Transitional Age Youth Systems of Support Partnership

January 27th2016, 1300 - 1500

Barrie Common Roof

Present: Ashley Stewart, Megan Nicholson, Janette McGee, Céleste Lalonde, Jennipher McPhee, Nicole Lindros, Ashley Morgan, Ruth Camera, Ashley Shepherd, Sandra Cole, Carolyn Walsh

Teleconference: Cheryl Roffe, Stacey Demaine, Janice Greco, Gwen Jones

Members introduced themselves.
November 25th, 2015 Meeting Notes
No changes required.
Working Groups/Substructures:
  • Youth Engagement –No new communication as next meeting will be Feb 10th, 2016.
  • TIP Model Community of Practice:
  • Updates: Over the past 6 months the Community level CoP, under the leadership of Jenny Wylie and Trish Harrison, has undertaken a number of activities with the goal to evaluate the objectives and activities of the CoP to determine if it was meeting the needs of the community, and make any necessary improvements.
  • Activities included:
  • Hosted COP mtg in summer of 2015, which focused on ideas for moving forward and improving.
  • CoP co-chairs, SBT’s and CAMH Implementation team met to discuss future of the CoP in Sept & Oct 2015 and Jan 2016.
  • Distributed survey regarding CoP to all TIP trained providers. Out of 325 providers, 44 responses were received generally indicating that people are interested in participating but often lack the time, resources and support to attend.
  • Meeting was called for all TIP leads in Nov 2016 to follow up with the CoP survey results to help collectively plan the future of the TAY SoS TIP Model CoP and to discuss some effective strategies for implementation. There were very few TIP leads present at this meeting. A number of challenges were addressed related to implementation at the CoP. A number of solutions were put forth to move the CoP forward.
  • The CoP co-chairs requested that the TIP Leads discuss these solutions with their TIP Teams using a SODAS activity. Only 2 agencies responded.
  • Based on feedback provided from the activities and other informal conversations, the CoP Chairs feel that it is best to put the system level CoP on hold, until it is determined that this type of group is valuable and that providers trained in TIP across Simcoe/Muskoka have the time, support and resources to actively participate in the CoP.
  • Until that time, the CoP suggests the following possible recommendations:
  • Strengthen and support internal CoP within agencies.
  • Develop a process for peer to peer sharing between similar agencies.
  • Distribute TIP-focused newsletter.
  • Next Steps: TAY SoS to review recommendations and to potentially identify TAY SoS members that would be able to put time/resources towards developing them further. TAY SoS Steering Committee to inform TIP leads that the system level CoP is not currently active.
  • Discussion amongst the steering committee:
  • Could CoP be moved to ENet Connect so that info can still be shared? It could be useful as a Q&A space. Jennipher McPhee of Georgian College offered to keep the site active if ENet is chosen as an information sharing space.
  • Céleste offered to send info out about ENet and it was mentioned that once signed up for it you receive info regarding webinars, trainings, etc.
  • Suggestion for trainers to do a refresher for TIP Leads after they return from their recertification in California. This would allow the Leads to decide what they can handle as a workload with implementing TIP in their agency/community.
  • Evaluation Working Group:
  • Céleste gave a brief update that Kristen Morin will no longer be with CAMH as of January 28th but the evaluation working group will continue with Mike Dunn and Doug Moore as co-chairs. Mike agreed to share information at the summit in Toronto on April 7 & 8.
  • Agencies that are evaluatinginclude CMHA Simcoe, CMHA Muskoka Parry Sound, New Path, Catulpa, and Simcoe Community Services.
  • Communication Form successes/updates:
  • Kristen’s leadership will be missed.
  • Shaunna Brady will be on leave from Waypoint until April 2016. Her contribution to the Working Group will be missed.
  • TAY/TIP Evaluation Working Group meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month, and will now be co-chaired by Mike Dunn –CMHA and Doug Moore –New Path.
  • Shaunna has requested support from Waypoint Research & Academic department for support with TIP.
  • Doug reported that more residential staff at New Path are being trained in TIP.
  • Mike reports good use of fidelity probes; working with Alex to prepare a presentation on the implementation of TIP. Mike is exploring the question of whether TIP has contributed to a decrease in hospitalizations. Thirty staff trainedin TIP.
  • Agency stats for TIP are now maintained by each agency.
  • Challenges:
  • As we continue to meet, we hope to invite other agency members to the working group. All meetings have been by teleconference. However, we no longer have access to the CAMH Teleconference phone number.
  • Action Items:
  • Up until Jan 14, 2016 we had access to CAMH teleconference phone # for all meetings. This is no longer accessible. Does the TAY SoS Partnership have funds to provide for a teleconference phone number? Need response before next meeting on Feb 10th.
  • CYFS Coalition of Simcoe, Planning Table:
  • In support of the strategic plan of resilience, the Coalition Planning Table will be helping Work Groups and networks align their work in support of the strategic direction. Turn the Curve reports are being collected from the 15 working groups, including the TAY SoS. The Planning Table will give feedback on the reports and do an analysis to find where the gaps/overlaps are occurring. Multiple committees could be looking at warm transfer for families/youth to other services. The Planning Table is looking for opportunities for service improvement for everyone while working toward the goal of increasing resiliency for youth and families. Sandra Cole will be acting as a liaison bringing information to the Coalition from the TAY SoS as well as other committees she sits on.
  • Question raised regarding Turn the Curve exercise, asking if the Coalition wants the exercise to be about the TAY SoS Partnership including the subgroups as a whole, or specifically from one subgroup out of the TAY SoS. Sandra responded that it is whatever needs change, whether it’s the Partnership or a specific subgroup; it is entirely the decision of the TAY SoS. Doing more than one Turn the Curve is also an option. Suggestion for the Turn the Curve to look at the agencies that are using TIP consistently and make it a goal to increase the use.
