Food Guide – Dysphagia Diets
NDD Level 3: Dysphagia-Advanced (Soft)
Diet Description: Foods are moist, soft, and require more chewing ability; however should still be in “bite” sized pieces. Foods are nearly regular in texture. Bread and rice are included. Hard, sticky, and crunchy foods are excluded.
Food Group / Foods Allowed / Foods ExcludedCereals and Breads
All items must be well- moistened with milk (orjust enough milk to moisten if regular/thinliquids are restricted). /
- All well-moistened cereals
- Any well moistened breads, biscuits, muffins, pancakes, waffles, etc(with butter, margarine, syrup, or jelly).
- Grilled cheese sandwich with no crust cut into bite size pieces
- Coarse or dry cereals such as All Bran, Shredded Wheat, etc.
- Dry bread, toast, crackers, etc.
- Tough, crusty breads such as French bread or baguettes
Vegetables /
- Tender soft-cooked vegetables
- Shredded lettuce
- Raw vegetables
- Cooked corn
- Stewed tomatoes
- Non-tender or rubbery cooked vegetables
Fruits /
- Soft, peeled fresh fruits such as ripe banana, peaches, nectarines, kiwi, cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon without seeds, and soft berries with small seeds (i.e. strawberries).
- All canned or cooked fruit without skins or seeds.
- Difficult to chew fresh fruits such as apples or pears.
- Stringy, high pulp fruits like papaya, pineapple, and mango.
- Fruits with difficult to chew skins such as grapes.
- Dried fruit, fruit snacks, raisins, and fruit roll ups
Meats, Meat Substitutes, and Entrees
All meats must be well-moistened. Add extra gravy or sauces asneeded. /
- Thin-sliced, tender, or ground meat and poultry
- Well moistened fish
- Cheese cubes or slices
- Casseroles with small chunks of meat, ground meat, or tender meat
- Meat salads mixed with mayonnaise without large chunks or celery
- Eggs (prepared any way)
- Smooth quiche or soufflés without large chunks
- Tofu, legumes that are well cooked
- Creamy peanut butter
- Yogurt without nuts or coconut
- Dry or tough meat and poultry (such asbacon, sausage, hot dogs, bratwurst)
- Dry fish or fish with bones
- Chunky peanut butter
- Yogurt containing nuts or coconut
Food Group / Foods Allowed / Foods Excluded
Desserts /
- All except those listed to avoid.
- Dry cakes, cookies that are chewy, dry or very hard.
- Any foods containing coconut, dried fruit, nuts, pineapple, raisins, or seeds.
- Foods that become thin at room or body temperature need to be avoided or thickened if thin liquids are not allowed (i.e. milk shakes/malts, frozen yogurt, eggnog, ice cream, sherbet, jello).
Soups may need to be thickened to your diet/liquid prescription. /
- All except those listed to avoid
- Strained corn or clam chowders
- Soups with tough meat and poultry
- Chowders (clam, corn) unless strained
- Soups with chunks (meats and vegetables) larger than one inch.
Potatoes and Starches /
- All including rice, wild rice, moist bread dressing, and tender, fried potatoes
- Tough crisp-fried potatoes
- Potato skins
- Dry bread dressing
Miscellaneous /
- Non chewy candy without nuts, seeds, or coconut
- Jams, jellies, preserves, honey
- All sauces
- Coconut, nuts, seeds
- Chewy caramel or taffy-like candy
- Candy containing coconut, nuts, and seeds
- Hard candy
- Coconut, nuts, seeds
Food Guide – Dysphagia Diets
NDD Level 2: Dysphagia-Mechanically Altered (Mechanical Soft)
Diet Description: Foods are moist, soft, and simple to chew. The diet is intended to provide a transition from puree to easy-to-chew foods. Moistened ground meats (pieces should not exceed ¼-inch pieces), vegetables cooked to a soft mashable texture, soft-cooked or canned fruits, and bananas are included.
Food Group / Foods Allowed / Foods ExcludedBreads /
- Soft pancakes, well moistened with syrup
- Pureed bread mixes
- Pre-gelled or slurried breads, sweet rolls, pastries, french toast, etc.
- All others
Cereals may have just enough milk to moisten if liquids are restricted; mixture should be well blended and absorbed into the cereal. /
- Cooked cereals with little texture (Farina, Cream of Wheat, Malto-Meal, Cocoa Wheat, Oatmeal)
- Dry cereals with little texture softened with milk (Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Wheaties, etc)
- Unprocessed wheat bran may be stirred into cereals for bulk
- Coarse cooked cereals
- Cereals with seeds, coconut, dried fruit, or nuts
- Whole grain dry or coarse cereals
Vegetables should be < ½ inch and easily mashed with a fork. /
- Soft, well cooked vegetables
- Asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, corn, and peas.
- Fibrous non-tender or rubbery cooked vegetables
- Raw vegetables
- Stewed tomatoes
Diced no larger than ½ inch if canned fruit is not soft. /
- Soft drained canned or cooked fruit without seeds or skins
- Soft and ripe bananas
- Fruits that are dried, fresh, or frozen
- Cooked fruit with skins and/or seeds
- All pineapple
- Raisins
May need to be thickened to liquid prescription /
- Soups with easy to chew or easy to swallow meats or vegetables. Food piece sizes should be less than ½ inch in size.
