___ Fryeburg
______has my permission to enter a market steer in the Fryeburg Fair 4-H Show and sale(s). I agree to give him/her whatever assistance he/she needs in raising a 4-H Beef Steer and in showing and selling the steer. I have read and agree to all of the rules pertaining to the project. The rules can be found at: http://umaine.edu/4h/youth/4-h-projects/animal-science-resources/beef/ I further agree that the West Oxford Agricultural Society and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension will not be responsible for any accident or injury which may be incurred during any and all of the project requirements, rules, shows and sales.
Home Phone Number ______Cell Phone Number ______
4-H Intent to Sell a Market Beef Project
at Fryeburg Fair
Due in County Office by January 2, 2018 for Market Steer
I am enrolled in the 4-H program as of Dec.31st 2017 and plan to enter a steer in the sale(s) at:
Applicant’s Name ______Date of Birth ______
Address ______
Town ______State ____ Zip Code______
County (enrolled in 4-H)______Name of your 4-H Club______
Email address ______
Guardian Consent:
Signature of Parent or Guardian Date
Signature of 4-H Extension Staff Date
Confirming member re-enrolled by 12/31/2017
Note: This Intent Form advises the State 4-H Office which steers need to be tagged for these 4-H market classes. You will be contacted for an appointment for someone to come to your barn and tag your project animal. You will not be able to substitute a different animal for these market classes/events once your steer is tagged.
_____Original Bill of Sale is attached
_____Original Bill of Sale will be sent by January 2
4-H Member Deadline:
Return this form to your County Extension Office postmarked by January 2, 2018.
Your county 4-H Extension staff person will sign your form.
County Office: Please Return by Jan 10th to:
The State 4-H Office, 5741 Libby Hall, Room 103, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469-5741
Rev 10/26/2017