One Single Idea
Branding Your Campaign
Cheryl Katz
Deborah Keltner
A critical component of every campaign's outreach efforts is the development and execution of a relevant, consistent, and well-managed brand. There is, however, a lot of confusion about what a brand actually is.
A brand is not a logo, a website, or a brochure. A brand is the promise that your campaign is making. It is demonstrated by your campaign logo, slogan, website, brochures, and direct mail campaigns. Further, it is demonstrated by the way your staff answers the phones, the way you conduct yourself during public events, and the way you thank donors. It is infused into all actions and interactions.
It is the One Single Idea that ties all of your messages together.
- Why are you meaningful?
- To whom are you meaningful?
- How do you reach your target audience?
- What do you need to do to secure their vote?
Build a comprehensive campaign brand with a simple message. Communicate your message visually in a way that is clear, concise, and consistent with your campaign's value propositions.
The messages that you develop should immediately communicate why you are a better choice than the incumbent. A fantastic example of building a simple, steady brand was in the Presidential election of 1864. The United States was divided between North and South in a war to decide the fate of the Union, and President Lincoln was running for re-election. He ran on the simple message: Don't change horses in the middle of a stream.
What's more reliable than your trusty horse, and why would you abandon him when you're most vulnerable? This slogan conveyed the steady resolve that soldiers and civilians alike were seeking to get them through the war.
Your brand is your promise. It is the One Single Idea that your target market will receive with every interaction with your campaign. Plan it wisely and invest in the strategies that will showcase your differentiators and compel your audience to act. Once you establish your brand, stay true to it. Your logo should be used consistently. Your tagline should never waver. Think of the colors, words, and images that hold the One Single Idea together, and apply them to everything.