Hertfordshire Business School
Full Time PhD Fee Waiver Studentship
Leadership in Integrated Public Services; Leadership in Co-production of Public Services
In the last decade, an increasing number of policies and initiatives in the UK and other countries have encouraged public services such as police, fire service, health, social care and education to work with citizens and third sector organisations and to coordinate their activities in order to offer more effective joined upservices. These developments have prompted a growing international body of literature on many aspects of public service co-production, as well as integration of public services especially across a number of service providers in health and social care. However, there is a dearth of research on how these historically-distinct public service providers, which have unique professional cultures and work practices, work together; and who leads the coordination of their diverse activities.
Research at the Hertfordshire Business School has been developing the understanding of leadership of innovative and sustainable forms of public service development and delivery in the context of complex change. Our interest is at the management level of these services in the UK, Europe and beyond rather than from a governmental policy perspective. In particular the research has been advancing the research on leading in co-production of public services and educational leadership. This has included developing a conceptual framework which has been applied to empirical studies of co-production, and working on a number of funded projects for research and research impact, including interdisciplinary research projects.
This PhD Studentship provides the opportunity to pursue a project from within the research base on ‘leadership in integrated public services’ (inter-organisational) and ‘leading in co-production of public services’ (involving public service providers, citizens and/or the third sector organisations).
Applicant Requirements
• Completed UH application form, including two academic references.
• A research proposal on public service leadership of approximately 2000 words and including rationale for the topic of study; research aims; methods; expected contribution to knowledge.
• Copies of qualification certificates and transcripts.
• A copy of your passport.
• Candidates for whom English is not their first language will require certification of English language competence (minimum IELTS 6.5 or equivalent).
Applicants should have at least an upper second-class honours degree in a relevant discipline. A Masters degree in a relevant field will be advantageous.
This fee waiver studentship is open only to Home UK/EU nationals.
For an application form see:
For enquiries regarding research degrees at the University of Hertfordshire and this application process, please email Abiha Nigath (). Abiha can also supply you with our PhD Schedule on request.
For enquiries concerning this studentship please email Dr Yasmin Imani ()
Please send completed applications to
Deadline for applications: 5 July 2017. Interviews will be held 18-21st, 24-26th July 2017. If you do not receive an invitation to interview by this time you may assume your application has been unsuccessful.