Technical Specifications
Title of the project:Speaking microcontroller for deaf and dumb with device switching
Domain:Robotics, Wireless Communication
Software:Embedded C, Keil, Proload
Voice module:1
Power supply :+9V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply
Crystal : 11.0592MHz
Applications:Military, Auto motives
Developed By :M/S Wine Yard Technologies
Phone:040-6464 6363
Micro controller based speaking for dumb and deaf is designed to give the signs, which are preloaded in the device. It is microcontroller based device, which gives the alert sounds just by using Hand gesture sensor, which are given some redefined messages like asking for water, washroometc.., here the person can just give the predefined gesture which indicates the sign of Water(example) then the device sounds the same with some output volume.
Microcontroller is the heart of the device. It stores the data of needs of the person. So that it can make use of data stored whenever the person uses this device. This device helps deaf and dumb people to announce their requirements. By this the person who is near can understand their need and help them. This saves the time to understand each other and ease in communication.
This device is designed to provide with a greater advantage producing voice based announcement for the users i.e., the user gets the voice which pronounces his need as and when it is required.
“Speech” and “gestures” are the expressions, which are mostly used in communication between human beings. Learning of their use begins with the first years of life. In human communication, the use of speech and gestures is completely coordinated. Machine gesture and sign language recognition is about recognition of gestures and sign language using gloves.
There are important issues addressed by the researcher based on traditional system usability. Natural intuition of the gesture control was addressed by most of the research .natural connection with the group work like meeting ,gesture recognitions providing feedback of the gestures through visualization ,sound etc gesture training common or unusual gesture are some issues which give a direction towards further research for elderly.
This project uses regulated 5v, 500mA power supply. 7805, a three terminal voltage regulator is used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12v step down transformer.
Power Supply Design: