Students and Negative Numbers1


Down and to the Left: Students’ Movement Toward Negative Numbers

Samuel Otten
Michigan State University

SME 840

Students and Negative Numbers1

Down and to the Left: Students’ Movement Toward Negative Numbers

Many children are able to count even before they enter formal schooling. Having learned from family members, daycare workers, educational television programs, educational software or elsewhere, preschool-aged children often have experiences counting people, toys, or bites of vegetables. This counting, however, is typically in the realm of natural numbers (with or without zero). Most parents and television programs leave the challenge of teaching negative numbers to the school system. The topic of negative numbers is especially challenging for several reasons(Kilpatrick, Swafford, & Findell, 2001; Stacey, Helme, & Steinle, 2001).To cite just two of these reasons, negative numbers do not make sense if numbers are conceived as the quantity of a collection of objects (more on this below) and the operations of multiplication and division with negative numbers are not easily linked with intuition.

Although suchchallenges exist, this is not to say that negative numbers are divorced from our experiences with the world. Lakoff and Núñez (2000) present a cognitive theory of the foundations of mathematical knowledge that is built upon conceptual metaphors, a mechanism by which abstract ideas are comprehended via a mapping to concrete concepts grounded in sensory-motor experience. Lakoff and Núñez identify four grounding metaphors for notions of number and arithmetic—object collection, object construction, measuring stick, and motion along a path. They contend that pervasive experienceswith, respectively, groups of objects, wholes made up of parts, length measurements, and continuous spatial motionlay the concrete groundwork on which abstract concepts of arithmetic can be built.

Negative numbers, however, do not naturally arise from the object collection, object construction, or measuring stick grounding metaphors. It is the grounding metaphor of motion along a path, where zero is identified as a point-location separating the path into two distinct sides, that provides a concrete interpretation of negative numbers. But even in this case, the operations of multiplication and division of and by negative numbers force the metaphor to be extended. While it is possible to conceptualize some multiplication, such as -3 multiplied by 2, as moving 3 units to the left two times, multiplication such as-3 multiplied by -2 cannot be interpreted as repeated motion to the left 3 units because there is no concept of performing an action -2 times. Thus the conceptual metaphor must, according to Lakoff and Núñez, be stretched according to the previously established laws of arithmetic (e.g., commutativity).

Such metaphorical extensions, moving along formal pathways from grounded experience to more abstract concepts, are characteristic of mathematics as a discipline.In this light, we see that negative numbers provide students with an early and powerful opportunity to engage in mathematical thought. It is therefore possible that the experience students have with the move to negative numbers—be it intellectually fulfilling or frustrating, sensible or senseless—will have implications for the way in which students meet future mathematical extensions (of which there are many). I intend to use this paper to investigate a handful of articles on students and their relationship with negative number. I begin with a bit of historical context and a pair of research articles, one which attempted to provide concrete experiences of negative numbers and another which uncovered a conflation of conceptual metaphors around negative numbers. I then turn to a pair of practitioner articles, both of which share classroom activities involving negative numbers and insights regarding student thinking.

An Examination of Two Empirical Studies

The problems that children face with regard to negative number, some of which areindicated above, are not unlike the problems that mathematicians faced throughout the history of the subject. The motion-along-a-path metaphor, the grounding metaphor for negative numbers, was not accepted in Europe until the sixteenth century,according to Lakoff and Núñez (2000, p. 73). There is evidence, both before and after this time, of mathematicians struggling with the concept of negative numbers. As Gallardo (2002) reported, mathematicians of high regard, from Descartes to Euler to Cauchy, had to grapple with negative numbers and were not always successful. Diophantus, Fibonacci, D’Alembert, and others dealt with negative numbers that arose as solutions to equations by disregarding them as impossible (in much the same way as students of today deal with complex solutions) or by declaring the problem ill-posed. In other words, upon reaching a negative solution they stated that the original problem had been phrased improperly and, with the appropriate adjustment, would result in the “correct” positive solution. For example, the question “What number when added to twenty results in fifteen?” would be rephrased as “What number when subtracted from twenty results in fifteen?”

Such an adjustment avoids the notion of negative numbers as mathematical objects in their own right and shifts the focus back to the (accepted) process of subtraction.Sfard (1991) explicated this transformation in which mathematical processes are constructed, encapsulated, and then reified as objects, and she linked it with various conceptual obstacles in mathematics education. In the case of negative numbers, students move from the process of subtracting to the object of a negative number. In terms of the grounding metaphors, the shift is from the process of subtracting—that is, removing objects from a collection, reducing the length of something being measured, or moving along a path to the left—to a notion of negative numbers as point-locations on the number line in their own right.

