Student Body Government
The “HELM”
Leadership Package
For Class Officers
Due date: Friday April 22nd - in the front office.
Congratulations on taking the first steps to becoming a leader in the Allatoona Community. Your journey will be fun and a great educational experience. It will be very demanding on your time, and will require integrity, determination and dedication to do all tasks to the best of your abilities, with a lot of initiative.
Before committing to be a member of the Executive Committee, consider your responsibilities for the 2016-2017 school year. The HELM will need to be an important priority for you. Your responsibilities to HELM activities are important and will require your attention and participation. Executive Committee, as leaders of the HELM, has a higher obligation than general membership. Think about how you will give the several hours needed each week for meetings, projects, and your responsibilities when you may also be involved in sports, other organizations, or a job. We want you to be involved, but don’t over commit yourself to more responsibilities than you can handle. We want you to succeed academically, morally, and socially.
Executive Committee Member Responsibilities:
1. Be a leader of character and integrity!!!
2. Attend all AHS HELM meetings
- Executive Board Meetings are Tuesday mornings at 7:30am
- Additional Meetings may be required as large events approach
3. Plan Meetings with your Graduating Class
- Maintain class social media
- Arrange class sponsored events
- Encourage participation in sponsored HELM events as volunteers or as a group from your Graduating Class
- Provide incentives for students to pay their class dues
4. Attend all AHS HELM sponsored events
5. Attend and help plan all AHS HELM school wide sponsored events
- July 2016: Planning Retreat (organized by the Student Body President,
Student Body Vice-President and sponsors)
- August 2016: Buc Bash & Open House (Student Body President & VP)
Pencil Project (Community Service)
Academic Recognition and Honor Cards (Student Affairs)
- September 2016: Homecoming (Student Affairs)
Feed the Firefighters (Community Service)
- October 2016: Trunk or Treat (Community Service)
Daddy Daughter Dance (Community Service)
- December 2016: Shop with a Buc (Community Service)
TOP and IDEAL Student Certificates (Student Affairs)
- January 2017: Hoopcoming (Student Affairs)
Open House (Student Body President & VP)
Mini-Miracle (Community Service & UGA)
- February 2017: Sadie Hawkins Dance (Freshmen Class)
- March 2017: Shoebox Party (Community Service)
- April 2017: Pickett’s Mill Spring Fling (Community Service)
Honors Night (Primarily Sophomores)
- May 2017: Teacher Appreciation (Student Body President & VP)
TOP and IDEAL Student Certificates (Student Affairs)
Graduation (All HELM members)
6. Be a vital link of information: Report on all activities of the HELM to the student body via face-to-face encounters and social media.
7. Listen to the concerns of the group you represent at all times and express these views at AHS HELM Executive Board meetings.
8. Be a motivating force and support for all School activities.
ü Please be prepared to attend an interview, which you will receive notice of by April 29th. Interviews will be conducted during the first two weeks of May. *We understand that this is a busy time with AP exams and are willing to work around your schedule. Please let us know which AP exams you’re taking during these weeks so that we can plan accordingly.*
AP Exams- ______
ü You will receive notice no later than Friday, May 13th as to whether your position Class Officer Position.
Please hand out the following teacher recommendations to two teachers and remind them they are due Friday, April 22nd.
Dear ______,
I would like to run for a 2016-2017 Helm Executive Committee Position. I would appreciate your help in making that possible by completing this recommendation and returning it to the HELM Recommendations box in the mailroom by Friday, April 22nd
Thank You,
______(student signature)
Please list one strength, and one weakness of the student. Encouraged areas of focus are reliability, leadership potential, integrity, etc. but you should feel free to write about whatever you deem as most significant in helping us accurately assess and analyze this student’s abilities and intangibles
Please DO NOT return this teacher recommendation to the student. Please place it in the box in the mailroom by Friday, April 22nd.
Dear ______,
I would like to run for a 2016-2017 Helm Executive Committee Position. I would appreciate your help in making that possible by completing this recommendation and returning it to the HELM Recommendations box in the mailroom by Friday, April 22nd
Thank You,
______(student signature)
Please list one strength, and one weakness of the student. Encouraged areas of focus are reliability, leadership potential, integrity, etc. but you should feel free to write about whatever you deem as most significant in helping us accurately assess and analyze this student’s abilities and intangibles
Please DO NOT return this teacher recommendation to the student. Please place it in the box in the mailroom by Friday, April 22nd.
Allatoona High School HELM Executive Committee
Class Officer Application, Essay and Promise
Name: ______Applicant Cell #: ______
Home Phone: ______Email: ______
Homeroom Teacher: ______Homeroom Room Number: ______
I would like to run for an office on the Executive Committee for the following class:
(please circle one for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year)
Senior (c/o 2017) junior (c/o 2018) sophomore (c/o 2019)
Class Officer Executive Committee Positions are assigned according to the number of votes received. If you receive the top number of votes from the student body you will be assigned the position of President. If you receive the second highest votes from the student body you will be assigned the position of Vice-President. Since some students do not want to commit the amount of time required for the Presidency position, please check below and initial where indicated if you do not want the Presidency position even if you get the highest number of votes.
Check here if you DO NOT want to be President. ______Initials
Please write as much as you need to answer the following question. If you need more space, please attach a piece of paper. 1- Why do you want to be a class officer? 2- What qualities, or other ideas for potential class events do you have that can aid in building a more cohesive and functioning graduating class?
I do solemnly promise that if I am appointed as a HELM Executive Committee member, I will perform all the student government duties assigned to me to the best of my ability. I know that this Executive Committee position will require several hours of work each week and I am willing to devote the time needed to do my job right the first time. I do understand that my obligations to HELM have priority.
I understand that as an Executive Committee member, I am expected to uphold the integrity of the Allatoona student government (HELM) and to use good judgment and behavior while representing Allatoona High School and The HELM. I realize that my actions off campus are accountable to the integrity of the organization and a testament to my integrity and leadership.
I understand that this application is for review purposes and does not constitute an automatic approval for selection to run for a class officer position. Teacher recommendations, attendance, tardies, discipline (includes Saturday School, ISS and OSS), and GPA will also be taken into consideration.
I have made preparations for a MANDATORY meeting Friday, April 15th at 7:30am in room 2303 if I am chosen to run for an Executive Committee position.
Signature Date
As the parent of the above student, I understand the amount of time required of a student who is an active HELM Executive Committee member. I will provide transportation as needed for this student to attend before and after school activities as bus transportation is normally not provided. Lack of transportation will never be the reason my child cannot make a HELM mandatory event. Although some events cost money for all students, I am aware that as much consideration as possible is given to HELM Executive Committee members for the out-of-pocket expense to be a minimum.
Parent signature Date
REMINDER: This application is due Friday, April 22nd!
Please place this application in the helm application box in the front office