I. General information

  1. Name of Institution ______Today’s date ______

2.Name and title of contact person for academic matters concerning program:______


Telephone ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

3. Name and title of contact person for prospective students:______


Telephone ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

4 Name of degree program ______

5.Date program will begin to be offered through UniversityCenter ______

6.Please place a check by the method(s) which will be used to deliver the program:

_____face-to-face instruction _____ Interactive video_____online [if solely online, use other form.]

_____blended (please specify how) ______cohort style

_____other: ______

7.Please indicate the term calendar and class scheduling used:

_____ semester_____quarter_____other, please specify: ______

_____ day____ evening_____weekend_____asynchronous

8.Please identify any specific facility usage or technology support the program will need:

_____computer lab for entire courses____computer lab visits for courses meeting in other rooms

_____ specific software available in computer lab, please specify ______

_____ regular use of interactive video classroom_____occasional use of interactive video classroom

_____ regular use of science classroom_____occasional use of science classroom

_____regular use of lecture hall_____occasional use of lecture hall

_____regular use of nursing lab_____occasional use of nursing lab

8.Please provide program web site address and any other information that UniversityCenter staff could use in assisting you to market this degree program:


II. Determination of Lake CountyNeed for Program

Please provide the institution’s assessment of the LakeCounty need for this program and the means by which it arrived at that determination. This could include reference to the UniversityCenter’s needs assessments, any RFP developed by the UniversityCenter, workforce development needs identified by other LakeCounty or state organizations, or data developed by the institution independently. (Use other sheets as needed.)

III. Audience

Please describe the intended audience for this program under the appropriate heading(s).If you are proposing a bachelor’s completion program, we encourage you to work with University Center staff to initiate an exploratory conversation with the College of Lake County regarding the proposed program, preferably in advance of submitting this proposal form.


____traditional age AA/AS student_____traditional age AAS student

_____transfer students from a specific CLC program (please specify) ______

_____general adult student_____adult student with a specific background ______

_____other, please specify ______


_____ career changer into (please specify) ______

_____alumni of a specific UniversityCenter program (please specify) ______

_____current teacher

_____ people seeking the following professional credential/certification ______

_____ people in this specific business/industry ______

_____other, please specify ______

Professional Development

_____ people seeking the following professional credential/certification ______

_____ people bound by the following continuing education requirement ______

_____ people in this specific business/industry ______

_____ career changer into (please specify) ______

_____other, please specify ______

Other comments. (Use other sheets as needed.)

IV. Level of service

Describe how the program will provide the following services to the student. (Use other sheets as needed.)

Admission/financial aid

Academic advising




Reasonable accommodations of disability

V. Characteristics of Program

Please include a list of the courses included in the program and any available information about the schedule on which you would propose to run the courses. Any other characteristics that you would like to share, such as established institutional benchmarks, specific program accreditations, program completion/graduation rates, graduate success rates on state/national exams, placement rates, graduate school admission rates, faculty credentials, etc., would also be welcome.

Please indicate who will teach in the program by checking as many as apply:

_____full-time faculty teaching within load _____full-time faculty teaching on overload

_____adjuncts currently teaching for program_____adjuncts specific to LakeCounty

Will the percentage of full-time faculty to adjuncts differ in LakeCounty from campus model? ____No

_____Yes If yes, please specify how ______

Please specify any maximum or minimum number of students required for program viability:

Minimum of ______

Maximum of ______

Not applicable ______

How does your institution measure quality and the outcomes of student learning?

Is the curriculum and assessment the same for on-campus and off-campus versions of this program?


_____No (If the Lake County program differs from an equivalent home campus program, please specify how.)

Other comments:

VI. Potential Impact on Existing Program

Does the UniversityCenter currently include any comparable programs? _____No _____Yes

If yes, please specify program and institution ______

If yes, please tell us what is unique about your program. Describe how proposed program will differ from existing program in meeting LakeCounty need, target audience, provision of student services, program structure/characteristics, and/or institutional status:

Will the proposed program serve to supplement any existing program? This might include a certificate program that can be included within a graduate degree program, a bachelor’s level program that feeds into an existing graduate program, a post-graduate certificate program, a higher level of professional certification, etc.

_____No _____Yes (If yes, please specify) ______

Other comments:

VII. Institutional Status

Have you shared this proposal withyour institution’s representative to UC’s Council of Member Institutions?


_____No (If not, please do so before submitting this proposal.)

Have you notified your chief academic officer of this University Center program proposal?


_____No (If not, please do so now.)

Has a change of location notification been filed with the Higher Learning Commission?

_____ Yes Please attach HLC statement of affiliation status.

_____ No

Do you have approval from the Illinois Board of Higher Education to offer this degree program in LakeCounty? ______If "yes", when was approval given?______

Please list professional accreditations which program holds ______

VIII. Other

If there are additional criteria on which you think the program should be evaluated, please specify here.

Please return completed form to:Hilary Ward Schnadt

(and to your institution’sAssociate Dean for Academic Services & Programs

CMI representative)University Center of Lake County

1200 University Center Drive

Grayslake, IL 60030

Phone: (847) 665-4004

Fax: (847) 665-4111

Revision adopted by CMI 8/8/13. (7.21.14)