Student Activities Handbook
Bronx Campus
2016 - 2017
Student Activities Handbook – Table of Contents
CONTENTS / PAGEClub Email Addresses / Page 3
2016-2017 Calendars / Page 4-6
Student Life Mission, Objectives & Requirements / Page 7
Student Group Recognition Process / Page 8-12
Description of a Constitution & Sample Constitution / Page 13-14
Club Officer Guidelines / Page 15
Roles and Duties of Club Advisors / Page 16
Required Events for Student Groups / Page 17
Finances / Page 18
General Policies and Regulations / Page 19-23
Sample Club Meeting Agenda / Page 24-26
Student Club Roster Form / Page 27
Club Event Proposal Form / Page 28-29
Speaker Proposal Form / Page 30
Speaker Contract Form / Page 31
Petty Cash Request/Reimbursement Form / Page 23-33
Liability Release Form / Page 34-35
Event/Trip Evaluation Form / Page 36
Planning Assessment Form / Page 37
Donation Request Form / Page 38
End of Semester Report Form / Page 39-40
Student Activities Survey / Page 41
Student Club Assessment / Page 42
Event Planning Check List / Page 43-44
*Note: All forms can be accessed using MyMonroe and should be typed. Submit completed forms to the Office of Student Activities
Clubs Email Address
Club / Email AddressABC Education Club /
Allied Health Professionals /
Amnesty International /
Association of Latino Professionals in Finance & Accounting /
Book Club /
Club for Entrepreneurial Opportunities (CEO) /
Criminal Justice Club /
Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda /
Go Make a Difference (Go MAD) /
Human Services Club /
Information Technology Student Association (ITSA) /
Ladies Empowered by Purpose /
Mock Trial Team /
Monroe College Music Club /
Monroe College Student Nurses Association /
National Society of Leadership & Success /
Pre Law /
Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) /
Rainbow Alliance /
Student Activities Office – Creative Reliable Enthusiastic Workers (SAO C.R.E.W) /
Student Veterans of America (SVA) /
Toastmasters Club /
Triple S (Show Stopping Steppers) /
FALL 2016
Monday, September 12th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference RoomThursday, September 15th / Club Fair flyers/pamphlets due / By 3pm / Student Activities Office
Thursday, September 22nd / Club Fair / 11:30am-1:30pm / Mintz Auditorium
Monday, September 26th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Friday, October 7th / Club Rosters/Club Goals Due / By 12pm / Student Activities Office
Friday, October 14th / Club Executive Board Training / 9am-1pm / Mintz Auditorium
Monday, October 24th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Monday, November 7th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Monday, November 21st / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Friday, December 2nd / End of SemesterReports / Due By 12pm / Student Activities Office
Thursday, December 8th / End of Semester Activity / TBA / TBA
*Please note that this calendar is subject to change.
Monday, January 12th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference RoomTuesday, January 17th / Club Fair flyers/pamphlets due / Due by 12pm / Student Activities Office
Monday, January 23rd / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Tuesday, January 24th / Club Fair / 11:30am-1:30pm / Mintz Auditorium
Monday, February 6th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Friday, February 10th / Club Rosters/Club Goals Due / By 12pm / Student Activities Office
Wednesday, February 22th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Room 225
Monday, March 6th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Monday, March 20th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Friday, March 31st / End of SemesterReports / Due by 12pm / Student Activities Office
Monday, April 3rd / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Thursday, April 13th / End of Semester Activity / TBA / TBA
*Please note that this calendar is subject to change.
Date / Event / Time / PlaceMonday, May 1st / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Thursday, May 11th / Club Fair / 11:30am-1:30pm / Mintz Auditorium
Monday, May 15th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Friday, May 26th / Club Rosters Due / By 12pm / Student Activities Office
Wednesday, May 31st / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall 225
Monday, June 12th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Friday, June 16th / Club Olympics / 10am-3pm / Glenn Island – New Rochelle
Monday, June 26th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Monday, July 10th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
Wednesday, July 12 / Club Recognition Dinner / 4:00pm-6:00pm / Mintz Auditorium
Friday, July 21st / End of Semester Reports Due / By 12pm / Student Activities Office
Monday, July 24th / Club Executive Board Meeting / 2pm-3pm / King Hall Conference Room
*Please note that this calendar is subject to change.
