Main Street Gray
Summer 2014 Daylily Festival
Parental Consent and Release of Liability
In consideration of our child, ______,
being able to participate in the June 6th & 7th, 2014 as part of a function sponsored by Main Street Gray, we acknowledge that working in the vicinity of streets and roads can be a hazardous activity. Nevertheless, we grant permission for our child to participate in this activity and assume all risks associated with this work. We waive all claims for damages against the City of Gray and its officers and employees, and against Main Street Gray and its officers and volunteers, for injury to our child’s person or property, including death and destruction, and resulting injuries and damages to us, that may arise from this activity. We release the city and its officers, employees, and volunteers and agree to hold them harmless from any such liability.
Print Name of Parent or Guardian Home Address
Signature of Parent or Guardian Phone Number