“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” -Antoine de Saint-Exupery (1900-1944)
Algebra IIPre-AP
Ms. Page Rm. 455
Teacher website:
Parent Connect:
The following information will assist you in your efforts to make this a successful year in Algebra 2 PreAP. Please be familiar with the information and my expectations, which are either outlined below or on your class syllabus. Keep this policy sheet and your syllabus in your notebook at all times. You will be responsible for the information contained on this sheet.
Your grade in this class is a reflection of the work that you do. Your grade is not a reflection of how smart you are, or how much the teacher likes you, or your value as a person. It is simply a reflection of the work that you do.
Classroom Expectations:
- Be in your seat and ready for class when the tardy bell rings.
- Come to class prepared to learn by bringing all supplies each day.
- Everyone is required to take notes. (Notes are subject to collection)
- Class work and /or homework needs to be completed each day.
- Show respect for yourself and your fellow classmates.
- Please respect the classroom by throwing away your own trash.
4 Nonnegotiable Classroom Expectations:
- Klein Collins dress code policy will be enforced
- Klein Collins tardy policy will be enforced.
- Do not use electronic devices.
- Do not bring food or drink into the classroom.
- Pencils
- Pen (some color other than black to be used for checking and correcting)
- Notebook with dividers[All students are expected to keep an organized notebook (three ring binders) for the course with sections for warm-ups/quick starts, notes, class work/homework, and quizzes.]
- notebook paper
- Graph paper
All unfinished class work is homework. Homework is the key to good grades; therefore, it is imperative that homework is completed on time and in an acceptable fashion. All homework assignments must be done in pencil and neatly presented on paper. You must show your work to receive credit. Homework that is not turned in or does not follow the problem/figure, work calculations/methods and a complete answer format will receive a 0. Minor assignments will be accepted up to 1 day late for half credit.
A Texas Instrumentsgraphing calculator will be furnished for in class use only. It is suggested some type of graphing calculator be purchased and left at home for use during homework when it is assigned. Suggested calculators, if purchased, are
- Texas Instruments Nspire
- Texas Instruments Nspire CX
**If a Texas Instruments calculator is purchased, please save the points from the packaging and return to your math teacher. Texas Instruments will allow us to purchase more equipment for your classroom with the collected points.**
Test/Retest Procedures:
All math tests will fall on a Monday or Thursday. At the start of each six weeks, you will be given a calendar that includes the date of each test. If you are absent on the review day before the test, you will still be required to take the test as long asno new information was given. If you are absent on the test date, you should make it up as soon as possible to maximize performance. One week is the typical make-up time limit for testing. I am typically available to administer the make-ups in my room upon prior arrangement.
For a major test that receives a grade below 70, you will be given the opportunity to retake that test for a maximum grade of 70. The retake must be completed within 5 school days from the date the grade is posted. Additionally, test corrections for the original test must be completed and turned in before you will be able to retest. If you elect not to retest within a six weeks grading period, thenthe summative test will count both as a test grade and will replace the lowest unit test grade, provided that the summative test is higher than a unit test.
Make-up Work:
If you are absent it is your responsibility to ask for and complete the assignment in a timely fashion.
- Assignments which were assigned before you were absent are due the day you return.
- Assignments that were assigned during your absence and turned in for grading must be turned in promptly according to the handbook rules.
Write the word “ABSENT” and the due date of the activity at the top of each paper you turn in late due to absence. Late penalties will apply if these activities are not turned in within the time limit set in the handbook.
Grading Determination:
Each six weeks:60% major grades
40% minor grades
My signature indicates that I have read and
will adhere to the policies for Pre-AP Algebra 2.
Student Signature______DATE______
Parent Signature______DATE______
*****Calculator Oath: I, ______, agree to use my calculator or Ms. Page’s calculator properly and keep it in good condition. I understand that I am responsible for any damages that may occur.
Student Signature______
Parent Signature______
Calculator Number______