January 2013

Samples of Literature include: Books about Presidents, winter weather, Mentor texts used for enjoyment and writer’s workshop.

Reading, Phonics, Comprehension &Language Arts: Students will continue working on individual reading goals through the CAFÉ (comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expand vocabulary), students will read nonfiction text and track their thinking. Students will become familiar with research. Student will continue developing their reading skills by using reading strategies modeled in the classroom. Students will continue working on reading, spelling and writing the instant words. They will acquire experience analyzing and interpreting illustration and other graphics in text. Students will discuss visual images based on text information.

Writing: Continue focusing on the editing process. Use mentor text in writer’s workshop to familiar students with the traits of writing focusing on ideas and development, organization, word choice, sentences, grammar and mechanics. Provide opportunities for students to use the traits of writing with self motivation.

Math: Partial sums, frames and arrows, time, addition/subtraction, trade first subtraction algorithm, math boxes, fact families/fact triangles, find missing addends for any multiple of 10, what’s my rule?

Social Studies: Students will identify examples of interesting Americans through exposure to biographies of important people of the past. Students will be familiar with natural resources, conservation, communication, products, transportation, and how we use resources.

Technology: Knows basic operations of the computer, uses keyboard functions, uses age appropriate software and resources, uses technology tools to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom.


*No school Monday, January 21st.

*Group pictures January 30th.

*Collaboration day January 31st-late start for students.

*Dynamic Dads is February 1st.

*Second grade Food Drive is February 4-8.

*Send coats, mittens, hats, scarves, etc with your child everyday. Please make sure his/her name is in each article of clothing.

*Thank you again for the holiday gifts, goodies, and cards. You are very giving and thoughtful. I appreciate ALL of you! Your support and love means the world to me!