Self-Portrait Project – Photography Mrs. Chase
Follow the directions below. Use complete sentences and make sure that you express your thoughts well. Support your answers and opinions.
Answer the following question: Why do people take self-portraits?
Then choose three of the self-portraits that you took and copy them onto your word document then and explore and answer the following questions for each picture: What does your self-portrait say about you? How did you set up the pose?
Then, using the two pictures that you found on the internet and tried to copy follow these directions: Copy and paste your self-portrait next to the one you tried to copy for both so that they can be compared and contrasted. Evaluate the pictures you took. Explain how well you did or did not copy the pose/composition. Tell what you like about the picture/composition and what you could have done better. Make sure that you are evaluating what you have done.
Your final copy should look like the example below.
Stephanie Chase
2nd period
Oct. 1
People take self-portraits for many reasons. One reason may be that blah, blah, blah. Klfdjkgfkl;djioaurnfjiojtjfjiojarkjfdufojdfdisufiosjadkjfosdufijsdkjfisduaiofjsdiajfiousdiofjiosdjfiousdioufiosdjfiusdiojfiosdjiofjiosdajfiousdioufjisdjfiudiosjfiksdjofuiosdjfijsdio[fjiodjfiiopajiofjdiofjiosdajfijadsifjo dshfidkjfhsdifuisdhfuihsdiu.
In this self-portrait I have tried to portray by humorous side. My facial expression shows a funny smirk and I have a wig on which adds to the humor of the picture. To set up this pose I put my tripod up and used my automatic timer. I made sure that the picture was cropped very close. It took a few tries to get the expression that I was looking for. I did use the flash as it was darker where I was taking the picture.
This would be your next picture and you would explain it.
And this would be your third picture to explain.
My self-portrait did not replicate the one I choose from the internet very well. I should have been further away and had a light source in the background that would have shown a “burst” in the photo. I definitely needed more time to set up something similar to what I found on the internet.
Then you would do the same thing again with the next two pictures. Make sure that you follow this format, as that is part of your grade.