Greg Selinger

Premier of Manitoba

Minister of federal-provincial relations

Minister responsible for the skills strategy

Minister responsible for francophone affairs

Steve Ashton

Minister of infrastructure and transportation

Minister responsible for emergency measures

Dave Chomiak

Minister of mineral resources

Minister charged with the administration of the Gaming Control Act

Gord Mackintosh

Minister of conservation and water stewardship

Eric Robinson

Minister of Aboriginal and northern affairs

Minister charged with the administration of the Community Economic Development Fund Act

Minister responsible for Manitoba Hydro

Drew Caldwell

Minister of municipal government

Ron Lemieux

Minister of tourism, culture, sport and consumer protection

Minister charged with the administration of the Liquor Control Act

Minister charged with the administration of the Manitoba Lotteries Corporation Act

Peter Bjornson

Minister of education and advanced learning

Kerri Irvin-Ross

Minister of family services

Minister of housing and community development

Minister responsible for persons with disabilities

Minister responsible for the status of women

Flor Marcelino

Minister of multiculturalism and literacy

Kevin Chief

Minister of jobs and the economy

Minister responsible for the City of Winnipeg


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Ron Kostyshyn

Minister of agriculture, food and rural development

Sharon Blady

Minister of health

Erna Braun

Minister of labour and immigration

James Allum

Minister of justice and attorney general

Minister responsible for constitutional affairs

Minister charged with the administration of the Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Act

Greg Dewar

Minister of finance

Minister responsible for the civil service

Minister charged with the administration of the Crown Corporations Public Review and Accountability Act

Deanne Crothers

Minister of healthy living and seniors

Melanie Wight

Minister of children and youth opportunities



Milton Sussman
Clerk of the executive council and cabinet secretary
Jim Eldridge
Interim deputy minister
Fed-prov and Canada US and international relations

Doug McNeil

Deputy minister of infrastructure and transportation

Hugh Eliasson

Deputy minister of mineral resources

Grant Doak

Deputy minister of conservation and water stewardship

Harvey Bostrom

Deputy minister of Aboriginal and northern affairs

Terry Goertzen

Deputy minister of tourism, culture, heritage, sport and consumer protection

Deputy minister of multiculturalism and literacy

Fred Meier
Deputy minister of municipal government
Deputy minister responsible for relations with the City of Winnipeg within the Department of Municipal Government

Jeff Parr

Deputy minister of housing and community development

Deputy minister of labour and immigration

Hugh Eliasson

Deputy minister of jobs and the economy

Joy Cramer

Deputy minister of family services

Donna Miller, Q.C.

Deputy minister of justice and
Deputy attorney general

Jim Hrichishen

Deputy minister of finance


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Barb Dryden

Secretary to Treasury Board

Lynn Romeo

Commissioner of the Civil Service Commission

Karen Herd

Deputy minister of health
Deputy minister of healthy living and seniors

Jan Sanderson

Deputy minister of children and youth opportunities

Dori Gingera-Beauchemin

Deputy minister of agriculture, food and rural development

Gerald Farthing

Deputy minister of education and advanced learning