Alamance Burlington School System 2014-2016 School Improvement Plan
I. School Vision and Mission
School Vision AlignedBe a Bobcat. Broadview Middle School will offer an educational experience that inspires students to recognize and strengthen their individual talents. Through collaboration with caring and responsive educators, activating the community, and invigorating innovations, Bobcats will make a positive contribution to the local and global community.
School Mission
- As a Bobcat educator my mission is to use innovative strategies and set high expectations to engage all learners to reach their fullest potential.
- As a Bobcat student my mission is to know and understand my strengths and utilize them to reach my fullest potential.
- As a Bobcat community member my mission is to support the students and educators of Broadview Middle School by being accessible, providing resources, and actively participating in the school community.
II. SchoolwideNeeds Assessment
Summary of Data Sources:
Data Source / Results / Strengths / Weaknesses / Significant Areas of FocusData Team / Due to insufficent staff training there was only one successful data team. CFA’s were given and results were compared with the team. / Identifiying clear results of CFA’s. / Timing- created pre, CFA and post assessment. Discussed what worked, what did not and where to go next. Teaching at the same pace following a specific timeline was difficult because of the various needs of the students. / Planning time to allow for Common pacing of standards and writing CFAs. All content area teachers will attend CFA and data training. The Academic coach and administration will be a part of data meeting. RtI coordinator will assist teachers with regrouping and intervening when appropriate.
EOG/EOC / Over all CCR composite 23.2.
Reading 24.9
Math 16.7 / CCR Math I EOC 73.1 / Well below grade level proficiencies in both reading and math. / Focus on the ABSS framework for math and ELA and coach teachers on how to deliver and differentiate instruction. As well as the use of data teams and CFA’s to appropriately assess and intervene students. Teachers wil also be trained and coached focusing on content vocabulary.
Benchmark / Benchmark data shows the majority of students were in the average range for reading and math. / 33 sixth grade students were above average in reading. / 50 eighth students were below average in math. / As a school we need to focus on effective math instruction and appropriate interventions for strugling students.
ACT/Explore, Plan / EXPLORE results show students expressed a need for help in one or more area. / 62 out of 160 8th grade students have post high school plans. / Of the 160 8th graders 101 identified math skills as an area of need and 108 students identified study skills as an area of need. / 8th grade math is an area of great need. Teachers will use the EXPLORE data to group students and offer innterventions based on individual student need.
ACCESS / Of the 82 students tested the majority of students were expanding or bridging, meaning they were comfortable with social English and were developing their grade level content vocabulary. / 36% of the ELL population is using grade level appropriate academic language. / Only 5% of ELL population knows and uses the highest level social and academic language measured by the WIDA. / Increased SIOP training for teachers. Co-teaching for all supportive and comprehensive students. Vocabulary instruction is a school wide focus for the 2014-15 school year.
Discipline / Based on discipline data we have a disproportional amount of African American males with office referrals compared to the other sub groups.
Discipline referrals occur primarily in the classroom. / Hispanic females have the lowest number of full day ISS or OSS for the 2013-14 school year. / Eighth grade students made up 50% office referrals resulting in full day ISS or OSS. / PBIS coach will train and support teachers on effective alternatives for positive classroom management. A school wide positive behavior plan was put into place at the beginning of the 2014- 15 school year. PBIS personnel working with SST and CFT team to identifiy specific behavioral needs.
Focus on cultural norms.
PBIS / As a school we realized need a school wide behavior expectation plan. / Strong PBIS leadership and consistant meetings. / Overall teacher buy in and an effective school wide PBIS system. / Increase the number of students participating in the positive rewards program
Teacher Working Conditions / Decrease in technolgy access and speed since last TWC / Increase in communication with Admin and the instructional program. / Overall growth since previous TWC. / Feedback will shape and modify our instructional plan.
Other sources of perceptual data / Perception data Title I survey
The perception of our school is we have low performing students with behavior issues. / Strong leadership core and teacher cameraderie. / Low parent and community involvement compared to other middle schools in the county. Some teachers have not implemented certain strategies to meet the diverse educational and social needs of our students. / Data teams, CFA’s, positive behavior support, increased access to technology. Teachers also need training and coaching on effective interventions to meet the differentiated needs of students.
Specific strengths your data indicate (Detailed):
Data Source / Strengths / Implication2013-14 EOC test results / Math I CCR proficency.
73.1 percent of students assessed.
