There are two parts to this assignment. Please complete both parts following the directions given. There is a question on the orientation (Ready to Begin) that will ask for your results. You do not need to submit.
Do You Have the Technical Savvy?
Directions: Read the questions below. Key your answers after each question by using a Y or N.
To determine whether you have basic technical skills required to succeed as an online student, please answer the following questions to the best of your ability:
1. Can you start up, reboot, and shut down a computer?
2. Can you start and quit a program stored on the hard drive?
3. Can you save and retrieve files to and from a USB drive or the hard drive?
4. Can you cut/copy text from one source and paste it into another?
5. Can you open, close and minimize menus and windows?
6. Can you move windows around on your desktop?
7. Can you resize windows on your desktop?
8. Can you create folders?
9. Can you navigate a directory structure to find files?
10. Can you rename files?
11. Can you delete files?
12. Do you have typing skills to produce at least 30-40 words per minute?
13. Can you create a word processing document using the various editing and formatting features?
14. Can you print a word processing document?
15. Can you use spell and grammar checking to revise your work?
16. Do you know how to log on to the Internet?
17. Do you know how to retrieve and delete e-mail messages?
18. Can you create, send, forward, reply and save email messages?
19. Can you distinguish between an email address and a web address?
20. Can you send group mailings?
21. Do you know how to post messages to discussion lists?
22. Can you locate and access information using a WWW search engine?
23. Can you use 'talk' or 'chat' features for real-time communication?
24. Are you familiar with and do you abide by standard acceptable etiquette on the net?
25. Can you download and configure your web browser with plug-ins such as Adobe Acrobat, Flash, Internet Explorer?
26. Can you describe any problems accurately to technical support (e.g. write down error messages)?
27. Can you run applications on a computer when needed for a course?
28. Can you use a browser, e.g. Mozilla or Internet Explorer, including navigational tools such as the "Back" button, bookmarks/favorites, etc.?
If you answered "Yes" to the majority of these questions, you have the technical savvy to succeed in an online course. Move to the next page and complete the second part.
Online Course Self-Assessment
Directions: Read the comments below. Bold the entire line that best describes you
To assess your chances for success in Distance Learning courses please answer the following questions honestly:
1. Feeling like I am part of the class is:
a. not important to me
b. somewhat important to me.
c. very important to me.
2. I would classify myself as a student who:
a. often gets assignments done ahead of time.
b. needs reminding to get assignments done.
c. puts assignments off until the last minute.
3. Classroom discussions are:
a. rarely helpful to me.
b. sometimes helpful to me.
c. almost always helpful to me.
4. When an instructor hands out instructions for an assignment, I prefer:
a. figuring out the instructions on my own.
b. trying to follow directions on my own, then asking for help as needed.
c. asking the instructor to explain the directions as they are being distributed
5. I need faculty comments on my assignments:
a. within a few weeks, so I can review what I did.
b. within a few days, or I forget what I did.
c. right away, or I get very anxious.
6. Considering my professional and personal schedule, the amount of time I can devote to coursework is:
a. 7 - 9 hours a week.
b. 4 - 6 hours a week.
c. 1 - 3 hours a week.
7. Whenever I am asked to use software, computers, voice mail or other forms of technology new to me:
a. I look forward to learning new skills.
b. I feel apprehensive, but will try anyway.
c. I put it off or try to avoid it entirely.
8. As a reader:
a. I usually understand text without help.
b. sometimes require help to understand the text.
c. I almost always require help understanding a college text.
· If you selected mostly "a" answers, you are a prime candidate for online classes.
· If you selected mostly "b" answers, you may find some aspects of an online class challenging.
· If you selected mostly "c" answers, you would probably find online courses challenging and your educational needs better served attending face-to-face classes.
Do You Have the Technical SavvyPage 2 of 2