Davidson Student Scholar Proposal: Fall 2017 Applications Cycle
San Jose State University
Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering (CoE)
Davidson Student Scholar Proposal: Fall 2017 Applications Cycle
Cover Page
- Research Type (check X): ___Project ___Thesis (Graduate Students only)
- Research Duration: ___Fall 2017, ___ Academic Year (Fall 2017 & Spring 2018)
- Project/Thesis Title:
- Research Synopsis(≤ 5 Lines):
- Student Name (Last, First):
- email address:- SJSU Student ID#:
- Undergraduate or Graduate & Year (e.g., junior UG, 2nd semester GR, …):
- CoEDepartment:
- Grade Point Average (as of the beginning of Fall2017):
- Estimated Number of Hours You Expect to Devote to Research per Week:
- Name of CoEFaculty Advisor/Mentor (Last, First):
- Advisor Signature: (I have reviewed the student proposal and agree to supervise the proposed research until completion):
Body of the Proposal
Keep the bold titles and replace the guiding text within the brackets ([…])with your input
(Not to exceed 3single-sided pages, excluding the cover page, 12-point font, 1” margins)
A. Introduction: [Brief overview of the research area and the gap in existing knowledge or outstanding problem that motivates your research.]
B. Proposed Researchand Why Important: [Statement of the contribution your research will make to close the gap or solve the problem andwhy important.]
C. Methodology: [Description and rationale for approaches you will undertake to achieve the researchgoals, stressing original, innovative, and creative aspects. The methodology can be experimental, mathematical, computational, hardware oriented, or creative combination of these and other approaches.]
D. Milestones and Timeline: [Logical flow of specific tasks you propose to complete to timely reach your goals, statingmeasurable outcomesexpectedandexpected completion dates.]
E. Anticipated Outcome: [The minimum expected outcome isa well-organized and well-written final report approved by your adviser(adopting a thesis format is highly recommended). Outcomes could include in addition hardware prototypes, presentations to CoEand/orSJSU Research Forums, National Research Forums, paper presented at a well-recognized conference,paper accepted for publication in a credible technical journal,among others.]
F. Budget: [This section is an essential part of most proposals. Here, you’re only required to list hardware, software, laboratory materials, and other suppliesyou will need to complete the research tasks, together with cost estimates. Selected proposals will be awarded the cost incurred up to a maximum of $300 after completion and acceptance of the project/thesis. You should save all receiptsand file for reimbursement later.]
G. References: [List all the resources cited in your proposal, including any online resources. Do not list resources not referenced in your proposal.]