Spanish I- 75% of students pass final exam. / Math I rigorous instruction and the extra time teachers are available for students is providing results.
2013-14 EOG results
2012-2013 EOG Results / Overall growth in Math and Reading EOG in 7th grade. / School wide growth is due to teachers learning and implementing effective teaching strategies. Teachers are also provided coaching feedback from the Academic Coach and are implementing vocabulary and literacy strategies in their classrooms.
TWCS / Teachers feel trusted and comfortable with their administrative and academic team. / Teachers feel valued and therefore work hard to meet the diverse needs of students. They are open to feedback and opportunities to improve their craft.
Specific areas for improvement your data indicate (Detailed):
Data Source / Weaknesses / Implication2013-14 EOG results / Grades 6-8 reading and math core instruction. / Teachers need to become familiar with and implement the ABSS framework for math and literacy. Trainings are provided to explicitly teach the district expectations. Coaching sessions are provided to assist teachers with planning and activites centered around the framework.
Data teams / Training of staff and implementation of data team. / All content teachers will attend district data team and CFA training. Teachers will be active participants in grade level content data teams. Administration and the Academic coach will attend data team meetings to further coach and assist teachers.
2013-2014 EOG data Drilldown report. / African American males and Hispanic males were not proficient.
On a whole, females over-perform males from.01-5 percentage points in all assessments except for 8th grade Science and 8th Grade Math 1 EOCs. / All teachers recive training in Marzano’s Six Step Vocaulary instruction. This will ensure students are repeatedly exposed to content vocabulary and have a deeper undertanding of concepts.
Specific performance gaps your data indicate:
What are the identified performance gaps? / What inferences can you make about why the gap exists? / Implications of these gaps?Achievement gaps in all target groups exist when compared to the district and state average. / BMS students have a 93% poverty rate. / BMS personel should ways to reach students of poverty.
Girls significantly outperform boys in all areas (biggest gap is in 8th grade math) / BMS students have a 93% poverty rate. Boys of poverty are more pessimistic about the their future and their identity. / Reach young men at all levels of growth and ensure they feel the success needed to build efficacy.
III. School Improvement/Data Team Focus
Based upon your needs analysis, identify 3-5 School Improvement Goals as your data team focus.*
*Title 1 schools must specifically identify at least one goal in reading and one in math
School Improvement Goals:
Focus Goal #1: / To increase end of year reading CCR proficiency from 25% CCR to 32% CCR in the 14-15 school-year and from 32%- 40% in the 15-16 schoolyear. (Literacy Continuum).Strategy: 1a / Implement iRead across all E/LA classrooms with 100% consistent participation by E/LA teachers and their students
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Introduce/launch program / First three weeks of school / Macklin and E/LA teachers / Nook cart provided by Gear Up; Follett Quest that provides reading and lexile information / Macklin lesson plans and calendar; all students are introduced/ teachers trained
All students read the first 20 minutes of E/LA every day / All school year / E/LA teachers / Fall/ Winter book orders to insure DPI standards for books per student / Teachers are observed implementing the program by Literacy Coach, Administration
“Bookmark” /Destiny Quest tracking of student reading / All School year / Macklin / Manilla folders/ card stock/ misc. office supplies; / Monthly reporting of student progress forwarded to administration; annotations reviewed and posted online by librarian
Reward System for Students and teachers / 2nd progress report and thereafter reports; 9 week Assemblies / Macklin and Owens / Funds for rewards; Connect Ed announcement of outstanding participating students / List of students; evaluative scores
Strategy: 1b / Implement Monthly Open Media Evenings
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Set Dates/Notify Community / Sept and Oct of 2014 / Macklin and other members of the Leadership team / Connect Ed, local media, fliers, Twitter, FB, web page / Notifications completed
Assign Library Cards to attending parents with understanding of rules/regulations/
charges / October, 2014 to the end of the school year / Macklin / None / Cards distributed to attending parents; attendance records
Plan instructional programs and provide for browsing/open computer use / Before each program / Macklin with 2 teacher volunteers for each program / Comp time for Macklin and teacher volunteers / Calendar set; volunteers recruited
Implement program at end of October of 2014 / October, November, January, February, March, April, May, 2015 / Macklin with 2 teacher volunteers for each program / Comp time for Macklin and teacher volunteers / Attendance, evaluation instrument completed by all attending adults
