BOGOTÁ, COLOMBIA, August 13, 2016 – Colombia is today struggling with what conservatives call “life-style” and liberals “gender” issues with regard to the LBGT population.
This past August 10 there were demonstrations throughout the country to protest the addition of voluntary LBGT measures in the National guidelines for all schools. Many mostly catholic private schools that opposed the measures came out in force, using the parents as proxies. This was further augmented by other groups that also opposed the voluntary measures. They apparently prevailed as the government withdrew the measures.
The proposed guidelines included the inclusion in the curriculum of children in lower grades of explanations of LBGT facts, that to many were seeing as alternatives to traditional heterosexual sex education. Others included unisex uniforms for private schools and the addition of gender-neutral bathrooms. These guidelines were closely associated with the current Minister of Education, Gina Parody a self-acknowledged Lesbian. However, their provenance is tied to National and International agreements related to equal treatment of the LBGT community.
Of the many postings on social media, those that showed priests or nuns rejoicing in the large turn-outs and those showing cartoon-like photos can possibly be considered typical. Of the latter one showing a pig dressed in human clothing in the foreground with text debating the gender of the pig and its appropriate attire synthesized the opposition.
As the dust started to settle, some speculated that this could have been a Pyrrhic victory. A scattered and un-scientific survey showed that even some conservatives believed that the open participation by members of the clergy was ill advised/conceived as it took validity away from the valid opposition of the public and instead turned it into a quasi-religious issue. There was also mention to Pope Francis’ recent statement marking a more accepting treatment of the LGBT community by the Church.
A wide speculation also tied the pulling back of the voluntary guidelines to threats by the opposition to block the on-going peace agreement with the FARC. This process is entering a critical phase and is President Santos pet project. (Paraphrasing an old saying: One should never watch the making of sausage and politics too closely.)
The LBGT history in Colombia parallels the one in other countries in the hemisphere. During the late 1960s decade, the movement started to come out of the closet. The excesses of the 1970s were followed by the AIDs scare and the movement shifting into a recovery mode. It also has a typical Colombian flavor as in the decade of the 1980s, anti-guy groups offered rewards of up to $500 USD for the killing of guys. On the other hand, gay pride parades and guy support groups are common in all large cities in the country.
Sexual education in Colombian schools is varied, but follows a pattern. Children are gradually told of procreation by literally teaching about the birds and bees or more accurately the plants, the birds and the bees. These teachings are more a Biology introduction than actual sex education. As the children grow into adolescence, schools provide information depending on what the student’s parents dictate. In fact, parents are invited to witness and participate in the actual classes. Catholic schools teach abstinence as the only way of traversing the critical teen years. The teachings of LBGT issues is hetero-centric and seen by many if not as an aberration as a life-style issue. Of course people from different regions can have a different approach. For example people from the North (Caribbean Coast) and Central Western departments (Valle del Cauca) tend to be freer in their thinking. As is normal, people from the same region may also have different view on gender issues.
Notwithstanding the growing Evangelical movement in Colombia (that call themselves “Christians”), it is likely that some accommodation will come out of this impasse. Colombians are if anything flexible and pragmatic in what relates (possible) religious issues. The Catholics in Colombia with some exceptions see Church teachings and Bible concepts as symbols, not as literal rules of life. A progressive Pope may make this transition smoother.
Mario Salazar, the 21st Century Pacifist, is a Colombian expatriate, free-thinker agnostic. He is in Twitter (@chibcharus), Google+, LinkedIn and Facebook (Mario Salazar).