DAILY NEWS Tuesday,February 6, 2018– EDay

MARK YOUR CALENDARS….Lionville Middle School is hosting a craft show on March 17, 2018. It will feature over 60 vendors of handmade creations and products such as floral, knit, crochet, clay, concrete, jewelry, LulaRoe, photography, paparazzi, honey and so much more. The show will take place in our cafeteria from 9 a.m. to 4.pm. Admission will be $5.00.

Check out the displayBlind Date with a Book!in our school library. Students who submit video book reviews to the LMS Library Instruction Schoology page will be entered into a drawing to win a gift card. The video book reviews will be then added to book covers as QR codes which will assist all our students in finding just the right books to read!

Attention : Students are collecting donations for local animal shelters. YOU can donate the following to help animals in need: *collars *leashes *dog food / Treats *bowls * dog sweaters *animal toys *old blankets or towels *crates Please donate these items to the box outside room A206 or the main office.

SPIRIT DAYS ~ Show your school SPIRIT by wearing:

** Date Change**Friday, Feb. 9 ~ Wear RED for heart heath day

Thursday, Feb. 8 ~ Olympics Opening Ceremony LMS Style

ColorsA team – green

of theB team – red

OlympicC team – blue

Rings D team – black

Office and Others – yellow

Wednesday, Feb. 14 ~ Wear “lovely” attire (whatever that means to you)

SPORTS:Sports Schedules- Please see the LMS Athletics website for updated sports information:

Attention wrestlers, there will be an end of the year meeting during Reach period starting at 2:03pm on Monday 2/12. Please bring your uniform if you have not turned it in already.

Attention all girls interested in playing Softball for LMS this year. There will be a brief informational meeting 2/6/18 for any 7th or 8th grade girl interested during Reach in the Auxilary Gym. Any questions please see Coach Hagerty or Coach Rutledge.

ATTENTION ALL BASEBALL PLAYERS: There will be an informational meeting for anyone interested in trying out for this year’s baseball team on Tuesday, February 13 in B103 (Mr. Raines’s room) during Reach. Please be prompt and bring a pencil with you. If you have any questions or cannot attend the meeting, please see Dr. Austin.

Upcoming games:

Mon., 2/5/18 – 3:15 Boys Basketball AWAY vs. Great Valley dismiss at 2:03

Fri., 2/9/18 – 3:15Boy Basketball HOME vs. So. Brandywine dismiss 8th gr. at 2:35