Tentative schedule

Updated 25 Jan 2011

(Listed for DATE DUE) / FIELD WORK
Week 1
(T) / Orientation; Mentor Letter; What is a good Math/Science teacher? A good 2° school? / None
Week 2
1/24 (T) / How can we plan lessons that incorporate content standards, activities, and formative and summative assessments of student learning? / ·  Chapter 4, Gunter, et al.
·  Rakow "Standards Based v. Standards Embedded"
·  Tsuruda Ch. 1 and 2
·  Draft: Mentor Letter Due / Assign Schools; Attend meeting on Jan 29 at 10:30 am, at JH (room TBA)
Week 3
1/31(T) / How can we respond to student differences in our classes? / ·  Chapter 9, Chiapetta & Koballa / Observation
Week 4
2/7 (T) / What teaching strategies are effective in secondary math and science classrooms? / ·  Kellough & Carjuzaa Module 6
·  Tsuruda Chapter 3
·  Mentor Letter Due (Final) / Field Journal (Pedagogy)
Week 5
2/14 (S) / Continued. / ·  Gunter Chapter 7
·  Tsuruda Chapter 4 / Field Journal (Diversity)
Week 6
2/21 (T) / How can secondary math and science classrooms be managed effectively? What discipline strategies work with secondary students? / ·  Tsuruda Chapters 5 & 6
·  Kellough & Carjuzaa Module 3 / Teaching Event
(Small Group)
Week 7
2/28 (T) / When should student learning be assessed and what methods are effective? / ·  Chapter 4, Chiapetta & Koballa
·  Tsuruda, Chapter 5 / Field Journal (Management)
Week 8
3/7 (S) / Continued / ·  Chapter 10, Gunter et. al., / Field Journal (Assessment)
3/14-18 / Spring Break
Week 9
3/21 (S) / How can technology be used effectively in secondary math/science classrooms? / ·  Text Reading-TBA / Teaching Event
(Single lesson 1)
Week 10
3/28(T) / How should math and science units be planned to maximize student learning? / ·  Chapter 17, Gunter et. al., / Field Journal
Week 11
4/4(T) / How can professional communication skills and collaborative relationships be developed? / ·  Tsuruda, Ch 6 / 2nd lesson
Week 12
4/11 / Observation or Unit Teaching / 3rd lesson
Week 13
4/18 / CMSD
Spring Break
Week 14
4/25 / Observation or Unit Teaching / 5 day unit
Week 15
5/2 (t) / Completed Unit Due / obs
5/9 / Course Conclusion and Final Reflections / Management and Discipline Paper Due

Task Organizer

(Submit on the Tuesday of the week)
Week 1
1/17 / NONE
Week 2
1/24 / NONE / Assign Schools; Attend meeting on Jan 29 at 10:30 am, at JH (room TBA)
Week 3
1/31 / Observe classroom; focus on Pedagogy; interact as appropriate
Week 4
2/7 / Observe classroom; focus on Diversity; interact as appropriate / Field Journal (Pedagogy)
Week 5
2/14 / Complete 1 lesson with a small group; reflect on your lesson / Field Journal (Diversity)
Week 6
2/21 / Observe classroom; focus on Management; interact as appropriate / Teaching Event
(Small Group)
Week 7
2/28 / Observe classroom; focus on Assessment; interact as appropriate / Field Journal (Management)
Week 8
3/7 / Teach a single lesson (~50 minutes); reflect on your teaching / Field Journal (Assessment)
Spring Break; Field Experience not required
Week 9
3/21 / Observe classroom; focus on Technology; interact as appropriate / Teaching Event
(Single lesson 1)
Week 10
3/28 / Teach a single lesson (~50 minutes); reflect on your teaching / Field Journal
Week 11
4/4 / Teach a single lesson (~50 minutes); reflect on your teaching / 2nd lesson
Week 12
4/11 / Prepare and/or teach 5 consecutive lessons;
Reflect on this / 3rd lesson
Week 13
4/18 / CMSD
Spring Break
Week 14
4/25 / Prepare and/or teach 5 consecutive lessons;
Reflect on this
Week 15
5/2 / Wrap Up with Teacher/class as needed. / 5 day unit

Classroom Interactions (EUT 305)

Task Organizer for Mentor Teachers

Week 1
1/17 / NONE
Week 2
1/24 / NONE
Week 3
1/31 / Observe classroom; focus on Pedagogy; interact as appropriate
Week 4
2/7 / Observe classroom; focus on Diversity; interact as appropriate
Week 5
2/14 / Complete 1 lesson with a small group; reflect on your lesson
Week 6
2/21 / Observe classroom; focus on Management; interact as appropriate
Week 7
2/28 / Observe classroom; focus on Assessment; interact as appropriate
Week 8
3/7 / Teach a single lesson (~50 minutes); reflect on your teaching
3/14 / Spring Break; Field
Experience not required
Week 9
3/21 / Observe classroom; focus on Technology; interact as appropriate
Week 10
3/28 / Teach a single lesson (~50 minutes); reflect on your teaching
Week 11
4/4 / Teach a single lesson (~50 minutes); reflect on your teaching
Week 12
4/11 / Prepare and/or teach 5 consecutive lessons;
Reflect on this
Week 13
Week 14
4/25 / Prepare and/or teach 5 consecutive lessons;
Reflect on this
Week 15
5/2 / Wrap Up with Teacher/class as needed.