OUR HOUSE Ministries to Youth Scholarship Application
Bates Memorial Baptist Church
Scholarship Application Deadline:
Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 7:00pm
Instruction Sheet
A Complete OUR HOUSE Scholarship Application Packet Should Contain:
- Completed and signed OUR HOUSE Scholarship Application Form
- Completed OUR HOUSEScholarship Checklist for desired scholarship(s)
- Essay(s)
- OFFICIAL (sealed) Transcripts
- Recommendation(s)
- Complete OUR HOUSE application packets are to be submitted (unfolded) in a 10 ½ x 13 sealed envelope marked with the name of the applicant, the scholarship applied for and PLACED IN THE OUR HOUSE YOUTH MINISTRY MAIL SLOT ONLY IN THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 10th at 7:00pm
- Incomplete scholarship applications will not be considered for any scholarships.
- Finalists may be asked to meet briefly with the OHMY Scholarship committee
- References may be contacted by the OHMY Scholarship committee
- Applicants can apply for all, but will not be awarded more the ONE scholarship
- Complete and submitonly one (1) OUR HOUSEScholarship Application Form
- Please make sure the specific OUR HOUSE Scholarship Checklist is attached to the essay and other required documents.
- Applicants are REQUIRED to attend Marks of Excellence Ceremony of Recognition on June 14th 2017at 7pm to be eligible to receive scholarship award. If absent at ceremony, award is void. No exceptions.
OHMY Scholarship Application Form
-Please Print Clearly-
Full Name: ______D.O.B.______SSN#:______
Permanent Home Address: ______
City______State ______Zip:______
Home Phone: ______Cell#:______
High School or Postsecondary Institution: ______
Email Address ______
High School Applicants 2016-2017:
Grade ______Are you on par to graduate?(Circle one) Yes/No Current GPA: ______Accumulative GPA: ______
Postsecondary Applicants2016-2017:
Total number credit hours accumulated: ______Accumulative GPA ______Classification ______Major/Minor ______
All Applicants: (Please list Tenure, Positions Held, and Responsibilities)
AffiliateClubs/Organizations: ______
List two (2) non-family references:
Address: ______
Contact Number: ______
Title/Position: ______
Affiliation: ______
Address: ______
Contact Number: ______
Title/Position: ______
Certification/Release Information: I certify that all information provided on this form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I grant permission for information regarding my grades, enrollment status, employment status, volunteer service, etc. to be released to the OUR HOUSE Scholarship Selection Committee. My signature below indicates authorization of release of grades, employment status, volunteer service, etc. to the OUR HOUSE Scholarship Selection Committee.
Applicant Signature: ______Date: ______
Hands of Hope
“And they shall keep his charge, and the charge of the whole congregation before the tabernacle of the congregation, to do the service of the tabernacle.” - Numbers 3:7
Active Member of Bates Memorial Baptist Church
Completed OUR HOUSE Scholarship Application Form
Postsecondary Applicants:
OFFICIAL (sealed) transcript verifying completion of 30 undergraduate credit hours
High School Graduate:
Current OFFICIAL (sealed) school transcript
Official proof of postsecondary enrollment for the 2016-2017 academic year
Minimum Accumulative GPA of 2.5
One (type written) recommendation from an employer and/or community/public service organization, etc. verifying service
Two page, double-spaced, type written, (1) inch margin, essay
“How has being a servant to others needs positively impacted your life?” incorporating the Bible verse Numbers 3:7
The Bates Memorial Scholarship
Study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. - II Timothy 2:15
Active member of Bates Memorial Baptist Church
NOTE:Must include one (type-written) letter, on church letterhead, from ministry team leader verifying active participation in specific ministry.
CompletedOUR HOUSE Scholarship Application Form
2017 High School Graduate
Current OFFICIAL(sealed) school transcript
Official proof of postsecondary enrollment for the 2016-2017 academic year
Minimum Accumulative GPA of 3.5
One (type written) recommendation from an employer and/or community/public service organization, etc. verifying service
Two FULL page, double-spaced, type written, (1) inch margin, essay:
“What aspects of your life personify excellence and how was excellence achieved” incorporate the Bible verse2 Timothy 2:15
OUR HOUSE Scholarship Application(s) Deadline Date:
Wednesday, May 10, 2017, 7:00pm
Dr. F. Bruce Williams Scholarship
For ContinuedEducation
“My people are ruined because they do not know what is right or true. Because you have turned your back on knowledge…….” - Hosea 4:6
Member of Bates Memorial Baptist Church
CompletedOUR HOUSE Scholarship Application Form
Current postsecondary student:
-Currently enrolled in an Associate's, Bachelor's, Graduate, or Trade Program
OFFICIAL (sealed) transcript
OFFICIAL proof of postsecondary enrollment for the 2016-2017 academic year
Minimum Accumulative GPA of 2.5
One (type written) recommendation onletterhead from an employer or community/public service organization, etc. verifying service
Two page, double-spaced, type written, (1) inch margin, essay on the prompt:
Describe your background and life experiences to include any challenges or successes. Explain how these experiences prompted you to pursue a higher education. How has your education contributed to who you are today? Incorporate the Bible verse Hosea 4:6.
Marks of Excellence
“Salt is good [an EXCELLENT thing], but if salt has lost is strength and has become saltless (insipid, flat), how shall its saltness be restored? (AMP)- Luke 14:34
Member of Bates Memorial Baptist Church
CompletedOUR HOUSE Scholarship Application Form
Postsecondary Applicants: OFFICIAL (sealed) transcript verifying completion of 30 undergraduate credit hours
High School Graduate: current OFFICIAL(sealed)school transcript
OFFICIAL proof of postsecondary enrollment for the 2016-2017 academic year
Minimum Accumulative GPA of 2.75
One (type written) recommendation onletterhead from an employer or community/public service organization, etc. verifying service
Two page, double-spaced, type written, (1) inch margin, essay on the prompt:
Describe your most meaningful achievements in a leadership position or while doing community service. What lessons did you learn and how will you use them to achieve your future goals? Incorporate the Bible verse Luke 14:34.
Blessed to Bless Scholarship
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with TRUE riches? - Luke 16:10-11
Active Member of Bates
CompletedOUR HOUSE Scholarship Application Form
High School Graduate: current OFFICIAL (sealed)school transcript
OFFICIAL proof of postsecondary enrollment for the 2016-2017 academic year
Minimum Accumulative GPA of 2.0
One (type written) recommendation onletterhead from an employer or community/public service organization, etc. verifying service
Annual Household income of 25,000 or less (Please provide 2016 Tax information)
Two page, double-spaced, type written, (1) inch margin, essay on the prompt:
Stewardship means the activity or job of protecting and being responsible for something: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. As a youth, what challenges in decision- making do you struggle with and how can you overcome them? Incorporate the Bible verse Luke 16:10-11.
Elmore/Whiteside Scholarship
“Brother and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”- Philippians 3:13-14
Active member of Bates Memorial Baptist Church
NOTE:Must include one (type written) letter, on church letterhead, from ministry team leader verifying active participation in specific ministry.
CompletedOUR HOUSE Scholarship Application Form
2017 High School Graduate
Current OFFICIAL (sealed) school transcript
Official proof of postsecondary enrollment for the 2016-2017 academic year
Minimum Accumulative GPA of 2.0
One (type written) recommendation from an employer and/or community/public service organization, etc. verifying service
Two FULL pages, double-spaced, type written, (1) inch margin, essay prompt:
What does Perseverance mean to you? Identify the struggles in your life and how did you demonstrated perseverance. Incorporate the Bible verse Philippians 3:13-14.