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Meeting on 17/04/12
20mph speed limits and traffic calming
Views of Member Officer Working Group
Views to be advised to a future meeting of PH&E Services Committee.
It is desirable that the default speed limit for urban roads is 20mph, in the interests of road safety and modal change. However, any such limits require to be “self enforcing” and must not add to the Police enforcement burden.
For new developments the rationale of “Designing Streets” and a 20mph speed limit will be the standard.
Increased provision of 20mph speed limits on existing residential streets and urban roads,other than those with a significant strategic traffic or distributor function, will be pursued. These will accord with relevant legislation and national guidance. The preference is to avoid the use of physical measures (of any sort). However, where necessary and appropriate the use of relevant physical measures and traffic calming features to achievea self enforcing 20mph speed limits will be required.
Suggested prioritisation of additional provision on further lengths of road:
- urban locations with an injury accident record involving pedestrians or cyclists,
- urban locations with an injury accident record,
- conclude programme of provision at all schools in region,
- urban locations where provision would enable or encourage modal shift,
- urban locations adjacent to existing 20mph limits where existing speeds are sufficiently low that the limit could be extended with little or no additional works,
- locations requested by the community, and where need and support can be demonstrated (minimum of five residents),
- large housing areas without a 20mph limit.
One Member expressed a minority view that mirrored much of the majority view, except that they considered that 20mph speed limits should be provided without traffic calming measures where the mean speed was at or below 24mph (as English/Welsh legislation). Notwithstanding the mean speed measurement the Member’s preference was to have blanket 20mph speed limits in urban areas and in villages, where appropriate, using repeater signs/roundel markings as traffic calming measures in a 20mph zones on a case by case basis. The Member considered that 20mph is
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statistically a far safer vehicle speed for pedestrians and cyclists where people live and shop. The Member suggested that the new community safety teams, including community wardens should play a significant part in enforcing 20mph zones. The Member felt that the cost of both horizontal and vertical traffic calming measures would prohibit progress across the Region and that these measures should only be introduced where there was a powerful case for them. The Member agreed with the prioritisation order as indicated in the majority view.