Strategy: 1c / Provide Vocabulary Instruction PD to all classroom teachers.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
PD planned and dates set for inplementation of Marzano Six Step Process of Vocabulary Instruction / September October. 2014 / Academic Coach / Office Supplies/ Planning time/ Book and Internet resouces / Training completed in appropriate timeframe
PD is Provided to Grade Level PLC’s / See above timeline / See above person / Planning time is provided by administration / Training completed in appropriate timeframe
Teachers create lesson plans to implement the 6 Step strategy in their classrooms / Completed by November, 2014 / All Classroom teachers / Input by Academic Coach, Marzano resources, ABSS CC curriculum units / Teacher Lesson Plans are submitted to Academic Coach
Teachers discuss lesson plans with Academic Coach / Completed by December, 2014 / Teachers/ Academic Coach / Teacher Planning Time/ Academic Coach Planning Time / Appointments set to meet with Academic Coach/ Lesson Plans are archieved
Teachers present lesson to students; class is videotaped for later discussion / Completed by January, 2015 / Teachers/ Academic Coach / iPad Tripod for taping / All video submitted to administration/ coach
Feedback is provided to teachers by Academic Coach / School year, 2014-2015 / Teachers/ Coach / Planning time / Feedback Form
Instruction continues consistently until end of school year
/School year, 2014-2015
/Students in all subject areas/ teachers
/Classroom instruction/ time in classroom
/Vocabulary evaluative tool implemented in all classrooms/ at end of every CC unit.
Strategy: 1d / Utilize in class and extended interventions to increase reading levels of most at-risk readers.Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Identify and diagnose struggling readers. / First 9 weeks / RtI coordinator / Access to Level Set, QRI, Normed fluency assessments, and word-study stage assessments. / Reading levels using same assessments tools 5/15
Develop individual plans for struggling readers. / By end of first semseter. / RtI Coordinator/ELA teachers/ Saturday academy coordinators/ afterschool coordinators. / Teen biz
Effective literacy lessons.
Grade level plans
Data teams. / Reading levels using same assessments tools 5/15
Strategy: 1e / Increase the access to student technology to promote more personalized learning practices.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Identify needed technology and purchase. / Summer 2014 / Butler, Paisley, Technology Dept. / Technology Budget / Delivery of technology
Provide teachers with professional development on utilization of technolgy. / Schoolyear 2014-2015 / Technology Dept., Paisley, Admin, Teacher leaders. / Technology Budget / Completion of PD
Provide teachers with professional development on personalization through technology. / School-year
2015-2016 / Technology Dept., Paisley, Admin, Teacher leaders. / 2015-2016 Technology Budget / Student Academic Growth
Strategy: 1f / PBL implementation team-wide for AIG/math 1 students in the 8th grade
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Identify appropriate studnets based on data / Summer 2014 / Butler, AC, AIG teachers / Flexible Scheduling
Implement a schedule for a 3 (2 teachers only 1content) teacher team that aloow equitable time for all four contents. / 2014-2015 / Teachers / Add a teacher to 8th grade STEM
Title One alottment for class size redcution. / Scheduling
Student Achievment
Strategy: 1g / Implement gender based classrooms
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Identify students, schedule, notify parents / Summer 2014 / Butler / Scheduling
Collect Data:
CFA, Screeners, Surveys, Dispostions, Learning experiences, teacher surveys. / 2014-2015 / Butler/Teachers/AC / Ttile One parent Involvement / Data Analysis
School Improvement Goals (cont.)
Focus Goal 2: / Broadview will decrease the total number of incidents from 728 to less than 450(35% decrease) from August 25th 2014 to June 9th 2015. All Broadview staff will create nurturing and trusting student relationship using PBIS strategies duing school hours and at all school wide events and activities.Strategy: 2a / Schoolwide PBIS Implementation with fidelity.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Positive Paws: Students have a daily opportunity to earn stamps for following school wide expectations / 8-25-14 to 6-9-15 / All BMS staff / Stamps and planners / The number of students attending incentives.
Students can participate in monthly and nine week incentive activities / 9/26, 10/31, 11/25, 12/19, 1/30, 2/27, 3/26, 5/1 / All BMS staff / PBIS budget / The high number of students attending, and the low number of students who cannot.
PBIS Coach and Committee / 8/1/14 to 9/6/15 / Mr. Gerringer and Committee members / PBIS budget / Increased number of positive student behaviors and lower suspension rates
Strategy: 2b / CFT meeting:The CFT team will meet the social and emotional needs of specific students.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Redefine roles for CFT to include RtI and PBIS coach using a PSM model. / 9/30/14 / Holmgren, Butler, Sylvestre, Alexander, King, Reagan, Gerringer, Marinis / Model Flow-chart, meetings / PSM meeting minutes.