In an attempt to use the insights from Sfard (1991) to guide instruction, Linchevski and Williams (1999) developed an instructional method for the purpose of extending students’ conception of number to include negative numbers. They conducted two instructional programs with groups of upper-elementary students. In the first program, students simulated a situation in which they had to monitor the number of people entering (always through the front door) and exiting (always through the back door) a dance club. To keep track of the changes, the students used a blue abacus, adding a bead for every entry, and a yellow abacus, adding a bead for every exit. The researchers then worked to draw the students’ attention to the net effect of various changes and to push the students to develop strategies for keeping track of the changes even when some of the beads have ran out (e.g., compensating by removing three yellow beads instead of adding three blue ones).In a sense, this presented the students with a realistically motivated situation in which the object collection metaphor was extended to dual collections, with the idea being that one collection could serve as a conceptual grounding for positive integers and the other for negative integers. Linchevski and Williams found that this first program was fairly successful in fostering a general concept of negative numbers in their students, but there was not a simultaneous development of mathematical language around negative numbers (i.e., students talked about “ins” and “outs” instead of “positives” or “negatives”). Furthermore, conceptions of subtraction with negative numbers were much thinner than the conceptions of addition, even though the researchers felt they should be on the same plane.

In their second instructional program, Linchevski and Williams (1999)introduced a dice game to the groups of students. The game started with a blue die and a yellow die corresponding to blue and yellow teams, and the goal of the game was for one team to gain a lead of eight points over the other team. Score was kept with the same abacuses as before. Students were able to quickly create shortcuts and alternate strategies for score-keeping (e.g., a roll of a blue 5 and a yellow 4 could be scored with 1 blue bead or by taking 1 bead away from yellow), all falling under the guidance of game “fairness.” Over time, the researchers modified the game, replacing blue and yellow with the markings “+” and “–” then moving to a single die with three plus scores and three minus scores and a card that is drawn simultaneously that says “add” or “subtract.” So, in this final version of the dice game, if the die came up “+2” and the card read “subtract” then the “+” team would lose two points (which is equivalent to the “–” team gaining two points). If the die came up “-2” and the card read “add” then the “–” team would gain two points (which is equivalent to the “+” team losing two points). In this case, Linchevski and Williams found that students developed notions of negative number addition and subtraction as well as mathematically accurate language around them. They recognized, however, the limit of this model with regard to multiplication and division of negative numbers as well as the limit of any model with regard to complete comprehensiveness of the concepts.

Rather than developing an instructional method for negative numbers, other researchers have worked to better understand the manner in which negative numbers are currently taught and the student difficulties that may be associated with them. For example, Stacey, Helme, and Steinle (2001) looked closely at the way in which some lower elementary students conceive of negative numbers, decimals, and unit fractions. They found that the conceptual metaphor of a mirror is employed by some students in all three cases. This is most common (and perhaps most natural) with negative numbers as they are conceptually reflection symmetric about zero. Some students also think of decimal places as reflective about the ones place (e.g., hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths) or erroneously around the decimal place. This, for some students, is linked to the mirror metaphor of the natural numbers and their inverses, with 1, 2, 3, 4 and so forth going off to the right of 1 and 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and so forth going off to the left of 1. Stacey and her colleagues(2001) documented several errors that they tied back to a conflation of these metaphors, such as a confusion between 0 and 1 (the two reflection points) and the misconception that decimals such as 0.5 or fractions such as 1/3 were less than 0.

Just as Lakoff and Núñez (2000) highlighted the role of metaphor in mathematical knowledge, Stacey and her colleagues highlighted the importance of carefully selected metaphor in mathematical learning. If the same or similar metaphors are used for more than one concept, mathematics educators need to be prepared for students who conflate them. This points to the importance of thinking carefully about the conceptual metaphors that may be elicited or formed by instructional practices. We turn now to two pieces of literature focusing on such practice.

An Inspection of Two In-Class Techniques

Wilcox (2008) is a mathematics educator who recorded her experiences exploring negative numbers with her first grade daughter who had never before been instructed in negative numbers. She and her daughter played a game on a bare number line in which a card was drawn and the daughter moved a game-piece to the right or to the left. Zero and the positive integers were marked on the board, but to the left of 0 were simply bare tick marks. When the daughter was required to move to the left of 0, she hesitated but eventually moved to the left tick marks and, through prompting from Wilcox, named these spaces as “zero cousin minus one,” “zero cousin minus two,” and so on. She also, after playing for awhile, correctly labeled the tick marks to the left of 0. Wilcox then turned over the number line and played a new game in which her daughter had blocks and either added or took away blocks based on the drawn cards. Under these circumstances, the daughter rejected any notion of negative numbers because once the blocks were all gone there were simply none left (possibly explaining her labeling of negatives as “zero cousins”). Turning back over the number line, however, the daughter could reinterpret the negative block situation appropriately.

