Rev. Date 6/28/13
ITEM #1803066A - Type b IMPACT ATTENUATion system (High- incident) NON-Gating
Description: Work under this item shall consist of furnishing, delivering, and installing a (High -Incident) Non-Gating impact attenuation system for the site shown or as directed by the Engineer including reflective sheeting for delineation.
Performance Criteria: This attenuation system shall be a crash tested device having approval in writing from FHWA conforming to the requirements in the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 350 or the AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH).
Materials: The materials shall conform to the following requirements:
1. All materials for the impact attenuation system, including any transition sections and concrete backup walls, or pads, shall meet the Manufacturer’s specification for the latest version of the attenuator chosen from the Department’s Qualified Products List (High-Incident) category.
2.The Contractor shall submit a material certificate or certificate of compliance for each system supplied as defined in Article 1.06.07.
3. A Type III reflective sheeting shall be provided in conformance with Subarticle M18.09.01 and Connecticut Traffic Standard Sheet TR-1205_01, Sign #50-5032 or as provided by the Manufacturer.
Construction Methods: The impact attenuation system, transition and concrete pad, shall be installed in a neat and workman like manner at the location(s) shown on the plans and constructed in conformance with the Manufacturer’s details. The reflective sheeting shall be installed on the nose of the impact attenuation system.
Failure to comply: In the event that, in the judgment of the Engineer, an impact attenuation system is not maintained adequately and/or safely on any part of the project, or the Contractor does not move or relocate traffic control devices to meet construction requirements for the safety of the traveling public when directed to do so by the Engineer, on any day, the sum of $1500.00 per day will be deducted from any money due the Contractor as a charge for failure to comply with this specification.
Method of Measurement:The impact attenuation system will be measured for payment by the number of each system installed at the location shown on the plans in conformance with the Manufacturer’s details and specifications as accepted by the Engineer.
Basis of Payment: The impact attenuation systems will be paid for at the Contract unit price for each "Type B Impact Attenuation System (High-Incident) Non-Gating" as specified on the plans. This price shall include all materials, excavation, concrete pad, backup system, transition section, reflective sheeting, site preparation, and transportation, removal of surplus material, equipment, tools and labor incidental to complete the installation.
Pay Item Pay Unit
Type B Impact Attenuation System (High-Incident) Non-GatingEach
item #1803066A