26/1/15 AM – Consultation 4
Duration: 09:49
P - patient
D - doctor
(u.c.) - unclear speech
D: hello
P: hello [hiya
D: [hi
P: hiya
D: how are you doing
P: er (.) I’m okay I- (.) had a bit of a (.) stressful (u.c.) appointment last week or the week before erm (.) and they just said you will be in pain (.) for quite a bit lo- he said up to six months (.) so at the moment they’re still saying (.) wait with the pain and I’m kind of like I don’t want to wait (.) anymore cos I’m so fed up
D: okay
P: errm (.) so the th- one thing he- I saw a registrar there he’s put me onto ne- naproxen
D: yeah
P: erm so he said to come in to get a prescription for that (.) erm he did also suggest taking a mini pill (.) I think but I’m not (.) sure about taking that really cos I’ve already got the coil
D: yeah
P: so I don’t know if that would really be of use (.) the other thing was I’ve got erm (.) through a family (.) member has erm asked a gynecologist in London if he’ll see me for a second opinion (.) just to talk through (.) the possible treatment options next (.) and he’s asked whether you could do a letter of referral for that
D: as a private or a-
P: I’m [not actually sure erm does it make a difference (.) for the [letter or-
D: [NHS [erm (1.5) sometimes it can be harder to refer out of area (.) [but I can see
P: [okay [yeah
D: [erm I [mean
P: [sure
D: cos we- we’re normally MRI (.) and [Wythenshawe [and occasionally it’s
P: [yeah [yeah
D: erm (.) Salford [so Sta- Stockport (.) I was like ooh will they won’t they
P: [yeah yeah
D: a little bit [anyway erm but I know he’s probably the best person I know
P: [sure
D: locally [for that so erm-
P: [yeah absolutely (.) no and I think he [is very good (I-)
D: [the other option- (.) the other option is that I write back to (.) Mr XXX and say (.) you’re still in a lot of pain you’re see- looking at wanting a second opinion but I wonder whether (.) you’ll be better just to speak directly to him
P: yeah
D: I d- I mean that’s another-
P: yeah
D: a second option for [you basically
P: [he’s- he’s booked me back in on the seventeenth of March I think so kind of have a two month waiting [period (.) erm and then
D: [right
P: come back in and [say (.) is it any better I think then (.) I’ve got the opportunity
D: [okay
P: to say I’d actually like to talk to Mr XXX [directly before (.) I change treatment
D: [XXX right
P: cos what the registrar was suggesting was (.) having an injection that would induce the menopause
D: yeah
P: temporarily
D: [yeah
P: [and that [seems quite drastic (.) and especially when I’m getting married in
D: [interesting
P: September so I don’t really want to be going through lots of mood swings (.) in the six months before [my wedding
D: [yeah I mean it can be a diff- a variable [thing cos
P: [yeah
D: sometimes being tired with lots of pain
P: yeah
D: can make [y- I’m not saying it makes you moody can [make one moody
P: [yeah (u.c.) [no it does haha
D: [hahaha
P: [it absolutely does
D: so [yeah so I think there’s a bit of a-
P: [ahaha [yeah that’s true
D: [risk benefit thing and sometimes if you’re not in l- constant pain
P: that’s true
D: you’re actually surprisingly less moody
P: yeah
D: than (.) having everything switched off
P: yep
D: erm (1.0) so erm it does sound like a d- in your mind it can sound like a [drastic thing but erm a lot of women get really good relief from it
P: [it does yeah yeah
D: so erm (.) yeah
P: and certainly if there’s nothing better I’d like to think about trying it [but I’d just
D: [yeah
P: like to know if there’s-
D: yeah [the other thing is you can get is a shorter one so you could get it as a
P: [what general things there would be
D: three month injection
P: okay
D: so and you have it as a shorter injection and then you can see what it’s like
P: yeah
D: so almost if you have it now soonerish (.) then you know don’t you
P: it (.) what to [do later on yeah
D: [if it’s okay for later
P: sure
D: I suppose [would be the other benefit but yes they’ll talk to you about all the
P: [sure
D: pros and [cons (.) erm (.) what do you want to do about this consultant in
P: [yeah
D: London then [do you want to-
P: [so he ha- he has agreed to see me
D: [yeah
P: [erm I’m not sure if he’s fitting me into a private or NHS [clinic if it’s easier for
D: [could you check for
P: [private
D: [me yeah
P: erm that’s fine
D: [okay
P: [if you want- if that makes a difference to the referral process (.) he’s erm (.) penciled me in for the tenth of February
D: right
P: erm his name’s XXX (.) he’s at Kings College Hospital
D: XXX XXX or [X-
P: [yep
D: yep (.) at Kings
P: yeah
D: could you double check with me
P: [yeah
D: [and just le- er for me and leave me a message
P: [sure
D: [erm I’m in again on Thursday so I can then sort the [referral then
P: [okay brilliant
D: yeah which [one
P: [yeah
D: he’s actually put you in to
P: yeah I mean if it’s easier to do it private (.) because the out of area (.) that’s [fine
D: [or it may be that he’s put you- booked you in to [his private clinic
P: [yeah (.) yeah
D: do you [see what-
P: [I think he’s NHS
D: is [it
P: [on the basis that it’s in the day I think erm
D: they can still [do- do private yeah (.) just check for [me and then we know it’s-
P: [huh do they yeah [I will yeah
D: not gonna be a palava and get- go a bit wrong
P: okay brilliant
D: erm and w- anything else
P: just the naproxen
D: your [naproxen yes
P: [and (1.0)
P I wonder if it’s worth doing the clarithromycin review now as well cos I know that’s coming [up (.) while I’m here **5 Mins**
D: [yeah how’s it going
P: it’s really good today of course erm hahaha it’s [perfect hahaha (.) [(u.c.)
