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Mental Health Justice Health Alcohol and Drug Services (MHJHADS)

Standard Operating Procedure

Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team – Outcome Measures


To provide CATT staff with a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to ensure health outcome information is collected that can assist in the provision of day-to-day care for people care for by the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT). Additionally, people experiencing mental disorder or mental illnessare given the opportunity to contribute to their care through self-report measures.


This SOP pertains to all staff members who are employed in CATT and all people experiencing mental illness or mental disorder.


CATT clinicians are required to complete the following mandatory Outcome Measures for and with their people, in line with the National Outcome and Casemix Collection (NOCC) Standards:

  • Health of Nations Outcome Scale (HoNOS)/ Health of Nations Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA)/ Health of Nations Outcome Scale 65+ (HoNOS 65+)
  • Behaviour And Symptom Identification Scale- BASIS 32: Consumer Self-Report

Outcome Measures resources, including explanations for use, are located on the ACT Health Intranet in the pathway: Home / Business Units / Mental Health ACT / Outcomes Resourcesor via the link below:

Additionally, staff members are expected to complete Mental Health ACT Core Training Module in use of Outcome Measures.

Requirements specifically for CATT:

HoNOS is required for every new episode of care, and is based on past 14 days.

With regards to the BASIS 32, it is appreciated that at times it may not be appropriate to offer this to people(e.g when in acute distress) but should be offered where appropriate and can be left with the person(included in Consumer Information Pack) to complete and return at later time for CATT (or ASO) to enter data in Mhagic.

More broadly (as defined in Mental Health ACT: Outcome Measurements Policy):

  1. Clinicians are to be prompted to provide Outcome Measures by the MHAGIC system as required or every 3 months.
  1. The outcome measure HoNOS, HoNOSCA or HoNOS 65+ that has been completed by a clinician in the community setting just prior to the admission of a personto an in-patient facility, are to be used as the admission HoNOS, HoNOSCA or HoNOS 65+ for the inpatient setting.
  1. If an outcome measure has not been recorded when a the has a change of setting from non-acute to in-patient care, the Discharge Planner (PSU) or Clinical Manager (Calvary) is to request an appropriate outcome measure from the community clinician.
  1. The HoNOS, HoNOSCA or HoNOS 65+ measure that has been completed by an inpatient clinician on the discharge of a the from the inpatient facility just prior to transfer to the community setting should be used as the transfer HoNOS, HoNOSCA or HoNOS 65+ for the community setting.


Outcome Measures

  • Clinical Documentation Audits
  • Monthly Outcome Measures Reports


  • CATT Team Leader will review Outcome Measures requirements/procedures as part of regular Clinical Documentation Audit and completion rates via the Outcome Measures Report.

Related Legislation, Policies and Standards


Mental Health Act 2015,


ACT Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services Policy: Outcome Measurement

ACT Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services Policy: Case Closure

ACT Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services: Clinical Processes and Documentation Resource Package- 3rd Edition

ACT Health Policy: Mental Health Rights and Responsibilities of Consumers, Carers and Service Providers.


Mental Health National Outcome and Casemix Collection Standards

Definition of Terms

Disclaimer: This document has been developed by Health Directorate, <Name of Division/Branch/Unit> specifically for its own use. Use of this document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any third party is at his or her own risk and Health Directorateassumes no responsibility whatsoever.

Doc Number / Version / Issued / Review Date / Area Responsible / Page
1.0 / Dec 2012 / December 2018 / AAMHS / 1 of 3
Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register