Action Plan – Berecroft Estate, Harlow

17th September 2008 – updated 16th October 2008/17th November 2008

Location / Action / Responsibility / Completion Date / Progress
1 / Estate issues identified:
136 Berecroft
125 Berecroft
124 Berecroft
CATV Box No 033D5, 033D6 and 033D8
197 Berecroft
221 Berecroft
41 and 256 Berecroft
14 and 178 Berecroft
279 Berecroft
310 – 315 Berecroft
279 Berecroft broken
32 ,6, 24, 25, 26 and 27, 180, 161, 83 Berecoft
277 – 278 Berecroft
113 Berecroft
12 Berecroft
32 Berecroft
14 Berecroft
24 Berecroft
33 Berecroft
66, 68 and 69 Berecroft
156 Berecroft
83 Berecroft
125 Berecroft
64 Berecroft
310 Berecroft
Carport by garage 43
311 Berecroft
124 Berecroft
263 Berecroft
160 Berecroft
279 Berecroft
264 Berecroft
157 – 160 Berecroft / Disposing of cigarette butts outside their property. Need to visit.
Window still boarded
Temp NO agreed that bushes/tree could be cut back
Needs refixing and covers repairing
Refill hole in concrete steps, and check on why tenant is running hosepipe to the drain. Remove tyre from lamp-post
Two fence panels are bowing.
Remove large tree root.
ivy to be removed
Fence - parts missing/different size and colour and graffiti
Fly tipping in bushes behind fences – rubbish to be removed and residents contacted
Path outside is broken
Paving outside has sunk
Block paving and path
Dog fouling
Block paving
Handrail end caps
Trees overgrown
Block paving missing
Guttering missing
Ground areas at different levels
Dumped rubbish by AMS
Window broken
Graffiti on side of house
Litter bin, no bag and not been emptied
Fencing missing
Carport fencing
Carport fencing
Carport fencing
Carport fencing
Carport fencing
Carport ground damaged
Hardstanding behind properties
·  Litter all over estate – how often is it cleared? Write to residents to get feedback and comments on litter / LM/PS
LM / 32, 25, 180
83 / Issues raised during the following Estate Inspection on 24th September.
Confirmation has been received that the majority of jobs have now been completed – to be checked at the next estate inspection booked for 29th October.
Problem highlighted to tenant
Problems with contacting the resident to arrange for work to be completed. NO trying to resolve with resident
Tenants were digging a pond – This has been discussed with them
Works Complete – Site Inspection 7/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
Residents have been approached and asked not to fly tip. This situation will be monitored.
Responsibility of Highways to complete by 31/1/09
To complete by 31/01/09
Highways responsibility
To complete by 31/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
To review options – consider possibility of landscaping as alternative
Rubbish has been removed 7/1/09
To complete 31/1/09
Works Completed 7/1/09
Works Completed 7/1/09
Works Completed 7/1/09
Works Completed 7/1/09
Works Completed 7/1/09
Works Completed 7/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
No works to be carried out until issues with tree on highways ground has been resolved.
2 / Jane Greer to provide information on who leads the community safety team at the Council
To look at ways of improving community safety/ASB working relationships with Harlow’s community safety team – full breakdown of how this is to be achieved to be inserted / JG
ML / 04/11/08
Initial contact with the community safety team to be undertaken by 07/11/08 / ML in process of contacting Marysia from Harlow Council. To involve resident once 1st meeting has taken place. Initial meeting with Marysia took place on 27/11. Agreed to look at drawing up a service level agreement on key issues which can then be used to undertake consultation with residents. ML leading on. Other outcomes ML to liaise with Inspector Andy Bray about attending JAG meetings and Paula Clugston about the Safer Harlow Partnership. E-mails sent to Andy/Paula 3/12/08
3 / Ø Bushes opposite 125 Berecroft
Ø Fencing around car parks / Proposed timetable for Excellent Estates –
Resident meeting planned for 13/11 @6pm
Possible works to be included for the project:
– Residents previously requested that these be removed.
– getting damaged and needing painting / MH/LM / Excellent Estates programme on 20/11/08?
To consult with residents of the block – might be potential for the RA to do this work
4 / To review current arrangements for clearing the bins on the estate.
Contractors are selective about what they take from bins
To investigate why some bins are overflowing and others are rarely being used / ML/JG / End Dec 08 / Need to clarify what is happening with bins. Would dog bins help the situation. JG to speak to John Grundy at Harlow Council to see if dog bins can be provided.
5 / Investigate the possibility of introducing dog bins on the estate / ML/JG / End Dec 08 / ML/JG discussed 13/1/09 – issue with funding for HDC
JG has discussed with her colleague – initial indication is that there is no funding for the forthcoming financial year. ML/JG currently looking at alternative funding options.
