Mary & Greg Downes Endowment
Excellence in Government
Information and Application
Greg Downes, ND’69, and Mary Downes, parents of Scott Downes, ND’99, B.A. Government, have generously contributed funds to provide financial support for living expenses to Notre Dame Political Science majors during paid or unpaid summer internships. The ideal candidate for this funding is a sophomore or junior with a demonstrated commitment to public service and who would not be able to participate in an internship without this financial assistance.
Students must be Political Science majors in their sophomore or junior year and must have an offer for a summer internship in public service that is at least 6 weeks in duration and requires a minimum of 120 work hours.
Information for foreign students
If you are a student with F-1 or J-1 immigration status you will need to apply for special employment authorization before accepting any funding. Please contact the Immigration Services Office in Room 105 of the Main Building for assistance immediately, as this can take several weeks to process.
Impact on Financial Aid
Students that receive financial aid should contact the Office of Financial Aid to inquire about any impact this grant may have on your financial aid package.
Impact on Income Taxes
This grant may have an impact on your income taxes. Please refer to page 6 for information from the Controller’s Office.
The Selection Committee will review all applications. Depending upon available funds, one or more students will be awarded up to $2,000 for expenses related to a summer 2015 internship. Students will be notified no later than May15, 2015.
Academic Credit
Academic credit is recommended but optional. Unpaid internships qualify for 1 elective credit. Students interested in receiving credit should contact the Director of Internships, Carolina Arroyo at .
Application Packet
Each Application Packet consists of the following 5 parts, stapled together, in the order listed.
1. Application form (on page 4).
2. Your résumé.
3. Offer letter from the organization offering the internship. It
must include the following information:
a) a description of the work you will perform during the internship,
b) the beginning and ending dates of the internship,
c) the number of hours you will work per week
d) if it is paid or unpaid. If it is paid, it must specify the
total amount and type of payment (wages, stipend).
4. Essay Write a 2-3 page essay describing
a) your commitment to public service,
b) your learning objectives for this internship,
c) how the internship is related to your courses and your major,
d) the impact this funding has on your ability to intern this summer.
5. Budget (on page 5)
a) a detailed budget for your living expenses during the internship (rent, food, transportation, etc.),
b) a brief description of all other funding sources you will have for living expenses.
Your name must be on each page of the application packet.
Please submit your Application Packet to:
Carolina Arroyo
The Department of Political Science
217 O’Shaughnessy
APPLICATION DEADLINE MAY 1, 2015 by 5:00 p.m.
If you are abroad, you may send your application via e-mail.
Mary & Greg Downes Endowment for Excellence in Government
Name ______
Major ______I am a sophomore______junior______
NetID______ND ID#______
Cell phone #______Home telephone #______
Home address______
Do you receive financial aid? Yes______No______If yes, is it need based or non-need
based?______If you receive financial aid, be sure to contact the Financial Aid office about any impact this grant could have on your financial aid package.
I have been offered a summer internship at:
Name of organization:______
Supervisor’s Name______
Supervisor’s e-mail & telephone number______
The internship begins on (date) ______and ends on (date)______
I will work______hours per week for a total of ______weeks.
Is the internship paid or unpaid?______If it is paid, specify the type of
payment (stipend, wages) and the total amount. ______
References (at least one should be a POLS professor):
Name:______Phone & e-mail______
Name:______Phone & e-mail______
Please list funding you will receive from all other sources:
Part-time job during summer ______
Stipend/wages from internship (from page 4)______
I have applied for $______from______
Total amount of funding from other sources: $______
Airfare/Amtrak/Megabus/Gasoline to & from internship site ______
Housing: amount per week______x _____weeks. Total______
Daily commute: amount per week____x____weeks. Total______
Groceries: amount per week______x_____weeks. Total______
Total expenses for summer internship:______
Minus amount of funding from other sources:______
Amount requested from the Downes Endowment:$______
The following items are NOT eligible for the Downes funding:
Alcoholic beverages
Automobile maintenance/insurance/rental
Recreation/museum admissions
Cell phone expenses, Internet service, Cable /Satellite TV
Passport fees
Program fees/tuition
Volunteer positions
Expenses related to obtaining the internship or not directly related to the internship