Utilize PSM model to problem solve and action plan for individual students. / Year-long / CFT team / Behavior Plans, Interventions, Parent support, external agencies. / Indiviudal student progress.
Bullying Committee: Educating students on bully prevention and interventions / 8/25/14 to 6/9/15 / Mr. Randall, Mrs. Sylvester, Mrs. Holmgren, and Mr. Gerringer / Professional Development / A decrease in bullying referrals.
Strategy: 2c / Create more opportunities for student leadership.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Teen Leadership Classes. Students provide peer mediation opportunites, along with leadership responsibilities / 14/15 school-year / Mrs. Boggan and Leadership classes. / N/A / More students taking leadership roles in school, and lower suspension rates.
Implement AYLA / 14/15 school-year / Mrs. Holgram / Meeting time, communications, transportation to events. / More students taking leadership roles in school, and lower suspension rates.
Focus Goal #3: / Broadview Middle School Staff and PTA will increase the positive presence in and communication with the community of Alamance County by increasing the overall number of PTA members from less than 100 to more than 200 by 2016. Increasing the number of community business donors from 1 to 5, and positive public relations news announcements through shout-outs, newsletters, social media, Connect-eds, and traditional media stories to at least one item weekly.
Strategy: 3a / Highlight the strengths of BMS publically.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Increase news to the community through shout-outs and traditional media / Ongoing, weekly updates to be sent to Central office to be distributed / Grade level chairs and facilitators, possible reporting to 1-2 central people? / Time
Contact info / Increase in number of shout-outs, news articles, social media sites
Parent Education meetings some with the PTA / At least one meeting every nine weeks / Teachers, Administration and PTA Board / Food
Materials (copies)
Translators / Reflection surveys from parents
Sign-up sheets
Schoolwide Newsletter / 9 weeks to go home with report cards / 2-3 teachers to coordinate / Printing paper
Trnaslator / Feedback from parents and teachers?
Focus Goal #4: / Broadview Middle School will increase the overall CCR Math composite from 16.7% to 26% by the end of the 2014-2015 school-year and 35% by the end of the 2015-2016 school-year.
Strategy: 4a / Implement Data Teams with fidelity for all math clasrroms.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
All math teachers trained in Data teams. / Completed by October 2014 / Math Teacher,
CO Trainers, AC, Admin / DATA Teams and CFA trainings. / Staff CEUs
Structured planning time provided and Math Data Team Meetings facilitated by principal bi-weekly / 2014-2015 school year. / Math Teachers, AC, Principal / Planning time, Schedule / Meeting Minutes
Planning time before each semester to Pace standards and create CFAs / Summer 2014 and November 2014 / Math Teachers
Admin / Stipends
Substitutes / Curriculum Maps and CFAs shared digitally.
Strategy: 4b / Utilize mastery connect to aggregate data from CFAs to make informed decisions about individual student needs.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Mastery Connect registration/training / September-October 2014 / Marinis and Math Teachers / Cost of MC / Use of MC as seen through the Admin dashboard
Mastery Connect Implementation for data collection / Math CFA 3
November-December 2014 / Marinis, Butler, Math teachers / Document cameras and MC / Data from CFAs
Data Conversations, Charting and Problem Solving for individual students. / Ongoing 2014 school-year / Marinis, Butler, Math Teachers / Structured planning time / Data from Data Teams
Strategy: 4c / Identify individual student needs and align appropriate intervention.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Create a math data profile for high risk students using screeners, evaas, SMI, benchmarks, and CFAs / By January 2014 / Marinis and Math Teachers / Data sources / Profile
Identify appropropriate interventions and provide student access to Sat. Acad, Afterschool, during school, or in-class intervention. / 14-15 School- Year / Marinis, Math Teachers, Afterschool coordinator, Saturday coordinator / Afterschool and Saturday Academy budgets. / Progress Monitoring growth.
Strategy: 4d / Provide Math specific PD focused on strategies.
Action Step / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / Resources Required/Budget / Indicator(s) of Progress
Identify and implement the researched-based PD / By January 2014 / Principal/CO Math Support/AC, RtI, and Math Teachers / PD allotment / PD implementation
School Improvement Goals (cont.)