By participating in campus clubs, students seek to balance the scales between their academic requirements and their social development. To enhance this experience Monroe College clubsare committed to embracing specific core objectives. These objectives will generate outcomes that are consistent with those of the college. Beyond providing a fun and engaging atmosphere, the intent is to help students develop a foundation that will allow them to constructively address the challenges they face on a daily basis, as well as develop themselves intellectually, professionally and socially. Additionally, utilization of these core objectives will allow advisors to measure the effectiveness of the program and make adjustments where necessary. The “Core Objectives” are as follows:
- Conflict resolution: To help students understand the significance of resolving conflicts in a way that meets their needs and leaves others intact. Understanding the difference between “Aggressive,” “Passive” and “Assertive” behavior is essential. While the first two ultimately create victims, engaging in “Assertive behavior” allows an individual to have his/her needs met without violating someone else’s space.
- Self-Concept Enhancement: Providing activities that promote the belief that we all are capable and worthy. Exposure to positive environments that support an individual’s need to feel worthy can make all the difference in the world. Clubs and programs that have this as their core value generate the most interest and participation.
- Problem Solving: Learning how to develop solutions to problems or challenges that clubs often face during various stages of club development. Implementingspecific strategies, which clarify challenges and establish a proper course of action will translate into more meaningful experiences and opportunities that contribute to the well-being of the student.
- Diversity/Sensitivity Training: Helping students understand the importance of embracing differences in a way that broadens their perspective of the world is a vital attribute of any college experience. Our world’s diversity is vast; the more an individual educates him/herself about these differences and accepts them, the more likely he/she is to succeed.
- Promoting Self-Esteem: Getting participants to believe in themselves and accomplish things they never imagined should be at the very center of club participation. Helping students feel good about their accomplishments will create a domino effect that will lead from one success experience to another. Success breeds success, the club experience should promote activities that will allow participants to succeed at various levels. In doing so, we establish the building blocks towards greater success.
Student Group Recognition Process
The Director of Student Activities is the person toofficially approve recognition of student groups. This document outlines the restrictions, process, privileges and requirements for official recognition. It contains an application, which must be completed and submitted to the Director of Student Activities in order to initiate the process.
- Groups whose purpose and goals are deemed inconsistent with the mission of the College will not be recommended for recognition.
- Groups whose purpose meet or whose programs are duplicated by an existing group will not be recommended for recognition.
- Sororities, fraternities, social fellowships will not be recommended for recognition. However, these groups can co-sponsor events with recognized college groups or departments with the approval of the Director of Student Activities.
- Groups with external affiliation will not be recommended for recognition unless their governing documents are consistent with the Colleges’ mission and policies; and the group agrees that College policies will supersede those of the external body.
- Membership on the group’s executive board is limited to full-time, matriculated students.
Process for Seeking Official Recognition
Please seek assistance throughout the process from the Student Activities Staff.
- Establish the groups’purpose and issue a letter of intent (attached) to the Director of Student Activities.
- In cooperation with the Student Activities Office conduct interest meetings to recruit potential members. (Room reservation must be made prior to the meeting)
- If there is sufficient student interest, submit the Application to be recommended for Recognition and the group’s Constitution (both attached) to the Director of Student Activities.
- The Director of Student Activities will hold a meeting with up to fourmembers of the group to review and pose questions or concerns regarding the application.
- If recognition is recommended by the Director of Student Activities the application will be forwarded to the Vice President for Student Affairs. If recognition is not recommended, the Director of Student Activities will notify the applicants in writing.
- The decision of the Vice President to approve or deny the recommendation of the Director of Student Activities will be communicated in writing to the Student Activities Office and the proposed groups’ executive board.
- If recognition is approved, the group will be added to the roster of officially recognized groups, and will receive a copy of the Student Activities Handbook. The group will then be required to operate under the guidelines outlined in the handbook.
If the group is denied, the group may schedule a meeting with the Director of Student Activities and/or the Vice President for Student Affairs to discuss the reasons of denial.
Requirements of Officially Recognized Groups
- All recognized student groups are required to participate in the following activities:
- Regular Club Executive Board meetings held every other Mondays (unless otherwise stated) from 2:00pm – 3:00pm. (Two members from each organization must attend.)
- Club Fairs – held within the first two weeks of the start of semester
- Leadership Education and Empowerment Program (one week prior to the fall semester)-at least two E-Board members must attend. Dates are announced at the end of the previous academic year.
- Clubs who do not submit a flyer/pamphlet for the Club Fair at least one week prior to the fair will not have a table at the Club Fair and will be listed as inactive for the semester.
- In addition, each recognized group is required to hold at least one Signature Event per year and one service project per semester.
- Executive Board members must meet minimum G.P.A. requirements of 3.0 (for president) and 2.8 (for all others). No one may hold more than one executive board position in the group. No executive board member in this group may hold an executive board position in any other recognized group. The only exception to this is if the member holds a G.P.A. of 3.6 or higher. To be part of an executive board, members must be registered fulltime students.
