Growing Together – Children, Parents and Teachers
Funding Explanation – Title 1, which is the largest entitlement funding that the
Federal Government supplies to schools, has included a 1% grant of total
Title 1 Funding for schools to be used to create programs between the school
system and home. Parent involvement is deemed very important for NCLB. If
Title 1 dollars aren’t used to provide a true “school to home connection”
each year, the dollars must be returned to the Federal Government. Title 1 provides billions ofdollars to school systems every year for providing education to disadvantaged
students. Providing a program for parents can offer us yet another opportunity to service our schools.
A Unique Parent Involvement Program
The research indicates that getting parents involved improves student achievement and facilitates communication between the parents and teachers. As the child’s first and most important teacher, we have developed a program that will not only give each child a jump start by improving reading and writing skills, but it will help parents to better understand what is truly happening in school by involving them directly in the skill development process. Parents will have the opportunity to work along with their child as their skills improve and their self esteem soars.MY Access! combined with a package of parent training and supportdelivered both on site and online, will result in increased student achievement as well as involved and enthusiastic parents.
Another Opportunity to Work with a School or District
This program is designed to respond to a perceived need as well as to provide another potential opportunity to work with a school or district.
Program Components
1. MY Access!
- A school will receive additional MY Access! licenses to use as part of this offering. This award winning program is aligned to the child’s state standards and has links to other essential resources. This program can be used at home on the family computer, at the library, in the child’s after school program or in the classroom.
2. Workshops for Parents- Helping Your Child ToBe
Successful at School (Two hour sessions offered On- site or via the Web)
- Session 1 –Getting ready to use MY Access! Becoming computer savvy
- Session 2–The Ins and Outs of using the program; information that you and your child need to know
- Session 3 through 10 – Ongoing Parent/Child Support; Enhancing Parent Participation
Some Writing Basics
Writing to Read
Reading to Write
Using feedback information to enhance achievement
Maximizing the teachable moment
Communicating with your child’s teacher
Looking for informal communications opportunities
The Link between home and school
Indirect involvement in school; what you can do
Parents as allies in the education process
3.Implementation strategies
- On site Workshops will be offered evenings and weekends
- Workshops will also be offered via the web
- Additional workshops will be offered as requested by the school or district
- Additional support will be offered via e-mail or telephone