APT Workshop on Disaster Management –
Emergency Communications and Warning Systems
21-23 July 2010, Geelong (near Melbourne), Australia
The Workshop on Disaster Management – Emergency Communications and Warning Systems will be held on 21-23 July, 2010in Geelong, Australia. The workshop is being organised by the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity and hosted by the Australian Government’s Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy (DBCDE) and supported by an extra budgetary contribution from Australia.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together Government officials/experts plus telecom operators responsible for emergency communications and warning systems in the Asia-Pacific region to discuss the availability and use of such communications and systems for public protection and disaster relief.
It will identify any gaps in current emergency communications and warning system capabilities and consider how these gaps can be addressed.
The workshop will also share practical experiences gained in response to a number of recent disasters in the region and include a site visit.
APT Workshop on Disaster Management –
Emergency Communications and Warning Systems
21-23 July 2010, Geelong (near Melbourne), Australia
Date / 08:00 - 10:30 / 10:30–
10:45 / 10:45-12:30 / 12:30
14:00 / 14:00 -15:30 / 15:30
15:50 / 15:50 -17:30 / 19:00
Wed, 21 July / 08:00 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 10:30
Opening Session
- Opening Address by Mr. Kraisorn Pornsutee, Deputy Secretary General, APT
- Welcome Address by Mr. Trevor Jenner, DBCDE, Australia
- Keynote Address, Ivan Fong, President of PITA
- Group Photograph
Chair:Mr. Trevor Jenner, DBCDE, Australia
- Review of Bali ‘Plan of Action’ Matrix as it relates to disaster management by Mr. Kraisorn Pornsutee, Deputy Secretary General, APT. (Doc. No. WS-DS/10/15)
- Introductory Presentation by Mr. Masahiro KOYA, Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc, Rapporteur of ASTAP Disaster Management Communication System Expert Group.(Doc. No. WS-DS/10/18)
- Outcomes of the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference 2010 - as relevant to disaster communications by Mr. Stuart Davies, Telecom Expert, APT (Doc. No. WS-DS/10/16)
Chair: Mr. Kraisorn Pornsutee, Deputy Secretary General, APT.
- Emergency Alert – The Australian National Emergency Warning System by Ms. Diane Podlich, Attorney General’s Department, Australia.(Doc. No. WS-DS/10/21)
- Disaster Prevention in Japan by Mr. Futoshi Ozaki, Chief Manager, NEC Corporation.(Doc. No. WS-DS/10/11)
- ThailandCountry Report by Radm. Thaworn Charoendee, Expert, NationalDisasterWarningCenter, Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Thailand.(Doc. No. WS-DS/10/07)
Chair: Mr. Kraisorn Pornsutee, Deputy Secretary General, APT.
- Developing An Information Infrastructure for disaster management in Japan by Dr. Saneyuki Udagawa , MIC Adviser, Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution, Japan.(Doc. No. WS-DS/10/13)
- Emergency Telecommunications Development in China by Mr. Zhao Ronggui, Deputy Director, Division of Emergency Telecommunication, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, PR China(Doc. No. WS-DS/10/08)
Moderator: Ms. Dianne Cooper, Assistant Director Education, Australian Emergency Management Institute, Attorney General’s Department.
Theme: Are we ready to warn our country? (Doc. No. WS-DS/10/19)
Participants will break into groups and, upon completion of the group exercise, will reconvene in plenary to present their findings. / WELCOME DINNER AT LA PARISIEN (15 Eastern Beach Rd, Geelong)
Date / 09:00 - 10:30 / 10:30–
10:45 / 10:45-12:30 / 12:30
13:30 / 13:30 – 16:15 / 16:15
17:15 / 17:15 – 19:00
22 July / Session 5: Emergency Communications – Infrastructure Resilience
Chair: Mr. Masahiro KOYA, Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc, Rapporteur of ASTAP Disaster Management Communication System Expert Group
- Emergency Risk Management by Ms. Dianne Cooper, Assistant Director Education, Australian Emergency Management Institute
- Critical Infrastructure Protection by Mr. Mike Whitelaw, Telstra, Australia
Chair: Dr. Bob Horton, Consultant, Intelsat Asia, Australia
- Samoa Presentation by Mr. Tuloa Fetufou Aiono, ACEO, MCIT, Samoa. (Doc. No. WS-DS/10/23)
- Lessons Learned from Disaster Management & Government Radio Network by Mr. Bharat Bhatia, Director, Motorola, India.(Doc. No. WS-DS/10/05)
- The Regional platform for disaster and emergency communications in the PacificIslands by Mr. Ivan Fong, President of PITA.
Geelong to Melbourne
Session 7: Site Visit
Emergency Communications and Warning Centres
15:00 – 15:30
Group 1 – Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre
Group 2 – Emergency Services Communications Centre and Victoria Police Special Operations Room
15:45 – 16:15
Group 1 – Emergency Services Communications Centre and Victoria Police Special Operations Room
Group 2 – Joint Australian Tsunami Warning Centre / COFFEE BREAK / Session 8: Site Visit (Cont.)
Travel Melbourne to Geelong
Date / 09:00 - 10:30 / 10:30 – 10:45 / 10:45-12:30 / 12:30
14:00 / 14:00 – 15:30 / 15:30
16:00 / 16:00 – 17:30
23 July / Session 9: Emergency Communications – Infrastructure (Space Technology) and International agreements
Chair:Mr. Ivan Fong, President of PITA
- “Heli-Sat” System by Mr. Tsuyoshi Fuji, Assistant to Senior Manager, Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
- Satellite DMB emergency alerting and messaging system by Mr. Les Davey, VP-Regulatory & Operations, WorldSpace
- Collaborative disaster communication capacity for the Asia-Pacific region by Dr. Xuan Zengpei,ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, UNESCAP (WS-DS/10/26)
Chair: Dr. Xuan Zengpei, ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division, UNESCAP
- Public Protection & Disaster Relief by Mr. Bharat Bhatia, Chairman, AWF Spectrum Sub Working Group on PPDR (Doc. No. WS-DS/10/04)
- The Tampere Convention on the Provision of Telecommunication Resources for Disaster Mitigation and Relief Operations by Mr. Stuart Davies, Telecom Expert, APT
- Japan’s action intended to support APT activities on promotion of disaster management using ICT by Mr. Nitta, MIC,Japan
Session 11: APT Initiatives on Disaster Management for the future
Chair: Mr. Ali Mehmud, Director (Telecom), Ministry of Information Technology, Pakistan
- APT Initiatives on Disaster Communications, Prevention & Management Using ICT in the Asia-Pacific Region by Mr. Takamichi Kajiwara, Program Officer (ICT), APT.
Group Discussion
Theme: Workshop response to Bali “Plan of Action”
Moderator : Mr. Stuart Davies, Telecom Expert, APT
Participants will break into groups and, upon completion of the group discussion, will reconvene in plenary to present their findings. / AFTERNOON TEA / Session 12: The Way Forward
Chair: Mr. Kraisorn Pornsutee, Deputy Secretary General, APT
- APT The way Forward: Recommendations for further activities by APT relating to Disaster Communications by Stuart Davies, Telecom Expert, APT.
- Closing Remarks by Mr. Trevor Jenner,DBCDE, Australia.
- Closing Address