- Recognized groups must have a minimum of three Executive Board members, the Corresponding and Recording Secretary can be combined into one position.
- Recognized groups must have a minimum of 8 active10members.(active members are defined as an individual who attends at least half of all meetings and events)
- Recognized groups must submit updated information for the college website at the start of each semester.
- Recognized groups must submit updated rosters at the start and end of each semester.
- Recognized groups must complete and submit an End of the Semester Report by the date specified at the start of the semester.
- Recognized groups must complete a Program Evaluation within one week of a program being held.
- Recognized groups must submit minutes of the meeting, agendas and attendance after within one week of every meeting.
- Performing Performance groups cannot hold auditions for prospective studentsmembers, , admission into all performance groups must be open to the entire college community. (however Performance groups can hold auditions for group performances.)can be held when the group is scheduled to perform at various events.
- Executive board members must meet with their Advisor at least once a month.
- Executive board members must check their group's email accounts on a weekly basis.
- Executive board members must agree to adhere to all otherrequirements outlined in the Student Activities Handbook.
Privileges of Officially Recognized Groups
- A seat at the Club Executive Board Meetings and a group vote.
- The right to use Monroe College in publications, flyers, announcements, and other external communications. The group must adhere to college guidelines.
- The right to reserve space on Monroe Collegecampus.
- Use of the Student Activities fax machine for group business Fax: 646-393-8916
- The ability to have color copies and posters made using the campus copy center.
- Use of the College vehicles for approved group trips, provided the policies governing their use are followed.
- Use of the plasma screens to promote the group's approved activities.
- Use of the Student Activities vendor discounts/memberships.
- Opportunity to apply for the Student Activities Office Scholarships.
Proposed Student Group – Letter of Intent
This letter must be filed in to initiate the recognition process!
TO:Director of Student Activities
FROM:______DATE: ______
Applicant’s Name
RE:Intention to seek recognition for a new student group
I am a full-time student at Monroe College and I wish to begin the process of seeking recognition for a new student group.
I can be reached at: Day Phone ______Evening Phone ______
E-mail address ______
The proposed name of the group is ______
The reason behind the proposed group name is (Please state how the name will reflect the group’s proposed values.)
The purpose of the group is:
(Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
I would like permission to hold student interest meetings at the following dates and times. I invite members of the Student Activities Office to attend one of more of the meetings.
Date(s) Requested:__ /__ /__ at _____am/pm
__ /__ /__ at _____am/pm
__ /__ /__ at _____am/pm
The dates are not confirmed until written confirmation is sent to the applicant via e-mail from the Student Activities Office.
Proposed Student Group – Application for Recognition
This form must be submitted to the Director of Student Activities
Date of Application __ /__ /__
Information about the Applicant
First Name: ______Last Name: ______
Major: ______Campus: ____BX ____NR
Phone #:______#:______ID# ______
E-mail address: ______
Information about the Proposed Group
Group’s proposed name: ______
Group’s purpose (as stated in letter of intent)
Group’s Signature Event(s) – Please briefly describe.
Other proposed events, programs, fundraising activities, etc.:
Describe how your group will make a positive contribution to campus life in a way that differs from existing groups of its kind.
Proposed Advisor (Must be a faculty or professional staff member.)
Name: ______
Phone: ______
Position/Title: ______
Proposed Executive Board(Required minimum of three.)
Executive board members must be full-timematriculated students, and may not be serving on the executive board of any other recognized group, unless the previously stated exception is met. If the group wishes to use different titles, please indicate the alternate title by putting a line through the traditional one and writing the new one beside it:
Position / Required GPA / Name / Phone / ID#President / 3.0
Vice President / 2.8
Recording / 2.8
* If a student does not meet the G.P.A. requirement, they may submit a written request for exception to the Director of Student Activities. The Director of Student Activities will then decide on an individual basis whether or not the student may run for office. If the student is allowed to run for office, and wins the position, the student's academic performance will be closely monitored to ensure that the position does not interfere with their academic standing.
Interested students (Required minimum of 107). Use additional sheets if necessary
A Constitution is…
A constitution is the basic framework of an organization. It states the organization’s purpose, indicates the
number of officers, election process, membership requirements and other
general operating procedures. Detailed methods of doing business and specific rules belong in
a document calledBy-Laws. For example, if applicable, a constitution would establish that dues are
required for membership and a method of determining the amount of dues. By-Laws state the
dues structure.
Article I. Name
The name of the organization should reflect the nature of the group.