IFPOC Showcase – Document date: March 11 2016


Innovation Fund Provincial Oversight Committee



A full day meeting to showcase successful Innovation Fund projects


November 17 2016 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre


Thematic groupings of presentations

Opportunities to review posters of successful projects

Panel discussions


Presentation of awards


Demonstrate the value of academic medicine to health care delivery in Ontario

Create opportunities for continuing support for the pilot IF projects

Provide networking opportunities


Posters and Presentations:

1.Eighty projects will be selected for the Showcase; 24 of these will also be invited to givean oral presentation, but all 80 projects will be invited to present a poster

2.Presentations during panel sessions will be 5 minutes with 3 minutes for Q&As

3.Every GO will have at least one project selected for the Showcase

4.The number ofprojects recommended from each GO is based on the IF formula

5.The details about submission of GO recommended projects was provided in an email sent to each Governance Organization

6.Showcase participants are asked to arrange their own transportation, and any expenses required to attend the Showcase will be the responsibility of the individualor their GO and not IFPOC

The Criteria:

IFPOC will employ some of the following criteria to select Showcase participants:

Transformation: How will each project transform health care delivery?

Adoptability: Can the project be adopted by other centres to improve outcomes?

Outcomes: Will the results convince other institutions to adopt the new approach?

Innovation: Does the project provide a unique approach to health care delivery?

IFPOC may also invite Project Leads to present who were not nominated by their Governance Organization.

Submission Process:

The GO should submit a one-page application including an abstract of each recommended project in the format, font type, and font size, required for the MSWord document located on the IFPOC.ORG website (please do not submit copies, faxes or PDFdocuments)

Each application should address: transformation, adoptability, outcomes, innovation

The IFPOC Review and Selection Process:

IFPOC will review all of the IF projects and select from among the GO proposed projects as well asother promising projects to build a comprehensive, coherent program for the Showcase

EachGO will have at least one project included in the event

IFPOC will place the projects into 8 coherent and related groupings and invite judges to determine the “best” from within each section

A panel session for each grouping will include project leads as well as provincial experts for the topic

An Award will be presented to one project from within each grouping

Previous Award-winners may be nominated for participation in the Showcase, but will not be eligible for an award


1.Each GO is asked to forward their Showcase nominations including a one-page application as a MSWord document for each project to Sarah Garson() by May 1 2016.

2.IFPOC will review the GO recommendations and all IF projects in May

3.IFPOC will notify GOs of the projects selected in June 2016

4.Any revisions to Abstracts submitted will be due September 1st (only if there have been any changes)

5.Abstracts and Project Highlights will be published in a Booklet for distribution at the Showcase 2016

If you have questions or concerns, you may call or email Sarah Garson

( – 416-200-2704), Janice Hutchison ( – 416-985-7063) or Richard Weisel ().

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