Putting aside the obvious methodological limitations of this work and taking it for what it is, the work of Wilcox clearly connects to the grounding metaphors of Lakoff and Núñez. The game with the number line is a straightforward appeal to the motion-along-a-path metaphor, and the daughter was able to make the extension to the negative realm, even creating appropriate names and labels. The game with the blocks, however, failed to extend, as Lakoff and Núñez would expect, because the object collection metaphor to which it was tied does not easily handle negative numbers. It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if Wilcox had made available a second set of blocks similar to the double object collections of Linchevski and Williams (1999). In fact,there is evidence that, more than 2000 years ago, some Chinese used rods of two different colors in such a way to represent gain and loss or buy and sell (Gallardo, 2002).

Moving from an individual child to an individual class, Behrend and Mohs (2006) followed an inquiry-based class from first to second grade, focusing their report on the students’ interactions around negative numbers. Based on a discussion about whether numbers ever stop in either direction (and the conclusion that they don’t), the teacher and her students placed negative numbers on the classroom number lines.Later in first grade, thestudents spontaneously used negative numbers in number sentences. For example, when asked to generate number sentences involving 10, students would respond with “-2 + 12 = 10.” Later, in grade 2, one-third of the class regularly used negative numbers in a student-generated subtraction algorithm (e.g., 245 – 126 = 100 + 20 + -1 = 119). By the end of second grade, all but one of the students recognized the difference between “5 – 3” and “5 – -3,” something that proved problematic for a majority of fifth graders at the same school.

These remarkable occurrences, which Behrend and Mohs accounted for primarily with the sense-making that was encouraged to take place in those particular classes, demonstrate that students have the concrete experiences necessary for the introduction of negative numbers much earlier than the grade 5 or 6 that is assumed by many curricula. By building upon the motion-along-a-path metaphor, as evidenced by the number lines at the beginning, this class was able to largely grasp negative numbers in relation to the natural numbers and the operations of addition and subtraction, although not multiplication and division. They also linked this with other areas of mathematical learning in a sense-making way (e.g., in the multi-digit subtraction algorithm).


In this brief and somewhat rushed paper, I have examined ways in which instruction can be guided by concrete experience and grounding metaphors (Behrend & Mohs, 2006; Linchevski & Williams, 1999; Wilcox, 2008) and an example of how conceptual metaphors can lead to confusion and misconceptions (Stacey et al., 2001). Though it was not the direct focus of the paper, it also became clear that the operations of multiplication and division of negative numbers may be even farther removed from concrete experience and so even more difficult for students to grasp conceptually. The ideas presented in this paper can be a source for future work attempting to recreate some of the instructional activities contained herein (e.g., Linchevski’s dice game or Wilcox’s card game) or future work attempting to extend these ideas into the realm of multiplication and division with negative numbers.

Two Pieces by Dewey 1


Behrend, J. L., & Mohs, L. C. (2006). From simple questions to powerful connections: A two-year conversation about negative numbers. Teaching Children Mathematics, 12, 260-264.

Gallardo, A. (2002). The extension of the natural-number domain to the integers in the transition from arithmetic to algebra. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 49, 171-192.

Kilpatrick, J., Swafford, J., & Findell, B. (2001). Adding it up: Helping children learn mathematics. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

Lakoff, G., & Nunez, R. E. (2000). Where mathematics comes from: How the embodied mind brings mathematics into being. New York: Basic Books.

Linchevski, L., & Williams, J. (1999). Using intuition from everyday life in 'filling' the gap in children's extension of their number concept to include the negative numbers. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 39, 131-147.

Sfard, A. (1991). On the dual nature of mathematical conceptions: Reflections on processes and objects as different sides of the same coin. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 22, 1-36.

Stacey, K., Helme, S., & Steinle, V. (2001). Confusions between decimals, fractions and negative numbers: A consequence of the mirror as a conceptual metaphor in three different ways. Paper presented at the International Conference for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Wilcox, V. B. (2008). Questioning zero and negative numbers. Teaching Children Mathematics, 15, 202-206.