D: [(u.c.) [that’s the way [it is
P: [ha I know so I might book in to see you every week [hahah
D: [when it’s bad
P: just as a- (.) just [(u.cs.) like sorts itself out erm (.) I- I dunno s- it seems to be
D: [(u.c.)
P: very hormonal (.) [that’s- so (.1.0 just kind of comes and goes depending on
D: [is it
P: the cycle erm it was bad (.) a couple of weeks ago but now it’s totally cleared up (.) so [I don’t know if it’s working better than (azithromycin) (.) I wonder if
D: [w- what would you like to do
P: it’s worth carrying on for a tiny bit longer (.) [with the clarithromycin and just
D: [yeah that’s absolutely fine
P: seeing how that works
D: yeah
P: cos it’s only been a couple of months now
D: yeah let’s see hang on (2.0) yeah (.) yeah it’s probably not even- it’s only just over a month [now
P: [yeah
D: yeah (.) that sounds reasonable (.)
D: and do you find the naproxen better than the ibuprofen
P: I’ve only been taking it for a week (.) [erm so (.) not entirely convinced yet but
D: [okay
P: (.) did say it might take a while to build up (1.0) and th- just taking three a day which o- of two hundred and fifty which I think you could actually take a higher dose than that
D: I thi- for you though cos you’re having it quite a lot
P: yeah
D: y- you’re probably tryna- you know it’s balancing the [side effects isn’t it (.)
P: [yeah
D: how’s your heartburn
P: that’s much better since I upped the omeprazole
D: is it
P: yeah much better
D: if you find it’s any worse just come back (1.0) erm (.) I’ll put that on repeat then
P: brilliant thank [you
D: [er- (3.0) so what do you need today your- just your [clarithromycin
P: [just er- erm (1.0) yeah the naproxen (.) please (1.0) and would you- what would you recommend with the- (.) with the mini pill and I think the registrar recommended it because he said it could help reduce (.) bleeding but I don’t really have a lot of bleeding
D: it’s the [pain isn’t it
P: [so yeah I mean I do have more (.) pain when I’m bleeding but my bleeding’s minimal (2.0) and I have tried it in the past (.) but it didn’t seem to make much difference
D: did you have it here
P: no it was years ago now (.) I tried a kind of (.) variety of the pills and then went onto the depot injection (.) and I ended up on the coil which worked better than it- any of the others cos it’s a bit more constant
D: yeah (5.5) I think- I’d say it’s up to you really whether you want to try it or not [try it erm (.) it’s another tablet
P: [yeah yeah
D: erm it’s some different hormones (.) erm (1.0) it may work it may not work
P: yeah
D: the benefit might be that if you go to- I don’t think you’ll notice any benefit before you go to this appointment [on the tenth
P: [yeah yeah
D: so it may be worth going to the appointment on the tenth-
P: and then just [asking
D: [and then (.) have that conversation and then make a decision cos [then-
P: [yeah
D: they’ll look at all your treatment options (.) and if you go actually I’ll go for the mini pill we’ll do it and then you’ve got six weeks of that before-
P: the next appointment [(u.cs.) yep
D: [your next appointment and then you can say whether it’s working or not
P: yeah
D: erm might be one way to go [about it
P: [yeah [sure
D: [erm (1.0) because you’re not- you’re gonna go to this appointment not knowing whether it’s- (.) [working or not and
P: [yeah
D: [I-
P: [yeah
D: you know prostat might be a really- really reasonable option to be fair
P: yeah
D: because you’ve had this for such a long time
P: yeah
D: you’ve tried lots of things
P: yeah
D: let’s just switch it off (.) have a rest
P: yeah
D: switch it off have a rest of it (.) feel a bit better and then make a decision
P: yeah
D: and sometimes switching it off for a bit does help it longer
P: okay
D: cos even- a- when you’ve switched it off it doesn’t necessarily- for someone it doesn’t come back as bad (.) and it takes a while to build up [again
P: [yeah
D: so
P: okay (.) that sounds yeah more encouraging
D: yeah
P: yep
D: did it sound like a terrible [option or-
P: [just sounded so- yeah terrifying so or induce the menopause or (.) said you can get endometriosis in your womb and then all we can do is a hysterectomy and I was like oh great this is cheering for-
D: yeah
P: a woman in their twenties to [be told but
D: [yeah about to get married in [September
P: [yeah exactly
D: yeah
P: but-
D: yeah I thi- you know get that appointment (let me know when they’re seeing you) [definitely (.) leave a message for me
P: [yeah brilliant
D: talk about your options (.) it’s only you know what is it fourteen days [two
P: [yeah
D: weeks or something [before you’re gonna see him (.) and then decide
P: [yeah yeah
D: erm (.) and you know maybe they’ll be able to give you the (prostat) on the day
P: [yeah
D: [which is what we would- (when I did- gynae-) you know if that’s what (woman) decide we just give it to you that day [(job done)
P: [okay (.) [okay brilliant
D: [sorted ha
P: thank you very much
D: anything else
P: no that’s [great that’s great
D: [okay okay
P: thank you
D: good (.) [carry on
P: [thanks very much [yeah
D: [fingers crossed for this appointment then on the [tenth
P: [yeah thanks I’ll just- (.) I’ll leave a message for you just to confirm that
D: [yeah perfect alright XXX see you later
P: [thanks very much (.) thank you bye
D: bye