6 / Confirm when the guttering works are planned for the estate / PS / tbc / e-mailed DR for a response 16/10/08
Drainage works required – consultants will be taking the lead ion this.
7 / Confirm whether there are any plans to replace kitchens at the current time. (Separate visit needed to 58 as their kitchen in a particularly poor state) / PS / Decent Homes Surveys are currently being undertaken with anticipated completion due in December. This information will then inform our priorities for our planned programme of works.
58 Berecroft – Kitchen has been inspected –works issued (RN w/top, re-attach 2 cupboard doors)
8 / Community projects: / Ø  Sarah Dangerfield to provide details on residents previously involved with the youth council to Caroline Kaldani.
Ø  Upon receipt of information from SD SA to facilitate a meeting with the youth council to identify the way forward
Ø  SA to support the Youth Council in developing the land with the circle so that this can be utilised by the youngsters in a constructive way which is beneficial to the wider community
Ø  Sarah Dangerfield to forward a list of the current residents involved with the RA to Caroline Kaldani
Ø  SA to facilitate a meeting with the RA to discuss the way forward, and how this can link into the action point below.
Ø  Residents are keen to develop the play area on the top field. Sarah Dangerfield to provide details to Caroline of the current residents group so that Rob can liaise with them to support their application for funding. It was also identified that the Council owes this play area and JG to confirm the position with them with regards to lighting and the current condition of the area
Ø  Planter area project – possibility of re starting this as area is now very overgrown again
Ø  Projects identified for 2009/10 / SD
SD/RB/JG / 07/11/08
12/12/08 / See attached RI action plan for Berecroft.
RB has met with the police and Pitney Bowes (franking machines) and there is the possibility of funding for the lighting to the play area on the back field. Will need council consent to install this.
Funding has been acquired to the value of £2.5K from Pitney Bowes for the playing field
Consider whether this could be incorporated into the Parringdon School allotment project
·  Berecroft Credit Union
·  Berecroft Youth Club
·  Berecroft Jobs Fair
·  Grow your own Lifestyle Gardeners Club (links with Paringdon School & Essex Police)
·  Berecroft Fishing Club
·  Berecroft Playing Area
9 / Grounds Services: / To consider whether there is any mileage in one organisation taking responsibility for the grounds services and whether there could be one provider.
To develop Estate Champions to be involved with the NO in the management of the grounds services and other estate management issues as appropriate. / ML/JG
LM / Dec 08 / Residents Association to take on this role, Need to clarify expectations to the RA and to work with them to ensure representation of the whole estate.
10 / To send out information to residents on how they can report incidents of ASB / LM / 30/11/08 / This information to be included in the next Newsletter
Newsletter sent 25/11/08 to SD/Cheema for comments and RA article.
Newsletter distributed by Cheema on 12/12, next newsletter will be distributed March 09
11 / Garage no 172
Garage 256 Berecroft
Garage 9 Berecroft
Garage block 1 – 6 Berecroft
Garage 12 Berecroft
Garage block 108 Berecroft
Garage block 72 Berecroft
Garage 49 Berecroft
Garage 180 – 183
Garage block 227 – 232
Garage 149 Berecroft
Garage 155 Berecroft
Garage 142 Berecroft
Garage 203 Berecroft / roofing and wall is dangerous and needs making safe plus repairing – rubbish on garage roofs to be cleared and metal fencing surrounding parking and garage areas to be fixed and replaced as necessary
Wall at rear falling down
Down pipe and guttering
Caravan dumped
Rubbish on garage roofs
Graffiti on garage doors
Graffiti and side wall unsafe
Unsafe wall
Graffiti / London Maintenance to rebuild brick walls to garage. RN roof material and guttering as per future programmed works to all garages. To trial this garage e.g. of future programmed works to all garages.
London Maintenance to make safe until programme of works commence
To complete by 31/1/09
Completed 7/1/09
Inspected and brickwork cleared to be safe 7/1/09
To complete by 31/1/09
To complete as programme of works.
Works completed 7/1/09
To make safe prior to planned works commencing.
To make safe prior to planned works commencing.
To make safe before planned programme of works commence
To make safe before planned programme of works commence
To complete by 31/1/09

LM – Lorraine Murphy, N/Officer PS – Property Services JG – Jane Greer Harlow Council

SD – Sarah Dangerfield Residents Assoc RB - Robert Barrett ML – Michelle Lock

MH – Michael Halligan Excellent Estates project worker CE – Chris Ellison