Ontario Institute for Studies in education of the University of Toronto

252 Bloor Street West

Toronto, OntarioCanada m5s 1v6

May 12, 2012

Dear … ,

Warm greetings! We are writing to invite you to participate in our resource fair at the “Educating for Peace and Justice: Action for Safe and Equitable Classrooms, Schools and Communities,” an exciting teacher professional development event on Saturday September 29, 2012 at OISE/UT in Toronto.

This is a one-day (8:30am – 4:00 pm) professional learning conference sponsored by OISE/UT Student Services. We are expecting over 500 teachereducation candidates, and a number of other graduate students, educators and community members. The resource fair will be the busiest during the lunch break between workshops from 12:30 pm – 1:30 pm. Booths and tables may be set up starting at 8:30am, to attract participants coming out of the plenary session, and are welcome to remain throughout the afternoon.

The goal of the conference is to enable participants to share, learn, and try out ideas, strategies, and best practices related to actively building safe and equitable classrooms, schools and communities. The goals of the Peace and Justice Education Resource Fair are to introduce participants to organizations working in these areas, to allow participants to view and take home materials on safe and equitable classrooms, schools and communities, and to promote internship opportunities for teacher candidates. An opening plenary and three sets of concurrent workshops will involve hands-on skill building and discussions on various approaches to peacemaking and social justice education in schools, relevant to various grade levels and areas of interest.

Would you be willing to present a table at our resource fair on September 29th? We very much hope that you can participate.

Please help us to plan for this event by returning the attached response form to by WEDNESDAY MAY 30TH, 2012. If you have any questions or comments we would be delighted to answer them through this email as well.

Also let us introduce Dong-Ling Chen, who will be in touch with you as she is coordinating this year’s Educating for Peace & Justice Resource Fair.

Thank you so much for considering this invitation.

Best regards,

Dong-Ling Chen Resource Fair Coordinator

On Behalf of Jill Goodreau, Initial Teacher Education Instructor

Educating for Peace & Justice Conference Chair

Department of Curriculum, Teaching & Learning

OISE, University of Toronto


Educating for Peace and Justice:

Action for Safe and Equitable Classrooms, Schools and Communities at OISE/UT Response Form




Phone Number:

______I would like to present a Resource Fair Table (Please see below for details).

_____Sorry, I will not be participating in the resource fair for the Educating for Peace and Justice: Action for Safe and Equitable Classrooms, Schools, and Communities Conference.

My needs for the resource fair are (please let us know how many tables you will need, if you need to be placed near an electrical outlet, etc, and we will try to accommodate): ______



I expect to set up and staff my resource fair table between ______(time) and ______(time). ______

Any questions or concerns?



Please return this form, via email, to:

Dong-Ling Chen at

Thank you! We will follow up with further details soon after we receive your form.