Results from public survey of Southampton residents in specific designated areas asking about concerns re criminal damage
This questionnaire is designed to identify your concerns with the level of crime and anti social behaviour in your area. Please take your time and answer all questions as accurately as you can.
Please tick the box against your chosen answer unless otherwise instructed.
Compared to 12 months ago, would you say that there is more or less anti-social behaviour in your area?
A lot more25%A little more18%About the same amount37%
A lot less8%A little less11%I did not live in this area a year ago(Excluded
from this Q)
Please give reasons for your answers: The main answers given by both those who felt anti-social behaviour had increased, and those who felt it had decreased, related to teenagers/youths/kids in the area. Those who felt it had increased believed they were responsible for causing the anti-social behaviour, whilst those who felt it had decreased felt there were fewer youths in the area. Please see report for further analysis.
How much of a problem are the following in your area?
Very Big Problem / Fairly Big Problem / Not A Very Big Problem / Not A Problem At All / Don’t KnowA)Noisy neighbours / 8% / 11% / 35% / 46% / Those who stated that they did not know the answer to this question have been excluded from these results.
B)Rubbish or litter lying around / 17% / 31% / 38% / 14%
C)Groups of teenagers hanging around on the street or in other public places / 38% / 34% / 21% / 6%
D)Dogs fouling public places / 13% / 23% / 44% / 21%
E)Racing around in cars at speed / 21% / 28% / 34% / 17%
F)Vandalism and other deliberate damage to property / 23% / 33% / 33% / 11%
G)Graffiti / 12% / 18% / 46% / 24%
H)Abandoned/burnt out vehicles / 4% / 8% / 37% / 51%
I)Underage drinking / 26% / 30% / 27% / 17%
J)Adults being drunk or rowdy in public places / 10% / 20% / 41% / 29%
K)People using drugs / 14% / 18% / 36% / 33%
L)People dealing drugs / 14% / 17% / 31% / 39%
M)Groups of people cycling on paths and pavements / 18% / 21% / 33% / 29%
N)Urinating in public places / 8% / 14% / 33% / 45%
O)Other problem (please specify) / 17% of respondents provided an ‘Other’ problem
The types of problems raised in this section were very varied, the main topics surrounded: motorbikes/mini-motos and other forms of youth nuisance.
Which ONE of the options in Q2 do you think is the biggest problem in your area? (Please select the corresponding letter from the list above)
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O4% / 7% / 42% / 4% / 9% / 12% / 1% / * / 4% / 3% / 1% / 1% / 5% / 1% / 5%
Do you think that the police are responding appropriately to the problem you highlighted in Q3?
Yes, fully5%Yes, partially31%No, not at all35%Don’t Know20%
I do not believe this is a matter for the police8%
(These figures are the overall results, within the report these are broken down according to the issue being discussed)
Do you think that the council are responding appropriately to the problem you highlighted in Q3?
Yes, fully4%Yes, partially24%No, not at all46%Don’t Know19%
I do not believe this is a matter for the council7%
(These figures are the overall results, within the report these are broken down according to the issue being discussed)
What more could the police and/or council do to overcome this problem?
The most common response to this is the need for an increase in patrols in the area (by the police/wardens/pcsos), harsher punishments for offenders and an increase in the provision of facilities for youths in the area.
Within the report more details are given of specific responses given to the most common problems highlighted.
How interested do you think your local police are in dealing with ‘quality of life’ issues such as anti-social behaviour?
Very Interested13%Fairly Interested35%Fairly Disinterested21%Very Disinterested9%
I Don’t Know23%
How interested do you think your local council are in dealing with ‘quality of life’ issues such as anti-social behaviour?
Very Interested9%Fairly Interested32%Fairly Disinterested23%Very Disinterested14%
I Don’t Know22%
Most of us worry at some time or other about being the victim of a crime or anti-social behaviour. How worried are you about:
Very Worried / Fairly Worried / Not Very Worried / Not At All Worried / Not ApplicableBeing mugged or robbed / 30% / 38% / 26% / 6% / Those who stated that the question was not applicable have been excluded from these results.
Having your home broken into and something stolen / 33% / 41% / 20% / 5%
Being insulted or pestered by somebody while in the street or any other public place / 31% / 36% / 26% / 7%
Having your home or garden vandalised / 31% / 37% / 25% / 8%
Having your car vandalised / 51% / 32% / 14% / 3%
Having things stolen from your car / 39% / 36% / 19% / 5%
Being attacked because of your skin colour/ ethnic origin/religion/sexuality / 13% / 14% / 35% / 38%
Having your car stolen / 34% / 35% / 23% / 9%
How concerned are you that you or any other member of your household will be a victim of crime?
Very Concerned45%Fairly Concerned38%
Not Very Concerned8%Not At All Concerned4%Don’t Know4%
Have you or any member of your household been a victim of crime in the last 12 months?
Yes34%No66% (if no, please go to Q14)
Did any of these crimes occur in the area of Southampton you currently live in?
