College Credit Datatel Meeting

Monday, January 14th , 9:00am
1 / Inconsistencies with PAC term numbers on RG0540 for Active vs. Census Enrollment
Census numbers not matching Actual headcount, FTES is correct. What are the rules on PAC headcount.
Extend EMT auto run dates to capture all late entry. / Sergio/Linda
2 / Graduation Issue:
The degree shows on the students transcripts, but it does not appear in SPRO as “Graduate.”
Leigh Ann to watch and see if this reoccurs. / Leigh Ann
3 / Course Repeatability (Families & Backsliding)
ART, THEA, TELV not equated between SAC & SCC. What is the definition of a family? Stuart to discuss with other schools at 3CDUG. / Tuyen/Linda
4 / Student Success Scorecard Discussion
Degree Audit must be ready, Registration priorities, discuss with the student success committees at each campus. / Open
5 / Reporting non-SSN student GPA’s to CSAC:
CalGrants (AB540 CalGrants for 2013-2014). Do we want to report electronically (ITS writes report) or manually (students bring GPA form to A&R)? If electronic – report must be complete by February 14th. If manual, we will begin mailing out forms on February 1st. Albert has test data available for Robert & Syed / Robert
6 / Datatel WebUI Concerns/Questions?
Add button not always working on SGRD. This was fixed in a Web UI patch that has not been deployed in Colleague, patches are working in Test environment.
Send test link to group to try UI 4.4 / Stuart
7 / International Baccalaureate Exams, are SAC & SCC ready? Ready for Live / Stuart
8 / MIS Updates
SX06: Non-funded repeats generate no apportionment, may appear as errors on future MIS reports.
Finalizing 2012SU & Campus Calendar.
SAC & SCC decided to make all Saturdays secondary. Primary is defined by regular term Spring/Fall Mon-Fri only.
Holidays if Friday is closed Sat & Sun is also closed. If Monday weekends are open.
Fall not started yet.
2012SU is still being processed.
Cesar Chavez day to become a required (unfunded) holiday per Elias from the State.
Campus Calendar due by May / Katie
9 / Residency Code for Crime Victims = EB: Exemption with BOGG Waiver. Can it be used now?
Do students go to FA first and then AR gets notified to update the code? It can be used now; However some discussion still needs to be had on its use. Look into regulations for future discussions.
Built but not used, yet. / Chris
10 / SB70 Status Update / Syed
11 / Student Standings
Discussion on GPA, initially inconsistencies fixed by always using ALT GPA, not CUM GPA. However after reviewing some transcripts it was found that TERM GPA may want to be used in some areas. Regarding Honors transcript, displays ALT GPA which affects repeated courses allowing them to get HONORS, Albert changed this to use TERM for HONORS only which fixed the problem.
Student Standings: Use ALT GPA for probation status now, continue to do so or potentially change to TERM GPA?
Use TERM GPA for this calculation going forward, approval from both SAC & SCC. Albert to setup in TEST first. Codes affected P1, P2, A1, A2, AD, P1A1, P1A2, P1AD, P2A1, P2A2, P2AD, etc…
GPA should be set to 2.0 now for academic dismal, not 1.75 / Albert
12 / Other
AM0114, if date left blank, return all results for term, not just today’s date.
On 100+ units report, add parameter for 90+ units and also 100+
Add a column detailing how many units the student is currently enrolled in for the term you
Is there a way to prevent a student enrolling in a section at SAC, and applying on a waitlist at SCC? Would need to enforce registration rules on waitlists.
Possibly turn on history tracking on co-requisite sections and the required field, to monitor changes. / Open
13 / Project List Review / Stuart
Next Meeting:
February 19th, 2013
Datatel Training Room

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