ACTIVITY/TRANSITIONEXPECTATION / Entering the room / Independent Work / Teacher Directed Instruction / Quizzes/Tests
Outcome: What is the expected end product or skill for this activity? (May vary day to day) / Take off coats and put backpacks in cubbies. Get ready for breakfast. / Get folders and school utensils to complete morning goal worksheets. / Break up in small groups for core academics. / Complete quiz or checklist on assigned materials in group.
Voice Level: Is talking allowed? If so – at what voice level? With whom? For how long? / Voice level 2 or quiet conversation / During independent work they should be quiet. / Quiet conversation is used in small groups. / Teacher assessment
Help: How should students get help? What should students do if they will not be able to access help immediately? / Students should ask for help. There is always enough staff to help immediately. Kids eating breakfast need to follow procedure established. / Students raise their hand if they need help. / Raise hand or speak softly without bothering others. / Teacher assessment
Motion: Are students allowed to move during this activity? If so – where? Do they need permission? / Yes to get supplies, activities and back to their seat. / Students are allowed to move around with respect for others. / At this point students are to remain seated. / Tests may be given in an organized fashion.
Engagement: What will students be doing with their eyes, hands, bodies & voices if they are fully-engaged during this activity? What does NON-engagement look like? / Students need to use quiet conversation while moving and silent for morning worksheets unless they need help. / Students are to be quiet for individual work if help is needed they are to raise their hand or quietly get out of their seat. / Students will be involved with the group activity and use quit conversation. Speaking in turn is required. / Materials often have question to be answered at the end of the chapter.
Materials: What materials are needed for this activity? / Folders, pencils and calculators. / Usually the students need to bring pencils to group. / Instruction is often read in am chorale fashion with questions at the end. / All quizzes will be administered immediately after reading and discussing the material.
ACTIVITY/TRANSITIONEXPECTATION / Lunch / Educational Games / Jobs / Art, music or P.E.
Outcome: What is the expected end product or skill for this activity? (May vary day to day) / Students will eat a healthy lunch in an orderly manner. They will also clean up after themselves. / The kids need to use quit conversation and play games with teacher in a cooperative fashion. / Small groups of students go with a coach to a job site and complete given tasks for an hour at a time. / Complete the activity while having fun.
Voice Level: Is talking allowed? If so – at what voice level? With whom? For how long? / Quiet conversation is appropriate at lunch. / Quiet conversation is appropriate. / Quiet conversation is appropriate at the job. / Quiet conversation is needed.
Help: How should students get help? What should students do if they will not be able to access help immediately? / Students should ask for help in a reasonable tone of voice and wait their turn. / Students need to raise their hands if they need help. / Students should ask for help or to muse the restroom with supervision. / Raise hand for help.
Motion: Are students allowed to move during this activity? If so – where? Do they need permission? / Students are allowed to dispose of their trash. If they need to use the bathroom they must raise their hand and ask permission. They must wash the tables. / No motion is necessary at this time. Bathroom breaks must be approved. / All movement needs to be about the job completion. / These activities often allow more freedom of movement.
Engagement: What will students be doing with their eyes, hands, bodies & voices if they are fully-engaged during this activity? What does NON-engagement look like? / Loud talking, moving on equipment with no permission. / Students should be fully engaged in the game with their peers and teacher monitoring the activity. All expected to join in unless they need to complete their morning work. / Students need to be fully engaged with the job or be asked to leave the site. / Students will be using their bodies for many of these activities in an orderly fashion.
Materials: What materials are needed for this activity? / None but the lunch itself.
Outcome: What is the expected end product or skill for this activity? (May vary day to day) / Put on coats and get backpacks and line up .Some students help clean up the room and then prepare to go home.
Voice Level: Is talking allowed? If so – at what voice level? With whom? For how long? / All voices are quiet conversation until out of the building.
Help: How should students get help? What should students do if they will not be able to access help immediately? / Students should ask for help if needed.
Motion: Are students allowed to move during this activity? If so – where? Do they need permission? / Students are moving in an orderly fashion to get ready to exit. Second bell indicates it time to go home. Teacher leads the line out to bus.
Engagement: What will students be doing with their eyes, hands, bodies & voices if they are fully-engaged during this activity? What does NON-engagement look like?
Materials: What materials are needed for this activity?
Outcome: What is the expected end product or skill for this activity? (May vary day to day)
Voice Level: Is talking allowed? If so – at what voice level? With whom? For how long?
Help: How should students get help? What should students do if they will not be able to access help immediately?
Motion: Are students allowed to move during this activity? If so – where? Do they need permission?
Engagement: What will students be doing with their eyes, hands, bodies & voices if they are fully-engaged during this activity? What does NON-engagement look like?
Materials: What materials are needed for this activity?