing assignments.

·  After continued failure to turn in assignments, a referral to Saturday School may be made.

Recovery Policy Provision for Improving Grades: (Fulton County School Board policy)

1. Opportunities designed to allow students to recover from a low or failing cumulative grade may be allowed when all work required to date has been completed (including homework) and the student has demonstrated a legitimate effort to meet all course requirements including attendance.

2. Teacher will determine when and how students with extenuating circumstances may improve their grades.

Parent Communication

The preferred method of communication is e-mail.

Classroom Rules/Expectations

Students are expected to follow all TRMS rules, be prepared, be attentive, follow instructions, and participate actively in class. In order to maintain an environment conducive to learning, students must follow acceptable behavior practices. Should a student not follow these practices, the teacher or substitute teachers may use a combination of the following methods of behavior management: verbal reprimand, written or verbal communication to the parent, detention, or conferences which may include the parent, student, teacher, and/ or administrator.

There will be absolutely NO chewing gum.

Grading Fulton County Grading Scale

Classwork 15% ≥ 90 A

Homework 10% 80-89 B

Math Journal 15% 70-79 C

Tests/Projects 35% ≤ 69 F

Quizzes 25%

Parent Signature ______

Student Signature______

This syllabus is subject to change. Students will be notified of changes. Please visit the Department of Education website or for an overview of the Mathematics Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS.).

(Revised 8-27-13)