- Soups containing corn, peas, or rice
- Soups with large chunks of meat and vegetables
Potatoes and Starches
All potatoes must be moist and in a sauce /
- Baked, boiled, or mashed potatoes that are well cooked and moistened. No skins.
- Shredded hash browns well cooked and not crisp.
- Well cooked noodles in a sauce.
- Spaetzel or soft dumplings moistened with butter or gravy.
- Potato skins
- Potato Chips
- French fries or other fried potatoes
- Rice
- Spaghetti
Food Group / Foods Allowed / Foods Excluded
Meats, Meat Substitutes, and Entrees
Meat pieces should not exceed ¼-inch cube and should be tender. /
- Moist ground or cooked meat, chicken, turkey, or fish. Serve with sauce or gravy to moisten
- Casseroles without rice
- Macaroni and cheese that is moist, well-cooked pasta with meat sauce, tuna and noodle casserole (no peas), lasagna that is soft and moist
- Raviolis well cooked and cut into ¼ inch pieces with sauce
- Fish loaf, meat loaf, and meatballs that are moist and have sauce/gravy
- Meat salads (mixed with mayonnaise), such as tuna, egg, ground ham, ground chicken, ground beef without large chunks, celery, or onion
- Cottage cheese
- Smooth quiche without large chunks
- Scrambled eggs, poached or soft eggs, soufflés, and quiche. All eggs should be moist and mashed with a fork with butter or margarine.
- Well-cooked, slightly mashed,
- Dry or tough meats (such as
- Dry casseroles or casseroles with
- Cheese slices or cubes
- Hard-cooked egg
- Peanut butter
- Sandwiches
- Pizza
Desserts /
- Custard and pudding
- Soft fruit pies with bottom crust only
- Plain cheesecake with thin crust (fruit glaze on top without fruit pieces).
- Soft, moist cakes with icing
- Crisps and cobblers without seeds, coconut, or nuts and with soft breading or crumb mixture
- Soft, moist cookies that have been dunked in milk, coffee, or other liquid
- Canned fruit (no pineapple)
- Ice cream, sherbet, frozen yogurt,
- Dry cookies or cake
- Any foods containing coconut, dried fruit, nuts, pineapple, raisins, or seeds.
- Cooked fruit with skins and/or seeds
- Bread and rice pudding
Miscellaneous /
- Butter, margarine, gravy, cream
dressings, cream cheese, sour
cream, whipped toppings
- BBQ sauce, ketchup, mustard, honey
- Jams and preserves without seeds; jelly
- Sauces and salsas with small
- Miscellaneous items (sauces, condiments, etc.) with coarse or chunky
- Seeds, coconut, nuts
- Sticky or hard foods
- Chewy candy like caramel, licorice, and taffy
Food Guide – Dysphagia Diets
NDD Level 1: Dysphagia Pureed (Puree)
Diet Description: Foods are thick and smooth and have a moist pudding-like consistency without pulp or small food particles (i.e. foods are “blenderized”). They cling together, are easy to swallow, and require a minimum amount of manipulation in the mouth.
Food Group / Foods Allowed / Foods ExcludedBreads /
- Pre-gelled or slurried breads, pancakes, pastries, french toast
- Pureed bread
- All breads and bread products that are not pre-gelled or slurried.
- Crackers
Cereals /
- Thick, smooth, moist hot cereals. The cereal should have a “pudding like” consistency (i.e. Malt-O-Meal, Farina, Cream of Wheat, Cocoa Wheat) (thickness of milk based on liquid restrictions)
- All ready to eat cereals.
- Cooked cereal with chunks, lumps, or seeds
- Oatmeal
Fruits /
- Applesauce, pureed fruits, well-mashed bananas
- Regular canned, fresh, dried, or frozen
Vegetables /
- Blended/pureed vegetables without chunks, lumps or seeds; mashed white potatoes; tomato paste
- All vegetables that have not been blended/pureed
Soups /
- Smooth creamy and strained soups. (thickness of soup based on liquid restrictions)
- Soups with chunks, lumps, pieces of meat, vegetable, noodles, rice, potatoes, etc.
Potatoes and Starches /
- Mashed potatoes with butter, margarine, gravy, sauce, or sour cream
- Well cooked pasta, bread dressing, or rice that has been pureed
- All other items that are not pureed.
Meats, Meat Substitutes, and Entrees /
- Pureed meats, poultry, or fish
- Pureed scrambled eggs that hold their form
- Pureed smooth Hummus or other legume spread
- Smooth softened tofu mixed with liquid
- All other meats that are not pureed
- Cottage cheese
- Cheese slices or cubes
- Scrambled or hard cooked egg
- Peanut butter
- Sandwiches
- Pizza
Desserts /
- Smooth custard and pudding
- Plain or custard-style yogurt
- Souffles
- Desserts pureed to a smooth and
- Ice cream, sherbet, malts, frozen yogurt, other ices (may be given only if regular
- Regular cake, pie, cookies
- Bread and rice pudding
- Yogurt with fruit pieces
Miscellaneous /
- Butter, margarine, smooth gravy, cream sauces, mayonnaise, salad dressings, cream cheese, sour cream, whipped toppings
- Sugar, jelly, honey, syrup
- Ketchup, mustard, smooth sauces
- Miscellaneous items (sauces, condiments, etc.) with coarse or chunky
- Jams and preserves with fruit pieces
- Chunky peanut butter