Yes93%No7% (if no, please go to Q14)
If so, what type of crime/s were they?
Burglary15%Motor vehicle broken into & items stolen22%
Motor vehicle was stolen5%Violent crime (eg assault & robbery)12%
Criminal Damage55%Another type of crime21%
If it was Criminal Damage, was this damage to:
A vehicle63%A building33%Other20% -When asked to specify, most answers referred to damage to the garden boundary (either fencing, walls or hedging).
How safe do you feel living in your area?
Very Safe7%Fairly Safe57%A Bit Unsafe27%Very Unsafe10%
How safe do you feel walking alone in your area during the day?(please choose ONE answer only)
Very Safe23%Fairly Safe55%A Bit Unsafe16%Very Unsafe3%
I never walk alone during the day3%
How safe do you feel walking alone in your area after dark? (please choose ONE answer only)
Very Safe2%Fairly Safe18%A Bit Unsafe30%Very Unsafe22%
I never walk alone after dark29%
Are there any streets/places in your area you avoid because you are too scared to go there?
Yes43%No57% (please go to Q18)
If yes, please write down the names of streets/places you avoid: Of those who answered this question, the main answers related to areas around shops and alleyways/underpasses.
Why are you too scared to go there?
The most common responses related to groups of youths/young people hanging around. Other factors which caused respondents not to venture to these places included, fear of crimes (particularly mugging/assault), the area being too dark and the abuse of alcohol which takes place in the areas concerned.
Which TWO of the following do you think would be the most effective in making you feel safer? (please choose up to 2 boxes)
Improved street lighting19%More uniformed presence on foot76%
More uniformed presence in vehicles35%More CCTV to monitor public places30%
More arrests in your area11%Faster removal of graffiti2%
Cleaner streets5%
More information about what the police and council are doing in your local area12%
When was the last time that you saw a uniformed officer in your area? (this could be a Police Officer, Police Community Support Officer, Neighbourhood Warden or City Patrol Officer)
Within the last 24 hours7%Within the last week17%Within the last fortnight12%
Within the last month17%Within the last year17%Never10%
Not sure/can’t remember20%
On average how often do you see a uniformed officer on foot or on a bicycle patrolling in your area?(this could be a Police Officer, Police Community Support Officer, Neighbourhood Warden or City Patrol Officer)
At least daily2%At least weekly9%At least fortnightly7%
At least monthly14%At least yearly11%Never31%
Not sure/Can’t remember25%
Are you aware of any CCTV in your local area?Yes31%No69%
(if no, please go to Q23)
Do you believe the CCTV in your area reduces the amount of anti-social behaviour/ crime?
Do you think there is a need for (more) CCTV in your area?Yes79%No21%
How well informed do you feel about local crime related community issues?
Very well informed3%Quite well informed16%
Not very informed40%Not informed at all41%
How would you like to be informed about local crime related community issues? (please choose up to 2 boxes)
At local meetings with the police/council16%By e-mail10%
In the library6%In local newspapers53%
On the internet10%On local radio20%
Through Neighbourhood Watch19%Local Meetings13%
Other (please specify) These comments primarily suggested the need for information to be delivered through residents’ mailboxes. The suggestion of a newsletter/leaflet providing information was widely favoured.
Note: These figures will add up to over 100% due to the fact that respondents were able to select up to two boxes.
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service you receive from your local police? (this includes your local Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers)
Completely Satisfied2%Fairly Dissatisfied14%
Very Satisfied8%Very Dissatisfied6%
Fairly Satisfied26%Completely Dissatisfied5%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied22%Don’t Know(Excluded from this Q)
Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service you receive from SouthamptonCity Council’s Community Safety Team? (eg. Neighbourhood Wardens & City Patrol teams)
Completely Satisfied4%Fairly Dissatisfied17%
Very Satisfied7%Very Dissatisfied 9%
Fairly Satisfied24%Completely Dissatisfied12%
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied27%Don’t Know(Excluded from this Q)
Do you have any additional comments you would like to make regarding any of the issues raised in this questionnaire?
A range of responses were provided to this question. These will be fully discussed within the main report.
What is your postcode?Responses were received from across the sample area.
Within your household is there anyone: (please tick ALL that apply to your household)
Aged 10 or Under?16%Aged 17 – 20?9%Aged 37 – 54?34%
Aged 11 – 16?13%Aged 21 – 36?28%Aged 55 or Over52%
Approximately how long have you lived in this area? This ranges from 1mth to 85½ yrs
Are you:Male36%Female64%
How old are you?
17 - 244%25 - 3415%35 - 4415%45 - 5417%
55 - 6419%65 - 7414%75+16%
What is your ethnic origin?
British92%White and Black Caribbean*
Irish1%White and Black African*
Any other White background2%White and Asian*
Any other mixed background*
Asian or Asian BritishBlack or Black British
Bangladeshi*Any other Black background*
Any other Asian background*
Chinese*Other ethnic group*
I do not wish to say1%
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire
Please return it in the enclosed pre-paid envelope.