St Monica’s Primary School Newsletter
May 2016
Learners today, leaders tomorrow
Parent Council
Our Parent Council have organised a family ceilidh event in St James the Great Church Hall on Saturday 21st May from 7-10pm. Tickets are £4 for an adult and £2 for a child. Music will be provided by members of the St James the Great ceilidh band. Tickets are available from Parent Council members in the playground, the school office or you can email
I do hope you are able to support this family event – I know there are great dancers among you! Please remember to bring your own drinks and snacks.
The parent Council will also organise a ‘Shorts n Shades’ disco for all pupils on Thursday 9th June. P1-3 disco will be from 6.30-7.15pm and P4-7 will be 7.30-8.30pm. More information about this event will be issued later.
I wish to thank the Parent Council for continuing to work with the school and the time and effort they put in to organising events for our children.
Summer School Trips
This year our P1 – 6 children will all have a trip to Finlaystone Country Park and the P7 pupils will go to M and D’s fun park.
Monday 6th June – P4-6
Wednesday 8th June – P1-3
Tuesday 14th June – P7
A letter detailing the cost per pupil and consent form will be sent out soon.
Open Afternoon
We were due to have our annual Open Afternoon on Friday 20th May however, the majority of our primary 7 pupils will be at Lourdes Secondary so we have decided it would be best to reschedule the event. It will now take
place on Thursday 26th May at 1.45pm.There will be a short presentation from some pupils in the hall, you will then have the opportunity to visit your child in their class. As always we look forward to welcoming you into the school.
Parent/Carer Survey
Later this week you will receive a questionnaire as we wish to find out your views about the school. Please take time to fill out the survey as your views are important to us as we want to ensure we work with you to take the school forward.
Rights Respecting School Award
On Monday 16th May Frances Bestley and Martin Russell from UNICEF will visit the school to determine if we have achieved the level 2 award. Everyone has worked very hard to take this initiative forward and we are hopeful that we will do well.
School Issues
As you may be aware the school building has suffered from vandalism by local youths in recent weeks. If you witness any damage being done to the school please report the incident to the police. We appreciate your help in this matter and hope it will be resolved soon.
Dates for your Diary
Monday 16th May – Rights Respecting Assessment
Tuesday 17th May – Pre Entrant Visit One for all new P1 pupils starting school in August – 9.15 – 10.30
Thursday 19th and Friday 20th May – P7 Induction days for pupils who are moving onto Lourdes Secondary.
Saturday 21st May – Family Ceilidh 7-10pm in St James the Great Hall
Tuesday 24th May – Second visit to school for new Primary One pupils from 9.15 – 11am
Thursday 26th May – Parent Open Afternoon at 1.45pm
Friday 27th May - HOLIDAY
Saturday 28th May - First Holy Communion Mass in St James the Great at 11am
Monday 30th May - HOLIDAY