  • TAY SoS Member Participation in the Community:
  • 8 members of the Partnership responded to the request to submit a list of TAY-related committees that they take part in aside from the TAY SoS and subgroups. Some members mentioned committees that they are aware of but they don’t take part in them.
  • Trillium Funding Update:
  • No new update at this time.
  • Feb 27th Family Summit Orillia:
  • Ashley Morgan discussed the summit, which is occurring at Geneva Park on Saturday, Feb 27th. She is hoping for 80 people; to date 40 have signed up.
  • Nicole Lindros with Georgian College and Daniel Afram with EPI will be doing a workshop with the youth titled “Where am I going, and how do I get there”.
  • There will be 14 service provider booths set up.
  • CMHA will do an impromptu performance during lunch
  • The afternoon will have a choice between yoga/meditation or to attend a teaching by John Rice.
  • Suggestion for Ashley M to bring this information to the youth engagement group again to help gather more youth at the event as it currently has more families signed up than youth.
  • TAY SoS Visioning Day:
  • Ruth Cameron, Terry LeBlanc, Sandra Cole, and Carolyn Walsh will be meeting with Best Start on March 8th to discuss/get tips on how they’ve moved things forward with their services. The TAY SoS will then plan a Visioning Day to figure out how to move things forward with CAMH leaving their role in the Partnership. Discuss the work of the committee and create a 2-year plan to decide on goals the Partnership wants to obtain.
  • The visioning day will also help to reduce duplication of TAY-related projects within the community.
  • Updates from agencies & Community Committees:
  • Sandra Cole (Coalition): New Path has a 3 year plan to create a Core Services Plan to look at what services exist today, and then create the Community Mental Health Plan. Sandra will be working with New Path one day per week to facilitate the creation of this template. 69 organizations will receive a survey asking what kind of mental health services they provide, if any protocols are in place, and what, in their opinion, are the top 3 priorities in Simcoe County regarding youth mental health. The survey will go out Feb 1st and will need to be returned by Feb 26th.
  • Janette McGee (YMCA): There will be a youth leadership day for Crown Ward youth on Feb 23rd at Geneva Park. Any youth aged 16-24 from Simcoe Muskoka can attend and bring a friend if they wish. The cost is free; Janette will send the link to Ashley Shepherd to forward onto the Partnership and to Sandra Cole to forward onto the Coalition. This will be funded by the Crown Ward Education Team. Last year 75 youth/teachers/support workers attended.
  • YMCA has also opened registration for self-employment opportunities. One for youth to run a new summer business and receive advice and mentorship from local business leaders through “Summer Company”. The YMCA is also offering this type of program but the youth don’t have to be in school and they will be able to run their business for 6 months. 30 spots are available. The group was asked to contact Janette for more information.
  • Nicole Lindros (Georgian College): Nicole’s position as a Transition Worker at Georgian is going well. She has a couple students with mental health/addiction problems who are considering applying for post-secondary education. Nicole will email a flyer/description of her services to Ashley Shepherd to share with the Partnership. Nicole is able to travel anywhere that has a Georgian College location and she can meet with/help anybody.
  • Ashley Morgan (CMHA): There will be a STACD conference on March 30th. $50 for community partners to attend, youth leaders attending for free. There will be a total of 225 people in attendance. There will be a mentor guide training coming up to allow STACD to continue after the 3-year funding is up. Ashley Morgan will send the STACD Conference poster to Ashley Shepherd to share with the Partnership.
  • “Jamming for Jamie” at the Roxie theatre on Jan 27th. Honeymoon Suite will be headlining the concert along with other bands to raise money for Mental Health Awareness.
  • Summit on Children & Youth Mental Health.
  • Céleste distributed a flyer and discussed the Youth Summit occurring in Toronto April 7th and 8th.
  • The Ontario Coalition for Children and Youth mental Health are hosting a Summit centered on “Moving from Policy to Practice through Collaboration”.
  • Simcoe Muskoka is participating in one of the workshops at the summit. Alex Harrison and Mike Dunn will be offering the workshop “Developing a System of Supports for Transition Age Youth in Simcoe Muskoka”. They will include a lot of discussion around the TIP Model. They’ve been asked to present their info/slides to the Partnership once completed.
  • Trillium Lakelands District School Board will also provide a workshop.
  • TIP Model Sustainability Update:
  • Sustainability Resource Update:
  • Celeste did a PowerPoint presentation to show the group where things are at and how to find answers now that she is no longer available as support to the TAY SoS Partnership.
  • Celeste went through the TIP and TAY SoS Partnership Orientation Package that she created. This has been distributed to the Partnership members.
  • Celeste mentioned the Implementation Package that will be coming out in February. It will be a guide for agencies to help them with implementation of the TIP Model. It will be printable as a booklet and will be available to share with anyone who has questions regarding the TIP Model.
  • Celeste discussed the Question & Answer document focusing on communication, training, coaching, and evaluation of TIP. The group decided to add the document to the Coalition website as none of the information within it is private.
  • Request for decision on TIP Training locations for Spring/Winter 2016 and Fall 2017.
  • Wait to discuss dates until it is decided if it will be a full training or a refresher for already-trained staff.
/ Ashley & Céleste to send out communication to TIP leads informing them that the CoP is not currently active.
Ashley to send another reminder asking members to submit their list of committees.
Next Meeting: March 30th, 2016 1-3, Barrie Common Roof