Al Azzam, M XXX
Manar M Al-Azzam
Assistant professor/ Al-Albayt University
Chair of Community and Mental Health Nursing Department
Chair of Maternity and Child Health Nursing Department
Princess Salma Faculty of Nursing/Psychiatric Mental Health Department
Tel +96226297000 ext. 2864
Cell phone 0772134674
1997-2001 / BSN / Nursing / Jordan University of Science and Technology / Irbid-Jordan2003-2004 / MSN / Psychiatric mental health Nursing/education track / Villanova University / Philadelphia/PA
2006- 2008 / PhD / Psychiatric mental health / The University of Wisconsin Milwaukee / Wisconsin/USA
2009-2011 / Transferred to
the PhD program / Psychiatric Mental Health/ children’s mental health / The University of Iowa / Iowa/USA
06/30/2001 / Licensed as a Registered Nurse in Jordan.2003 / Certificate from College of Nursing (Continuing Education Program) at Villanova University for completing Advancing Nursing Scholarship, Education, and Leadership: Fifty Years of Achievement.
1997-2001 / Scholarship for Bachelor in Nursing at Jordan University of Science and Technology from Royal Award Jordanian Military Service.2003-2004 / Scholarship for Master in Nursing at Villanova University from Villanova University and Al AL-Bayt University including tuition and fee.
2004 / Award for Distinguished Achievement in Service from Villanova University.
2006-2011 / Scholarship for PhD in Nursing from Al AL-Bayt University.
2007-2008, 2008-2009 Chancellor award/ University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
2010 Fellowship Award/ University of Iowa/Nursing College
2011 Received Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society research grant of $1,000.00
2011 Received the University of Iowa’s summer Graduate Fellowship Award $3,000.00
Teaching Experience
2003-2004 / Lab instructor / Villanova University/Nursing School2005-2006 / Instructor / Al AL-Bayt University/Faculty of Nursing / Psychiatric mental health
2009-2011 / Teaching Assistant
Research Assistant/Diabetic Foot Ulcer Study / University of Wisconsin Milwaukee/
Nursing school
The University of Iowa/ Nursing College / Growth and Development
2011-Present / Assistant Professor / Al AL-Bayt University/Faculty of Nursing / - Psychiatric/Mental Health.
- Nursing Management and Ethics in Nursing/Theory
2012-present / Chair of community/ psychiatric mental health department
Chair of Maternity and Pediatric Department / Al AL-Bayt University/Faculty of Nursing
Work Experience
· An Assistant Professor at Al AL-Bayt University, College of Nursing /August, 2011- present.
· A full time lecturer at Al AL-Bayt University /College of
Nursing/2005-2006. I was involved in teaching courses such as:
1. Physical Assessment
2. Fundamentals of Nursing
3. Community health nursing
4. Foundations of Nursing Research
5. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Courses taught:
· Undergraduate Courses:
1. Nursing Management and leadership
2. Foundation of Nursing Research
3. Nursing Issues and Ethics
4. Communication
5. Community Health Nursing Theory
6. Community Health Nursing Clinical
7. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Theory
8. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Clinical
9. Nutrition for nursing
10. Communication skills for nursing
Clinical Practice
2001-2002 / RN Staff / King Abdullah University HospitalIrbid-Jordan / Pediatric, NICU
2001 / RN Staff / Islamic Hospital
Amman-Jordan / Pediatric
Research Experience
/ Research assistant/ Diabetic Foot Ulcer Study / University of Iowa/Nursing college2010-Present
/ Qualitative study/ADHD/ children’s Mental Health / Al AL-Bayt University/Faculty of Nursing2011-present involved in many researches in the area of interest
Qualitative Studies.
ADHD in Children.
Children’s Mental Health.
Mental Health
· AlAzzam, M., Daack-Hirsch, S., (in press). Arab Immigrant Muslim Mother’s Perceptions of Children’s Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A descriptive qualitative study. Presented at the Midwest Nursing Research Association (MNRS).
· Bashtawi, M., AlAzzam, M., (in press). Workplace Violence towards Emergency Department Staff in Jordanian Hospitals: A cross Sectional Study.
Professional Organizations
2003-present / Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Nu Chapter, Gamma Chapter2001-present
2010-Present / Jordan Nurses and Midwives Council in Amman
Midwest Nursing Research Association (MNRS)
Workshops and Conferences
2011- till present Organizing, Participating and attending workshops and conferences. Selected examples are below:
· Participating in a workshop “Pain Management as a human right”, 2011, Jordan University of Science and technology, Jordan.
· Presenting a poster entitled "Arab Muslim Immigrant Women Perception of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD" at the MNRS conference at Dearborn/ Mithigan, 2012.
· Participating in the National League of Nursing 2004, Florida/USA.
· Attending several workshops related to computer and communication skills as well as teaching and evaluation strategies, 2004-present
Committees and Task forces:
Member Scientific Research Committee , Faculty of Nursing, Al AL-Bayt University , 2011-till present.
Member Advising Committee / Faculty of Nursing Al AL-Bayt University 2011-present.
Member Curriculum Committee, Faculty of Nursing, Al AL-Bayt University, 2011- present.
Member Department Scientific Research Committee, Faculty of Nursing, Al AL-
Bayt University, 2012-present