Office of the Vice President – Academic Affairs
June 2, 2014
Present: J. Anaya, F. Arce, R. Bell, T. Bonacic, C. Fitzsimons, W. Garcia, A. Garten,
E. Geraghty, A. Grigsby, D. Hayden, A. Hernandez, O. Hyacinth, C. Jeffries, B. Klier,
W. Morris, B. Mulrooney, R. Murray, J. Nishime, T. Pao, D. Patel, B. Perez, V. Rapp,
S. Rodriquez, J. Shankweiler, D. Shrader, J. Sims, R. Smith, C. Striepe, J. Wagstaff, W. Warren
Other Guests: Jo Ann Higdon
A. Enrollment Management Strategies for Growth:
- ECC enrollment goal for 2014-2015 is 19,209 FTES, but with the projected deficit, the FTES target will be around 19,576 FTES. CEC enrollment goal for 2014-2015 is 6,242 FTES, but with the projected deficit, the FTES target will be around 6,767 FTES.
- The VPAA will analyze the schedule to identify enrollment trends and opportunities for afternoon, evening and weekend classes. Based on enrollment data and trends, afternoon, evening and weekend classes will be developed targeting the working adult student.
- The VPAA will coordinate with Outreach to expand concurrent enrollment opportunities.
- The VPAA and VPSCA in coordination with the Office of Institutional Research and ITS will develop current enrollment information based on student registration and enrollment
- The VPSCA in coordination with the Counseling Department will identify students that did not use their priority registration and how that behavior may be changed.
- The VPAA in coordination with the Office of Institutional Research and ITS will identify the number of continuing and reverse transfer students enrolled at ECC for all primary and summer terms.
- ITS will inform Deans of any interruptions or issues with the online orientation or registration system.
- The VPAA and VPSCA will establish a committee to examine IT issues regarding prerequisites and how this affects a student’s ability to enroll in classes.
- The waitlist will allow students to become waitlisted in multiple courses at different times and at the same time. However, if the waitlist moves you up to enrollment status in a course that conflicts with another waitlisted course, you will be bumped from the waitlisted course and not enrolled. A student cannot be waitlisted for more than one section of a certain course (i.e. a student cannot be waitlisted for more than one Math 130 section).
- All Deans and Directors will apply and attempt to register for a class to have a better understanding of the registration process.
- A. Garten will set up student focus groups to gain their feedback. Specific questions or objectives for this focus group can be sent to Marta Maaza and A. Garten.